AN: Omg thanks for the favs and follows sorry for the lateness of this chapter I was working on my newer story Cyberwolf's Mind, Fangirl's Mind. Anything sad in this chapter is my opinion I do not mean to offend those who like MegsXscreamer or SidesXSunny. I own nothing but my ocs.


Cathy: lol yup ^^ the sweetness

Katherine: lol they might be

Guest: maybe we don't know they're not born yeeetttttt

Ashlynn: yes one big dysfunctional family XD

Allison: awww thanks and yeaahhhh kids are cute when they do that

Lily: lol everyone seems to want them to be like their daddies

Jgoss: yup I didn't want them to be missed

Miamigal890: ehhh its okay and that's for liking it ^^

DarkshadowXsunny-sides: hehe thanks! Yeah it was the twins~ the twins wiggled their way into my top favs



Finding out the gender

A month had passed since I had gotten together with the lambo twins. I had not regretted it one bit. They were perfect father to the three younglings. It was cute whenever sides talked to my rounding belly. But I droved me nuts when it got them kicking or when he couldn't sleep and would start talking up a storm with them. I get pretty bitchy when I don't get enough sleep and yes I'm sleeping in the twins room while the younglings had my room until Skybee needs her own room. I still laugh at the time when sides was talking to my belly late one night and sunny knocked him out so that he could let us sleep.

With the younglings, they been angels. Well expect for Rev he's half angel after pranking hatchet I mean ratchet! He painted him pink with rainbows. Thank primus I calmed him down before he could hurt Rev. Instead he hurt the chev twins which thank primus didn't hurt my twins due to the sparkling ones needing their daddies.

Red alert went off when he saw me and the twins holding servos when we went to go get some energon for the twins. It was funny yet sad at the same time. Sad cause I don't know if my sparklings was going to be like their fathers in prank wise or be vain like sunny… don't tell him I said that! Funny is just how he acted when he saw us it took inferno to calm him down. Damn they were too cute for a couple. Please tell me they are together cause I would love if they were together!

I can just image the cutie sparklings they would have! Plus I can image the cuties that jazz and prowl would have. I can image lots of cutie sparklings with any of my favourite slash pairings which makes me a happy to do so. Its fun imaging these things.

Anyways today was the day we figure out if we're having mechs or femmes. I was so excited to know what they were. I hope they were femmes for Skybee's sake she need femmelings arounnd her age, even though she is a youngling she can still play with sparklings.

I laid in the berth with sunny's chest pressed again my back, with his arms wrapped around me like I was a big stuff animal and sides was in front of me. He was facing me also having his arms around me but more around my stomach as both of them were sleeping away. They looked so peace like angels but were devils when they were awake. I smiled at the sight, wonder how did they sleep without me. I started getting a mentally image but shook it away.

"ewww I don't need that mental image I always hated when people paired the twins with each other. Its better if they were paired with another person or bot but ewww that's is not hot to me. Same with Megatron and starscream. Why would they want to be together if they hate each other guts. Unless they were drunk. Gah! Stop thinking like that" I mentally scolded myself.

I growled myself before feeling nuzzling on the back of my neck. I looked and noticed that sunny was awake "morning my sunshine" I said with a giggled. I always love getting him with that in the morning.

"don't call me that star" he said softly.

Behind close doors sunny was sweet like his twin but still had his sunny attitude. He never liked being called sunny, sunshine or the other names I come up with. I called him watashi no hiatari no yoi , which means my sunny in Japanese to confuse him. I told sides what it meant and he started calling him that. After we called him that for a awhile he looked it up and growled at us saying not to call him that. He's a party pooper at times, but I still love him and his brother.

I giggled and kisses his cheek "ratchet said we can find out if were having mechs or femmes" I told him.

His optics lilted up as he smiled a rare smile "that's amazing star"

"I know but I have to get mr lazy bones up to go there and see what they. Plus get some energon for them." I said smiling at him, rubbing my belly. Before I started poking sideswipe in the helm "siiiiddddeeesssssss get upppppp or move I want to get some energon for the sparklings" I whined

Sides grumbled and nuzzled into my chest using it a pillow now. His nuzzling made me gasp and blush darkly. He started curling up to me like I was a giant teddy bear. "okay this is enough!" I though as I smacked sides upside the helm hard.

He jolted away, glaring at me "whats that for?!" he yelled

"you wouldn't stop cuddling me like a huge teddy bear so I slapped your helm to wake you up. Plus I want to see what the twins are" I told him, crossing my arms as I looked at sunny who had an amuse looked on his face. "you could just go back to sleep. Me and Sunstreaker could go and see what the twins are"

Boy did that get sides up and moving "come on lets go then"

I giggled "well sparked femme need help up now" I told him raising my arms to be help up

Both of the twins help me to my pedes, smiling at me.

"thank you boys" I said sweetly, kissing their cheeks

"no problem our femme" Sides said grinning at me.

We walked to the med bay. The twins held my servo as we walked into the med bay. I smiled as I went to go get some energon "yoooooo ratchet! Here to see the sparkling genders!" I called grabbing a cube and hopped onto the berth.

"you don't need to yell" ratchet said in his normal grumpy attitude as he grabbed the scanner to scan me.

I rolled my optics as the twins sat next to me. Ratchet scanned me and looked at the scanner waiting for the results. I smiled as we waited.

"well it seems you're having twin femmes" he told me.

My optics lilted up happily. Femmes! Twin femmes! Thank you primus! I smiled greatly "femmes" I said happily, if I had a tail it would be waggling non-stop right now. I couldn't believe it and I had the prefect names for them. Sunburst and Cyberswipe. Part of their daddies name and part that is not better the Sunbee and Starswipe. Though Starswipe would have been a good name. but there is enough ss in the family and names starts with s.

"twin femmes that are spilt sparks that's more rare" sides said grinning rubbing my stomach.

"I have two names" I said.

"oh what are they?" sunny asked me.

"Sunburst having part of sunstreakers name and Cyberswipe having park if sideswipws name" I said smiling.

"I think that's prefect for our little ones" sides said as sunny nodded his helm in agreement.

I smiled at them and rubbed my belly before hearing sparklings running in.

"mommy why didn't you wake us up?" Rev whined unhappily.

"yeah mommy why?" Starscream said, looking at me giving the Starscream pouty optics.

I giggled I loved it whenever I saw Starscream do the pouty optics. "because you three need your sleep in order to grow correctly"

"what is the sparklings mommy?" Skybee asked.

"they're little femmes and we're naming them Sunburst and Cyberswipe" I told them.

The mech groaned sadly, knowing that means they have two more sisters. Meanwhile Skybee squealed happy, excited to have two new sisters.

"Yes! Sisters!" Skybee said bouncing up and down happily.

I giggled happily as the twins chuckled at you excitement. It wasn't long till sides went to my stomach and started talking to it "hey my femmes this is daddy sides…" he said starting to talk to them, I pretty much tuned him out. He pretty much said the same thing

"sides were still in the med bay you couldn't wait till we got to our room?" I asked him, looking at him.

He paused and nodded, kissing my rounding belly before him and his twin hopped down and helped me off the berth. I smiled and kisses their cheeks "thank boys" I said getting another cube before leaving the med bay.

"just a few more months till we see our little angels" I said smiling greatly, stroking my belly. I giggled at the kicking of my belly.

As we got to our room I flopped onto the berth. I propped my pedes up on the berth "okay lets play a video games"

"yay lets play!" Rev said excitedly, setting up the gaming system.

I giggled video games always cheered up Rev no matter what, but I hoped he stopped the racing games soon because we keep playing that game over and over and he master it now. He beats both me and the twins and his siblings.

He climbed onto the berth and gave the controllers out. Its ended up being call of duty. I smiled at that, thanking primus that the game wasn't the racing game. "okay lets play the zombies one because its always fun to play and kill zombies" I suggested.

"good idea star" sides said grinning.

"yeah good idea mommy!" rev said.

The game started, we kept playing for a while. Each time I died I cursed in my mind as each time the twins died I smacked him in the helm for swear in front of the younglings. I glared at them as well. They murmur a sorry but ended up doing again. I just shook my helm and waved it off each time, knowing that they'll end up doing it again.

I smiled as we continued playing the video game till it was the kids bed time. "okay kiddies its bed time for ya" I said smiling at them.

"awww come on mommy, I'm not tried!" Rev whined

"me either!" Skybee said.

I looked and saw starscream already asleep. I giggled softly looking at the sparklings. "now now my little ones it time to sleep so you can grow strong like you're step-daddies. You want to grow strong like them right?" I asked them.

Both nodded and yawned "yes mommy" rev said

I smiled and slowly got up with the twins help as I took the kids to their room. "okay night night kiddies. Have pleasant dreams" I told them as I tucked in stasrscream first since he was the first one asleep. I kissed his cheek as I moved to Skybee.

"night mommy" skybee said.

I tucked her in and kisses her helm" night skybee' I said smiling, I moved to rev next.

"night mommy" rev said.

I tucked him in and kisses his helm like what I did with his twin sister "good night rev" I told him.

"eww kissy kissy" he said wiping his cheek.

I giggled "you'll get use to the kisses sweetie" I told him as he fell asleep.

I smiled at my sleeping younglings as I went to the door and laid on the berth. I looked up and saw my mechs smiling down at me. They stroked my helm.

"this seems so unreal" I said smiling at them "I feel like this is a dream to me"

They chuckled and kisses my cheeks.

"well this is a dream come true for you then" sunny said smugly as both snuggled close to me.

I yawned softly and nodded my helm "yeah I guess so" I said smiling

"star get some rest if you're tried" sides told me.

I yawned and nodded, snuggling happily between my mechs happily and slowly began difting off into recharge. I started dreaming about what the twins would look like hoping that the twins would be as adorable as when their older siblings were. I smiled more and curled up happily between my twin mechs.

AN: no flames cause flames are for roasting marshmallows and roasting weenies.