

My new story heolstor.heolstor means 'the darkness' in old English and dark and evil magic is a main focus of the story. I will only continue this story if I get reviews and/or interest in the story.

Disclaimer- I don't own Merlin and if I did I wouldn't have to write a fanfic.



Summary: His magic under control of an evil sorcerer Merlin is forced to betray Arthur and Camelot. Unable to see what's truly right and wrong will he be able to overcome the sorcerer and get his destiny back on track? Or will he be lost forever to the powers of the dark?


The sound of the drums didn't help with the melancholy atmosphere. All eyes looked sadly, and a few with hatred, at the person who was being marched towards the pyre. In the many years that the boy had been in Camelot none would have suspected him of being a sorcerer. He was probably one of the most trusted, friendly and caring people in Camelot but apparently that had all been a lie; a cover so he could worm his way into the hearts of those in Camelot and fool them into trusting him.

But those who knew he well couldn't believe he had been a traitor all along, surly it was all some big misunderstanding. If he was evil wouldn't he have tried to escape his fate of death, made some big speech about how he would have revenge and then disappear in a swirl of wind and not sit and accept that he would die? Maybe all magic wasn't evil. That was something, though, that the answer will probably never be found as long as king Uther holds such hatred towards magic. Perhaps there was hope that his son, Prince Arthur Pendragon, would understand that magic wasn't bad but that outcome seemed very unlikely to happen as the boy had lost much to magic as well.

An eerie silence filled the courtyard as the sorcerer was tied to pyre and stood with his head bowed, accepting his fate. The crowds waited in silence for something to happen. Breaking the heavy silence the king stepped forward, glaring at the sorcerer below him, and opened his mouth,

'You have been found guilty of using magic and enchantments; according to the laws of Camelot you will be killed. Any last words?'

The boy kept staring at the ground, as if he wasn't going to say anything. Taking it that nothing was going to be said the king continued. 'light the—' 'wait' the boy had lifted his head and had turned to face the king, his face showing no emotions.

'I gave you your chance to speak,' the king growled 'so it's too late now.' Ignoring the king the boy continued 'I know your listening Arthur' a brief smile founds its way onto his face, the prince was not on the balcony with his father but the boy knew that the prince would be somewhere listening. 'so I tell you this, never give up.' With that said a spell rolled off his tong and the pyre burst into flames so strong that the heat could be felt metres away.

The raging fire kept burning until late afternoon when all that was left was a pile of burnt wood and ashes.

Only two people remained, one hiding her face in the older man's clothes, tears streaming down her face. 'Why did he do that Gaius?' the girl sobbed. Looking down at the girl the man, Gaius, shook his head 'I don't know Gwen,' he soothed 'I wish I did though.' He raised his head to look at the burnt remains of the pyre and sighed. How had it come to this?

1 week ago...

'Arthur stop being so jumpy, you're worse than Merlin!'

He glared at Gwain; he had a right to be nervous. Today was what seemed like, a perfect day. The sun was shining, nothing disastrous and potentially life threatening things had happened lately and things were calm. The perfect time for something to go wrong so, naturally, he was on edge.

'Shut up Gwain, don't you think that its days like this when something always goes wrong?' Gwain paused and considered this for a moment before shrugging 'perhaps it does, perhaps it doesn't but there's no need to jump at every sound.'

'Yeah well don't blame me if we get ambushed.' Somewhere behind him a heard a groan and guessing who it came from he grinned.

'Scared, Merlin.'

Merlin scowled at him 'Whenever you say something like that it all ends in disaster.'

He was about to reply when a twig snapped from somewhere around them but dismissing it as some kind of wild animal he continued. Snap. This time he stopped, surly that wasn't a coincidence. Looking round widely he tried to locate the source of the noise, unsheathing his sword as did the other knights.

'Told you so' Merlin had come up behind him and was grinning even though he could tell that he was dreading what was about to happen. 'Merlin now is not the time to get smug.' Merlin just smiled and shrugged, it wasn't everyday he got to say "I told you so" to the Prince.

It was then that, with an almighty battle cry, a group of about 10 bandits came running from the bushes weapons raised above their heads ready to swing and kill.


Taking a deep breath he looked around the clearing and studied the effects of the small yet horrid battle. The group of now dead bandits had wanted to cause havoc and had certainly done that. Leon was led on the floor and Elyan was sat next to him obviously trying to treat his wounds, Percival and Gwain were stood supporting each other both staring at Lancelot who was stood at the edge of the clearing blood dripping down the side of his head. Arthur swallowed a lump that had appeared in his throat. It wasn't the fact that Lancelot was injured that scared him; it was that Lancelot was looking round the clearing trying to find something, no someone he realised with dread. Merlin, Merlin was missing.

A few minutes ago...

Dodging a sword Merlin raised his hand and shot of blast of magic towards the unsuspecting bandit making him smack into a tree. With a small wince of sympathy he turned around to see if anyone was in need of a little bit of help. Content that no one was in trouble at the moment he stood and wondered what to do. Distracted he didn't hear the footsteps of someone approaching until said person had tripped him up and he had landed face first into the ground.

'You need to pay attention in battle boy.'

Lifting his head Merlin glared at the bandit who was now stood above him. He had shoulder length dark brown hair and creepy dark blue eyes. A sinister grin spread across his face.

'What do you want?' He growled.

'I wouldn't be so disrespectful, boy. Look around you.'

Confused Merlin looked around and for the first time noticed that everyone else was frozen in time, swords raised or just about to hit someone. Even the bandits were frozen. He growled in frustration this could be a problem but, he suddenly realised, it could also be used as an advantage, if everyone was frozen no one would be able to see him do magic.

'I'll ask again,' he repeated 'what do you want?'

The bandit paused 'I want lots of things, boy. I want money, I want power but what I truly want is you; Emrys.

A sense of dread hit him. If anyone knew of the name the druids called him it always meant that something bad was going to happen. That name always meant trouble.

'I can tell you are confused Emrys.'

He shook his head as he didn't trust himself to talk. He didn't want the bandit, or sorcerer he guessed, to hear him waver, for his voice to betray how he was feeling.

He was scared, no, he was terrified. He never usually got scared in the face of danger but there was something about this man that made him scared. It wasn't until a few moments ago he truly realised what it was that scared him so much. He could feel the sorcerer's magic, it was wild and evil and felt like it didn't belong. That's what's scared him the most, this man stole people's magic to use for himself.

And now he was after his magic.


Was it good? Bad? Let me know please otherwise I might not continue.

Review! Make me happy. ^-^ Please.