DISCLAIMER: All except Beth and Aisling belong to George Lucas. All hail the Great Flannelled One. But Aisling belongs to me and Beth belongs to a friend and we belong to ourselves, dammit!

AUTHOR: ihadanepiphany

This is the result to too much time spent with nothing to do, revising for a major state exam doesn't count as anything you know, and too many conversations with my friend who is just as much as a lunatic as I am, sometimes worse.

Beth and Aisling are based on us, so if you're finding yourself lost, you're in good company!

There are inside jokes, but if you would be so kind as to point them out, then I will try my best to clear them up.

Enough chatter! On with the show!

'Are too.'

'Are not.'

'Are too.'

'Are not.'

'Are too.'

'Are not.'

Vader watched the combatants, wondering for the millionth tie what they were on about, what he was doing there, and why didn't just turn his own lightsaber on himself.

'Beth, the F1 generation of a homozygous dominant and a homozygous recessive if heterozygous dominant.'

'Yes Aisling, but the f2 generation is one homozygous recessive, one homozygous dominant and two heterozygous dominant.'

'What's F2 generation got to do with anything? I don't want to know about F2 generation. Just F1, only F1, that's it.'


'She gets it at last! A miracle has occurred this night! Er, day!'

'Shut the hell up Aisling.'

'Bloody make me Beth.'

Vader cleared his throat.

'What are you two on about now?'

Aisling looked from the books that were scattered all over the table in front of her. She was a human female from, whatever plant they were on now, with long brown hair, green eyes and a habit of stabbing her eraser with her pen.

'Genetics,' she said.

'Basic genetics,' Beth added, not looking up from her book. She was also a human female native to the planet. She had brown hair as well, though shorter and thicker than her friends, she had eyes of blue that regularly went form ice to fire at a seconds notice, while Aislings went from sarcastic humour to rage and back.

The two females were sitting opposite each other at a large table, their books and notes taking up all available room. Vader stood at the wall, keeping an uneasy eye n them.

He'd arrived somehow on this planet that showed on no charts or records and had walked into the first dwelling he came to. Since then he'd been yelled at, ignored, questioned, teased and had to act as referee at a number of small scuffles. And they three were the sole occupants of the house!

At least he had the Force, this was the only thing that stopped him from going completely nuts. He couldn't figure out how he'd let these two survive this long. Their behaviour was intolerable, their disrespect was unbelievable and, Aisling in particular, acted with such familiarity towards him that he'd more then once been forced to keep the table between them. The other one, Beth, just seemed to acknowledge him and that was that. Why were they still living?

A high-pitched ringing sounded.

'Your turn,' Aisling muttered, still poring over her genetics notes. Beth growled to herself but reached across to the phone. Vader leaned forward, a type of primitive comlink, how interesting.

'Hello? Beth said half-interested, still looking at her maths notes. The she sat up and grinned slyly. 'Mrs o' Connell, how are you?' Vader watched as Aislings head snapped up, a look of panic crossing her face. ~No~ she mouthed, making go away motions with her hands. 'Aisling?' ~No, you bitch no!~ 'Yes she's here.' Beth held the phone out, smirking. 'It's for you.' Glowering, Aisling took the phone.

'Hey mum, yeah, yeah, no, yeah.' She scribbled something on a piece of paper and held it up so that Beth could read it. It said; "You will die a horrible death at my hand." Beth laughed quietly, grinning madly at her fiends discomfiture. 'Yes mum.' Aisling grabbed her pen and took careful aim. 'No I haven't.' The pen sped towards the target. 'Yeah, I'll do that.' The eraser never had a chance. 'No, I wont forget.' Having destroyed the eraser, she threw the pen across the room at a bulls-eye target pinned up on the wall. 'Dinner?' she asked suddenly, eyes going wide. Vader saw the smile disappear from Beth's face as the girl made no! no! gestures. 'But, but,' Aisling stammered, trying to get out. 'I have guests!' she cried, seeing Vader standing by the wall. 'No they cant come. I'm sure. No mum. No. Yes! God no! Okay, okay, yeah, alright, okay.' Aisling relaxed, the threat had passed, likewise Beth slumped in her chair. Suddenly Aisling shot to her feet, a look of absolute horror on her face. 'Who?' she asked in a voice that was only slightly more strained than normal. 'Uncle Pete?' Beths expression flickered from dread to glee and back at Aislings predicament. 'He's where? When? But, no, no I cant. Mum I cant. Mum no. No, I'm not. No I'm not!' she paused as her mother obviously cut her off, Beth on the other hand had settled for sniggering to herself and getting on with her maths. 'But. He. I.' She sighed, hanging her head. 'Alright, alright, I'll come.' She glared at Beth who flashed a smug grin at her. 'Oh mum, can I bring a friend?' Aisling jumped backwards as Beth shot out of her chair and made a grab for the phone. 'Yeah, Beth. Yeah, she'd love to come.' Beth clapped her hands over her mouth to prevent Aislings mother from hearing her, though Vader could make out exactly what she was yelling. 'No, no problem. We'll be there. Next Saturday. Yeah, okay bye.' Aisling cut her mother off and carefully set the phone down on the table, then aimed a kick at her bag that sent it flying across the dining room and out into the kitchen.

'I'm not bloody going to bloody dinner with your bloody Uncle Pete!' Beth yelled. 'I can remember what happened last time!

'So can I, which is why you're going,' Aisling told her firmly. 'You're the only one who'll stop me from jumping across the table and killing him with my soup spoon.'

'And why would I do that?'

'Cos I'll be wearing your blue dress.' Vaders helmet swivelled to see how she'd take this shot.

'The hell you are! I just bought it. I haven't even worn it yet!'

'And?' Aisling shot back. 'I let you wear my new dress to that date last week? You know, the black one that came back white?'

Vader was extremely glad that the girls couldn't see his face, though they may have guessed something from the odd noises from his respirator.

Beth flushed red.

'That wasn't my fault,' she grumbled. Aisling started laughing.

'I know a certain guy or three who'd disagree with you on that one. And you never paid me for the dry-cleaning.' Aisling cringed. 'I still haven't got the nerve to go back for it. So you owe me girl, you owe me big.'

'Which is why I'm going to the dinner with you.'

'Oh no, you're going to the dinner because if you don't I'll find out exactly what size boot your ass takes and then you'll go anyway.' Vader was slumped against the wall, literally fightin the laughter that threatened to erupt. 'You're lending me the dress to make up for my dress.'

'Lending?' Beth repeated incredulously. Aisling shrugged. 'Alright you can wear it. But this is it. I no longer owe you anything.'

'Yeah,' Aisling agreed, sitting down again. 'You no longer owe me anything for the dress. Vader couldn't breathe for the look on Beths face.

After a few minutes, silence reigned again, though Beth shot filthy looks at her fiend on a regular basis.

'What are you studying for?' Vader asked, more for the sake of asking than really wanting to know.

'We're studying for the Leaving Certificate,' Aisling answered distractedly. 'It's a damn big series of exams at the end of secondary school. Basically it tests everything we've learned for the last two years in six subjects.'

'Which means we're screwed cos we never paid attention to anything for the last two years in any subject,' Beth commented, closing her Maths and pulling her French to her.

'Oh I dunno,' Aisling said, closing her biology book. 'You seemed to pay attention in fifth-year maths,' she grinned looking for another book. 'Or at least while that sub was in. What was his name? Mac Riardan?'

'O' Riardan,' Beth corrected her, then went red as Aisling sniggered, still looking for her book. 'And that's neither here nor there, David.' (A/N this is a habit of ours, its remind someone of what/who they did in the past)

'As you say, Patrick. Where the hell is my damn English book?'

'Shut the hell up before I shove this chair up your hole. It's here.'


'You two are FRIENDS?' Vader asked, disbelieving.

'The best,' Aisling said.

'You should see what we're like to the people we don't like,' Beth smirked. 'Eh, Shirleen?' Aisling sniggered at the memory.

'That was a good day.'

'Yeah, I was there remember?' Beth reached for her mug and found it to be empty. 'Put the kettle on again Aisling, its your turn.'

'Huh?' Aisling asked, mind confuzzled (A/N this is a patented word! If I find it in any other fic then asses will be flying!) by Shakespeare. 'Oh yeah.' Taking her mug and Beths she went into the kitchen. 'Two hours more,' she called, looking at the clock.

'Yay,' Beth grumbled.

Aisling turned to fill the kettle and nearly walked into Vader.

'Excuse me,' she said, stepping around him. 'Have you nothing for doing?' Vader shrugged.

'No.' Kettle filled, Aisling plugged it in. 'What are you doing?'

'What, this? Boiling water for the tea.' She put teabags into the mugs then turned to face the Sith. 'How did you get here?' she asked at last, the question having bugged her since she opened the door to find him standing on the doorstep.

'I don't know,' he confessed. 'I had set course for a nearby base and went into a Force-sleep. When I was awakened, I was flying through the atmosphere of this planet, then I wound up here.'

'Murphy's a sadistic bastard, aint he?' Aisling commented, turning to pour the now-boiled water into the mugs.

'Murphy?' Vader asked, thrown by the apparent change in conversation.

'Murphy, as in Murphys' Law?' She guessed form the silence that he hadn't a clue. 'What ever can go wrong, will go wrong.'

'Oh yes,' Vader muttered, remembering how the Death Star had looked as it blew. 'I know that one.'

'So what were you up to?' Before the Force-sleep I mean.'

'I don't think its necessary for you to know,' he replied, a touch of anger in his voice. Aisling gave him an odd look, as if to say; who are you kidding? She shrugged and took the teabags out of the tea, put milk in one and taking both mugs, went back into the dining room.

'Beth, set his Lordship up on the Playstation will you?' she asked her friend.

'Huh?' Beth looked up from her French. Aisling repeated the request and Beth nodded. 'Alright. Come on,' she said to Vader, passing him on the way to the sitting room. 'Here,' she said handing him the control pad when she'd the console set up. Vader took the device cautiously. 'Look, the buttons control it. The X is jump. Square is crouch. Triangle is cut with the sword and Circle is jab with it. The other buttons tell the guy where to go. You steer him,' she pointed at the TV screen. 'That's you, you gotta steer him around, without getting killed, to the top level picking up the bits and pieces on the way. Right? Good.' She went back to the dining room before Vader could tell her that he hadn't caught a word of it.

He stared at the grey thing in his hand, then the figure on the screen. He pressed a button experimentally and the figure jumped. Behind his mask, Vader grinned. He could do this.

Two hours later.

Beth looked at her watch, then slammed her Home Ec book loudly.

'Woohoo!' she cried, Homer Simpson style. Aisling glanced at her watch then closed her Art History and stretched. 'Study over!' Beth yelled. 'Celebrate good times come on!' Beth disappeared into the kitchen to raid the fridge, studying always seemed to affect her stomach more than her mind.

'Oi!' Aisling yelled, racing after her. 'Don't touch the lasagne! The lasagne is mine!'

Vader looked up from the TV, the small control dangling from a black-gloved hand. Since the little buttons were too difficult to use with is thick gloves, he was manipulating the game via the Force. While he was distracted, a spear came out of nowhere and skewered his character. It was his last life. Vader stared at the screen as it went black and a red skull flashed.

'Game over?'

Beth and Aisling froze as a loud roar sounded from the sitting room.

'Beth,' Aisling said carefully. 'Vader's playing the Playstation, yeah?'


'Think he lost?'




The girls glanced at each other as they heard the Sith coming out of the sitting room, then broke and ran for it, skidding to a halt when Vaders form filled the doorway in front of them. Beth suddenly realized just how big he was, he had to bend and turn slightly sideways to get in the door.

'Er, hi?' Aisling squeaked, suddenly noticing that the black gloves were in fists and one was straying to the lightsaber on his belt.

'Do you think he's compensating for something?' Beth breathed, quoting Shrek and talking about Vaders height and girth. To Aisling of course, the comment meant something completely different. And so she promptly dissolved into a fit of giggles.

Both Beth and Vader stared at the girl who was having to lean on her friends shoulder, odd noises coming from behind the hand she had clamped over her mouth.

'What's she laughing at?' Vader asked, somewhat irked. Beth shrugged, then noticed what Aisling did and it clicked in her head.

'Oh Gods Aisling!' she cried. 'I didn't mean it like that! How could you even think of that!' She started giggling and was soon as afflicted as Aisling, who was now sitting on the floor completely unable to breathe for the laughing.

Vader stared at them for a few moments, then turned and stalked off to have another go on the Playstation. Again wondering why they still lived.

In case you haven't guess, we are lunatics. And I have the filthiest mind ever to reside in a gutter. You have been warned. So do review, or not, either way this will be continued, whether you like it or not. This cannot be stopped! It will not be stopped! And…yeah you get the picture.