Summary: [ONESHOT.] Kakashi can keep his hands to himself…except when Ino is involved. Kakashi-centric. Kakashi/Ino. Citrus.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Rating: M, for language and smut. Of course.
A/N: My mind's been on Kakashi and Ino as a couple, so I'm taking it out for a spin before I commit. It's not a pairing that's shipped very hard, but one that is interesting with a splash of hotness and it has oh-so-much potential. I guess we'll see.
~ Head Case ~
Chapter 1
She is young, so much younger, that thinking of the decade and a half age gap makes him feel creepy and perverted. So Kakashi doesn't. Instead, he thinks of what it would be like to fuck her over and over and over until they were both exhausted and incapable of movement and panting for air, what it would be like to lock his hands on her hips and his groin deep, deep inside her and stay that way.
She is loud, pushy, vain, barely out of her teens at twenty-one, and exceptionally, painfully, beautiful. Sakura is pretty; so is Shizune and, in her own way, Anko, but everything Ino is is beautiful. Beautiful blonde hair, beautiful clear-blue eyes, beautiful and proportionate ass and very buxom. She will complicate and cling and probably push him to seriously consider seppuku, but he already is, anyway, because his brain has latched on to the idea of sex with her and just won't let go. He's so far kept his aggressively horny and lecherous side in check, but he knows himself enough to feel his resistance cracking, unraveling at the seams, and there will come a point when Ino will fall underneath him and scream for him.
Why does she have to be so fucking beautiful? He can't understand it, and try as he might to avoid her, she's always there in his dreams or waiting outside a thought and there is no escape from the itching in his fingertips and the ache that threads his guts. He wishes desperately for an end to this obsessive escapade, but he can't sense any that will be him leaving her alone. Kakashi is in hell and though he can set aside his delusions for the mission, he can't do it in the same village as she.
Ino is the one who starts it. They are at a party- -some enormous, raucous thing Lady Hokage decided to throw- -so everyone is there, dancing, drinking, and making asses of themselves. Sakura and Ino have been competing for men since each arrived, and Kakashi has stayed out of the way, aloof as always, while he restrains a murderous part of him that wants to end the lives of each of Ino's successive suitors. The night wears on. Kakashi decides enough is enough. He's tortured himself plenty with watching Ino drunkenly flit around with different men, so he says goodbye to Sakura, who's nearly passed out on Naruto's shoulder, and Sai and Yamato, who, like him, watch everything with curiosity and amusement, respectively.
Outside is cool. He starts leaping along the rooftops, but realizes, quite belatedly, that someone is following after him. Those killing muscles tense and scenarios run through his mind; he can't prevent it, as he stops to hide in a narrow, shadowy crack between an air conditioning unit and a series of pipes, and when the pursuer lands, he senses, rather than sees, who it is and then he wants to hide forever. It is Ino who has sought him out.
Stepping out of his hiding spot is unwise. He does it because wisdom's for old men, and he's not an old man, yet. His movement turns her toward him, and the lights from the buildings around them shine on her hair and shadow her features, and his stomach is quivering like gelatin on a plate. Her body is curvaceous and alluring in the short, barely-there dress and heels she's decided to wear, and he wants to wrap the stream of hair around his hand and yank her into him and shove his nose into her cleavage. Heat is a shockwave inside him. There is thunder behind his ribs.
He will rebuff her and get home and try, again, to forget about her. "Is there a particular reason you followed me?"
"Yes." She stands her ground. "I wanted to speak to you in private."
Kakashi realizes she is not drunk. He'd watched her consume enough alcohol to waylay him for an entire evening, but Ino is not slurring or swaying, nor does she even smell as though she's been drinking. Why would she go through the show of drinking and drunkenness?
"Oh?" he answers, stalling as he puzzles out Ino's mystery.
"You've been having a strong emotional response to me for a few months," she says. She is direct and confident and he can't help but like that. "I want to know why."
Deny everything. "You're mistaken." Besides, he doesn't even know why himself. It just is.
Outright, she laughs. The brash sound of her laugh curls inside him and breeds to life something so insanely complex that he's lost in it in an instant, and he knows he's going to take her home and make his perversions come true. It's a matter of time, now. He is a sick, sick man, who'll die from Inoichi's mind techniques for defiling his precious daughter, but Kakashi's feet are on the path and he is determined to follow it no matter where it takes him. Regardless, he can still fight like hell to avoid it.
"Don't lie to me," she says after she's finished laughing. "Let's assume that I can tell when you're lying no matter what, and it'll be easier to cut the shit and tell me the truth, always. Remember, I'm not sweet Sakura."
She's so right about that last part, but very wrong about the first. Kakashi is not known for always telling the truth. How can he start doing it for her? "Ino. Go home." Stay away from me because I'll hurt you in the end, he really means, but he doesn't have the strength to be as honest as that.
She unnerves him when she closes in, stepping forward right into his personal space and leaning upwards so that she can glare into his eye. "I don't think you want me to. Know what I think?"
He really, really doesn't want to, but her mouth is so near and pink and luscious that he stares and remains silent. He watches her lips form the next words. "I think you are sexually attracted to me. I think," and her finger traces the skin above the edge of his mask from his earlobe to his nose, leaving a wake of tingles, "that you and I could be extremely compatible bedfellows. And," her chin notches up, her lips are a hair's-breadth away and he doesn't resist when her finger hooks the mask and tugs it down, revealing him, "I think we can find out how compatible we are. Right…about…now."
A hair's-breath is no longer separating them. Nothing is. The world becomes irrelevant. Her mouth is sweet and hot and wet and she demands all his attention so he gives it to her, knowing he's doing a wicked thing, but he can't deny her. She dips her tongue inside his mouth, rolling along his own tongue, and she does not let him back down and his lungs need air but he doesn't want to breathe. A ripple of heat surges through him, most of it below his belt-buckle. His hand discovers the ribbon of her hair, smooth, silky, tugs and twists the length. Her body curves into his. He knows this; this is seduction of the strongest sort because it's working on him, prying him loose from his vaulted cathedral of detachment, whirling him into the uncontrolled chaos where Ino apparently exists.
She draws away, a cocky little smirk on her face he'd love to wipe off except it suits her so damn well, and bats her eyelashes. See, she seems to say, I was right. It all becomes evident to him, why she put up a show at the party. The show was for the others to ensure her privacy with him. They would never know who she actually went home with. All to get what she wants from him. He bends to her will, knowing the end result will be destructive for both of them, but what was more regret? He had a whole lifetime of it. It wouldn't make a bit of difference for more. With the space, the heat and need back off.
"I do this on one condition," he tells her. She gazes at him evenly, undaunted, unlike Sakura who shyly glances away. "You keep your mouth shut about us. I don't care what you have to tell everyone else, this is between you and me. Not the village. Clear?"
"Crystal," she says, low, from her throat. "I swear it on the Hero Stone."
Ah, the sacred Hero Stone. She'll keep her word because Asuma taught her honor and she'd die before she'd break any rules her beloved master taught her. It is the same with him. They understand one another.
He says, "Good. Come with me."
They are a pair of shadows in the moonlight as they cross over rooftops and through the hale trees of Hidden Leaf, avoiding nighttime patrols and streetlights, and going in through the bedroom window of Kakashi's apartment as if they were on an assassination mission. No sound, no detection.
Directly in the center of the room, headboard against the wall, is his fiercely-made, simple double bed, with a single nightstand on the right-hand side. A bookshelf occupies the area directly to the right of the window and little else clutters the room. The door is opposite the window with the bathroom in the short hall on the other side of the doorway. Two framed pictures stand up, side-by-side, on his headboard. The only pictures in the entire apartment.
Kakashi moves further into the room, both to allow Ino access and to click on the lamp. In the yellow light, Ino glances around and nods her head as though she's confirming something to herself.
"Your bedroom is exactly how I imagined it," she says as she steps down out of her heels. Her hand on the bookshelf steadies her balance. "Definitely how I imagined it. Sparse and…efficient. Very monkish."
Monkish? Is that even a word? Kakashi wonders, opening the nightstand drawer. The condoms are where he left them, so he takes one out and sets it on the tabletop. "You've imagined my bedroom?"
"You're very self-contained," she answers, "and so the mystery of it all has an appeal. So, yes, I've imagined your bedroom."
He levels a gaze at her because he is unsure how to take her response. "I'll pretty the place up next time so it suits your womanly inclinations."
When she laughs, she puts her hand on her hip and leans back as though directing her laughter out of her stomach into the air at her head. He likes the even whiteness of her teeth, the wholeheartedness behind her laughs, almost audacious considering the bloody, hard-wearing profession they engage in.
"Unnecessary. I accept you and your habits as they stand," she answers after she's finished laughing. "Thank you for your courtesy, anyway. Now," she throws back her shoulders, narrows her eyes, "enough of this inane chatter. It's time for you to kiss me breathless."
Kakashi is happy to oblige, since he, too, has had enough of talking and being clothed and separate from her. He gets over there, clasps her by her narrow shoulders after removing his face mask, and commands her mouth. There is a sudden heaviness to the atmosphere, an intensity he's not felt for anyone in a very, very long time. She stretches her body along his, encircling his neck, opens her mouth to allow him to slide in his tongue. The kiss is languid, no less heat-stoked, and she returns his careful kiss sweetly.
It has turned out all wrong, this kiss. He cannot stop his heart from rolling in his chest, and he cannot stop Obito's voice from calling out over years and through the veil of death, from where he'd resided in Kakashi's heart and mind, to the cool, detached Kakashi in control that the warmth from Ino is like sunshine and that she deserves time and kindness and softness, not hard bitterness and abject control. She deserves me, says the Obito-side, and I deserve her. I want her. The Kakashi-side bucks back, mentally wrangling for control, but knows the Obito-side is right, having offered a life in exchange for Kakashi's own. For always being the moral compass. For giving the gift of an eye.
Ino's hands trace the bunched muscles across his back and she pauses from the kiss. She had closed her eyes, and now they are open, searching for something inside Kakashi, blue sapphire and eternal.
"You're very tense," she says, and her concern is a direct hit to his emotional shield. Her fingers knead the muscles. "Do we need to slow down some?"
All right, Obito. You win. Kakashi draws his hands up her back, the material thin and gossamer under his palms as are the gentle undulations of her curves, and relaxes against her. He will allow Obito this. Kakashi steps a little back inside his mind, and the sudden presence is there, terrifyingly close to the surface, emotional and pushing forward into cobwebbed corridors Kakashi would rather stay out of. The sigh into her neck further implants the Obito-side on the throne.
"No. No," he repeats, finding a fresh coating of want where there was none originally, "I'm…settling into this. There are few women I tend to enjoy, and I want to enjoy you."
The Obito-side is so fucking charming, but he's not complaining as Ino smiles in pure feminine adoration. "What a lovely thing to say," she says. But she doesn't go back to kissing him. Instead, her pure smile falters. "I get the sense that…" She hesitates, her brow knits with confusion. "I feel like you switched on me. You were all gung-ho and now…not." In the moment of his silence, she shakes her head. "Sorry, it's nothing. Forget I said anything."
He opens his mouth to explain that he wasn't pausing because he thinks she's crazy, but that it was one of shock. No one has ever been able to track the switch before. He's done it on occasion with Sakura and Naruto, even with his long-term mission partner Tenzou, and after Obito's death, when Kakashi struggled between his guilt and horror and misery, with Rin. Rin always seemed to bring out the Obito-side. None of the people closest to him have ever caught on to the Obito-side. Maybe Rin, but she never said anything.
"I'm still gung-ho," he replies, pairing it with a chuckle, "but I'm not going to move as quickly as I wanted to at first."
Her cheeks flush, a pretty pink that falls over her cheeks, and Obito wants to see her without that filter Kakashi has put up. He cannot stop Obito. She watches him with rapt attention as he removes his hitai-ate and blinks open the Sharingan eye. Obito sees the shimmer of light under her skin that is her chakra, and it glows, makes her ethereal and damn near majestic to look at. And Ino's face is open-awed as she touches her thumb along the scar line, and then to his surprised disconcertment, her eyes overflow with tears without instigation or explanation.
"I can feel him inside you, Kakashi," she says, her warm hands caressing the sides of his face. He can't help but watch those tears fall down her pink cheeks. "He's so close to you, talking to you, feeling for you. You're doing this for him, aren't you? You are," she answers for him, breathlessly. "You've let him choose."
Kakashi's stomach bottoms out; he flails for control over the Obito-side because all of this is horribly wrong and frightening to Kakashi's necessary aloofness, but Obito has latched onto Ino's comprehension of him and outright refuses to let go. Obito has seen everything Ino has to offer and likes it, wants it for himself, and won't bow down, much the same as he did many years ago on that tragic mission. Kakashi is outmatched in his own mind; he has given Obito too much power and all he can do now is allow.
He takes her mouth, tastes fresh salt- -loves the taste of that compassion- -and coaxes her tongue with his. She complies, angling her head for a more intimate kiss. Her mood has aligned to his; he can feel her giving in, weakening under his gentle and thorough teasing, and when he nibbles her lip, testing the delicate skin between teeth, she inhales sharply as her fingers curl in his hair. His hands have become restless. They ease up her back then down to her hips and up again, so slowly, memorizing her womanly curves. Ino is narrow and slim at her waist, but her breasts swell nicely and fit his hands, soft and full and her nipples immediately react to his touch by shrinking and standing erect under the material.
He has hardened as well, his body aches for her from a deepness that he has never felt before. Ino has unzipped his flak-jacket, removing it, and has discovered his chest and abdomen under his shirts. As he uses teeth and aggression to get off his gloves, her hands play over his ridges and dips, brushing his nipples with her thumbs which madden him with bolts of lightning to his groin. She is insistent, tugging off his shirts and then unbuckling his belt and helping him out of his pants, and he is the first one naked. Then sparks shoot through him like stars when she moves her mouth to scrape her teeth on his neck and she kisses a hot trail to the middle of his chest; he is burning as he curves his hands over satin thighs to the delectable globes of her ass.
When he clutches at her, grinding her hips forward so she can feel him and his response, she raises her arms and detaches from his chest. He gets it and wings the dress off her. The dress had not accommodated her wearing a bra, and so she stands before him wearing a pair of lacy panties and nothing else. Now it's him who is in awe, both Kakashi and the Obito-side beholding the view of her well-shaped female form.
"You are so beautiful," he states viciously because it's true. "If I didn't know better, I'd worship you for being a goddess."
Again, she laughs. Just throws her head back and lets it flow from her diaphragm, and her hands go to her pale hair, twisting the long ribbon of it through the hair-tie and shaking it so that the loose strands tumble over her shoulders and wisp around her face. Her eyes narrow, thick lashes heavy and still glistening from her earlier display of tears, and then she slides her panties down her slender thighs, preventing him from the honor of doing it himself. He makes a noise in protest, but she upturns her hand to stop him.
"Does this induce you to worship me?" she asks.
It's a tease, he knows it's a tease, but it's such a good one that he deadpans, "My goddess, what do you ask of me?"
Her grin is delirious enough, infectious enough, that he returns it. They've found a game they can play; Obito is excited and exuberant inside him. She wiggles the fingers of her upturned hand at him. "Kiss my fingers one by one."
"As you wish, my goddess."
Her fingers are slim, the entire hand small and delicate, easily enclosed in one of his hands, and he rubs his lips over her knuckles then presses each with a kiss, one by one, like she requested, and to test her, he flips her hand to expose her wrist and nibbles the thin, sensitive skin there. A gasp. He kisses her palm, swirls his tongue. This time she gasps, "Kakashi!"
The huskiness of her voice rolls a new tenseness inside him, sets his heart tripping in his chest. "What now, my goddess?" he asks, cupping her hand to his face because she hasn't touched him for too long.
"Use your hands, and only your hands, to touch me," she answers.
It is he who wants to be touched, but he complies because Obito is in control, and Obito loves games. The need inside him is tremendous, and he realizes this only because when he reaches out to her shoulders, he is shaky. Her breathing turns jagged and harsh as soon as he sets his hands on her and caresses the smooth juncture of her neck and collarbones. Her breasts are creamy, pale, heaving with her increased breathing, and she cries out when he massages the soft sides of them. He didn't think touching without kissing would be torturous. It is, but oh, so arousing, his groin tight and radiating heat, and he rounds his hands over her shoulders to her back and down to her hips. Everywhere is silk and feverish and flush, and when he gets to between her thighs, he tucks the side of his finger up underneath her.
Barely, he comprehends the wet heat before Ino is devouring his mouth, breaking the rules of their game, and shoves him to the bed. He wants to torture her, but that's Kakashi's, not Obito's, sexual practice speaking, so he kisses back as fiercely, biting, licking, sucking any skin of hers he can find and she is lust personified underneath him. Nails rake up his spine, the pain immersing with the shivering pleasure of her soft, toned body curved to his, and the sensations seem to find the direct route straight to his clenched gut.
And then he is pushing himself into a hot sheath of pliant, slick muscles. Ah, fuck, the pressure is so unimaginable and it'd been too long since he'd last had a woman, and it's him who's grunting like some animal rutting in heat. Hands find purchase somewhere on the bed, on her, maybe, he can't tell, and his hips curl to take him to her very molten center. Again, again, again, there's no stopping it now. She's wild under him- -didn't he know she'd scream his name?- -and bucking to his rhythm, and the heat inside him spikes, punches through to his core, winds him up nice and tight before- -Kakashi! Ah, oh, God, yes, there! THERE! YES, AH, YES!- -she clamps heat around him and shrieks incomprehensibly, and he understands and finally obtains shuddering, ecstatic, rapturous absolution through a hot spurt inside her.
Everything calms down; the quieted rush of waves on the beach after a storm. He can't quite wrap his head around what has happened, so he continues to breathe with his face stuck in Ino's neck and doesn't attempt to gather energy to move. Breathlessness and weakness are not from the fact that he's out of shape or hasn't had sex in a long time, but from how explosive his orgasm was. Is he all right? Yes. Yes, he's still intact. He feels like he's sprinted a few miles, though. Sweat has broken out on his forehead, back, and chest, and the smell of Ino's sweat mingles with his in the air. Her hand abstractly toys with his hair.
"I hope you're not calling it a night," Ino says and he hears the lilt of amusement. "I'll feel gypped if you are."
He huffs a laugh into her neck. "Have high expectations, don't you?"
"You are Hatake Kakashi. And I've heard tell of sleepless nights from ladies who've succumbed to your…indelible charms."
He is not sure which part he should respond to- -the indelible charms (he has none) or the talking ladies (sworn to secrecy as Ino was). Neither, he decides, as he gropes a pert breast with a rosy topping. "Sleepless is an over-exaggeration. I aim for quality over quantity."
The giggle erupts from her throat when he brushes his nose on her cheek. "Then I suppose we could call it a night," she says, "but I think you could definitely find a second wind."
She surprises him by locking her legs around his waist- -easy to do since he hasn't even slipped out of her yet- -and twists to flip their position; gravity releases his physical connection to her. Her hands are quick, capturing his wrists and pinning them over his head, and the Obito-side is grinning because he loves how she handles him. She is grinning, too.
"And if you can't find a second wind, then I guess I'll have to keep you here until you do," she says, lowly, seductively, leaning against him to kiss him.
The kiss begins with a gentle peck on each corner of his mouth, softly brushing, before he parts his lips, inviting, but she doesn't accept his invitation. She's pacing herself, drawing her mouth to kiss and suckle at his earlobe. Her hot breath and wet, teasing tongue causes sparks to shoot along the causeway of his spine, splaying out to his nerve-endings. His body stirs for her. Her hands trail up the underside of his arms- -the skin so unused to being touched that the delicate brushes of her fingertips hit him with hard eroticism- -heat stokes under his belly, and he can tell he is hardening up again.
She returns her focus to his mouth, and this time, she meets his tongue with hers. There is something so good about her taste, natural and sweet, like honey (and how appropriate as it is made from flowers, mentions Obito) and the kiss angles and deepens and quickly becomes impassioned. All her soft parts bump and rub along him, but his reaction to her is not external, it is internal as well, and a hidden tendril in the dark of his heart curls forward to Ino's light. Obito and Kakashi agree on one point: he has tasted her mouth, sure. But he wants to taste all of her, where she is a woman, if she'll let him.
She notices when he begins scrunching down a bit to put space between his head and the headboard, and interrupts the kiss to ask, "What're you doing?"
"Move up here," he tells her. "I want you to straddle my shoulders."
Confusion crosses her features, but after a moment she complies and begins crawling up the length of his body. Experienced Kakashi sees that this is new to her, so he guides her with helpful hands on her ass; she rolls her eyes when he shoots her a leer. She grabs the headboard so she can get her knees comfortable on either side of his head, and he can fucking smell her arousal and it runs his blood hot through him- -he is ready to lap at her- -but she doesn't lower herself.
"I feel so undignified in this position," she murmurs. "And do you mind if I turn the pictures facedown for now? I don't think I feel right about having your head between my legs with everyone looking at me."
Kakashi laughs. "Yes, fine."
He watches her breasts sway as she puts the pictures down. She looks at him, her hair draping over her face and shoulders. "Are you sure you'll be all right like this? I mean, it's ah, oh God!"
The grip on her ass is perfect for bringing her to his mouth. Such heat there as he spreads his tongue along her smoothly waxed crevice, and she tastes like sex and salt, but also a tart kind of sweetness. His tongue is a wicked tool as he practices with it as often as he gets a chance, and he knows how to slip the tip of it in the right place, how to coax her clit, how the burst of fresh taste indicates her body's response. Her eyes are closed, she is alternately cooing and grunting, her spine arched with her breasts thrust out, her hands clenched on the headboard, and he uses his grip on her to rock her hips. A shock shudders through her; she is nearing a climax.
Her noises, more than anything, get to him, crawl inside to his pulsing, tightened balls and erection, and he must have her riding him. When he retracts his tongue and pushes her to indicate she move, he sees she pants for breath and her skin shines with sweat. Her limbs do not function because she is so doped up on the pleasure chemicals pumped into her blood, and so he has to be patient as she navigates the landscape of his body. Holding his hardened dick steady, she slides down on him, and she seems to whimper/cry/groan when she takes him all in at once.
He hisses from the fire of their joining, revels in how the clamp of muscles burns heat up his shaft, searing outwards in his stomach and up his chest and drowning his brain. Ino does not need assistance in rolling her pelvis in concentric circles; he accentuates the movement with timed thrusts. They've fallen into a harmonic rhythm now, his heart hammering in his chest, and it is all Kakashi can do to withhold another earnest orgasm.
Her eyes are on him, but past him, seeing all he is, all he can be, and Obito desires her more for it. The pacing changes, quickens, and becomes rampant- -she is riding him like he is a unbroken stallion- -and Ino leans back, screams his name when he finds her secret spot, and trembles violently, her hand slamming on his chest with a resounding smack. He holds her up there for as long as he can, but it does him no good to delay the crumbling edge he stands on. His body gives in to the flash of sharpened, honed points of bliss as they scissor through his wound bindings and expose him to raw emotion and physical satisfaction. He empties into her, and having risen above the heavens, he begins the slow descent back to himself.
Ino's hair is in pieces over her face, and she slumps face-first to his chest. Her panting sends air brushing over his skin. He can't help but time his breathing to match hers.
"You win," she mumbles. Then she looks up, and her adoration and respect shine through her eyes. "I need some rest. Is it all right that I stay here with you?"
The Obito-side has kept control and thinks that keeping her in the circle of his arms, skin flush to his chest, is a favorable idea. Kakashi does not cuddle, but he says, "You may stay here."
Her smile is a happy one as she eases herself to his side and fidgets around with her hair and limbs for comfort. Kakashi reaches out to switch off the light; it's then he realizes there's still an unopened condom on the nightstand. Cold prods around in his stomach, but he refuses to worry over it. He'll tell her to take a morning-after pill- -she's a medic, she has access to them- -and she'll be a good girl and do what he says. The Obito-side shrinks away, little by little, but not enough that Kakashi can't prevent his arm from draping over Ino's body to tuck her to his chest. Her breathing has already slowed, soft sighs in the dark, and he slips into the ether of sleep, warm, cocooned together with her, his new lover.
A/N: Well, I added a bit to the ending there, and will most likely continue this into a second chapter. I really recieved mixed reviews, from 'I love it' to 'Get rid of the Obito-side'! I'm thinking that I'll give a better frame of reference in the second chapter to explain the power of the Obito-side, but I don't think it's something that I want to lose as it appeals to my sense of uniqueness, I guess, and how Kakashi deals with emotions and people. Also expect, as I seem to love it, some drama between Kakashi and Ino. Right now, I do not know when the next update will occur for this story. I suppose you all will need to continue to ply me with your thoughts and reactions. =)