The Other 22

Summary: Katniss and Peeta won The Hunger Games, that much we know, but what about the other 22 tributes? They had hopes, they had families and dreams, and I'm sure they wanted to live just as much as Katniss and Peeta did. So, now I present to you a collection of poems and short stories/oneshots centering around the other 22 tributes that fought and died in the 74th Hunger Games.

My Goal: My goal in writing theses stories/poems is to help people sympathize with the other contestants. Of course it's easy to hate people when they're trying to kill you, and we lived through The Hunger Games only seeing things how Katniss sees them, so maybe with these words you can learn to love and remember the people who died and deserve the same memory as our two favorite District 12 Victors.

A/N: Woah! If the other random stuff above wasn't an A/N, than what was it? Oh well. I have a new story for you guys. I'm making new stories like Disney/Pixar makes new movies! I guess that's a good thing… Hope you enjoy these stories and poems, and I hope they bring you much joy and happiness that you can read over and over again! I do not own The Hunger Games, all that credit goes to Suzanne Collins. This first chapter is a Poem I wrote from Glimmer's point of view. Post Hunger Games.

Glimmers Like Gold

All that Glimmers,

Isn't gold.

The blood pooling at my feet,

The burns glowing from the heat,

Those aren't golden.

I'm not golden.


I was Glimmer.

The golden girl,

The beauty queen,

The best of the best

I was success.

I was going to win.


They say,

They say pride

Comes before the fall.

Well, I didn't fall

But they did.

The Tracker Jackers.

They fell from the tree

Because she knocked them down.

She knocked me down.


Now I'm not golden.

I'm no beauty queen.

I'm not the best of anything.

I'm just dead.


It's a funny little word


You're no hero in death.

There's no "Victors" in death.

There is nothing golden,

Or glittery Glimmery, or sparkly

About death.

It's just death.


Of course,

I don't blame her.

Someone had to win.

What she did was no great sin.

I would have done the same,

I guess we all would in this game.

I'm gone now,

So why hold a grudge?

A/N: Okey doke. That's it for this chapter! Next chapter will be a short story, so stay tuned for that!

Thanks and Review!
