(February 14, 2014, 1:00 PM, Tails' house, Taipei, Taiwan)

Today was Valentine's Day, a day when people spread love to everyone in the world, especially true love.

But a yellow fox named Tails was repairing his Blue Typhoon, which as wrecked during the mission at outer space, too busy for a date with Cosmo, a female humanlike plant alien. They were planning to go to the newly opened Disneyland, a little bit north from the downtown.

"Tails, are you ready?" Cosmo asked, wearing an emerald-green T-shirt with white skirt.

"Shoot. I hate to say this but, I cannot go on a date with you today, I'm kind of busy today. Next time alright?" Tails apologized.

"W…what? I thought you said you are going to fix your typhoon by today before we go there!" she was shocked.

"I'm sorry! But… you will have to go with only Sonic and Amy… The aircraft has a problem in the engine, I mean both engine. So you know? Just in case if the planet earth is in a crisis and needs our power, I have to maintain my Blue Typhoon in a good condition…so that's why I have to repair this as soon as possible. But please don't be mad at me…"

Cosmo just sadly faced backwards and headed towards Sonic's house, where Amy was also waiting, and said to herself, "I think Tails doesn't care about me anymore, he's just busy playing with technology…"

Ten minutes later, Cosmo arrived to Sonic's house.

"Yo Cosmo, what happened to Tails?" asked Sonic.

"He's busy repairing his Blue Typhoon." Cosmo replied.

"He is too obsessed with technology…I mean wasn't he predicting that it will be done with repairing it before we go to Disneyland?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well here's what I wonder. I don't see any danger around here. Does he have to fix the freaking machine now?" Amy asked.

Leaving the busy fox behind, they headed towards the subway station, bound for Disneyland.