So here we are. I am, as far as I know, the first to write this crossover. And I hope not the last. These shows mesh so well together. Anywho, please read and review. Reviews keep authors motivated to dish out more concoctions and mashups. Like this one, right here.


Forever Faerie

Disclaimer: Nope. I didn't think of cowboys in space or a warehouse of mystical objects.


Claudia held the gun in her hand. It wasn't hers', but it was her fathers. She wondered briefly what had happened to him. Then realized that it was stupid to do that. She had been taken away, after her mother had died. At least that's what she was told. Her mother had been killed during a Reaver attack. There was no saving her. Claudia had always assumed that the same had happened to her father, until she got a wave from him. Even though it was only in a gorram dream, granted, she saw it as foreshadowing on her life. So she started her search. Then she had made the machine in hopes to contact her old life on Shadow, her home planet. It had worked. It worked so well that she was able to see in extreme detail the broken caucuses lying on the ground, and the burnt house, and all of the poorly tended fields. She had wept for days, none of her friends were able to sympathize with her, they had never heard of Reavers or the Alliance. Lucky them, she though bitterly, they never knew the devastation of the War. How dad left us. How I still haven't heard from him. I bet he's dead. She glanced at the wave screen. She didn't dare to try to find her father; she just wanted to blindly believe that he was gone. Even though she knew that it was just a lie she told herself, too keep herself from going on this mission.

She put the gun back in the holster. She remembered her dad giving her the gun. He told her, "Look here, Dia, (nobody called her Claudia, it was her grandmother's name) you're going to protect Mama for me while I'm away, right?" The six year old had vigorously nodded her head. "Yes sir, Daddy." He laughed and showed her how to point the handgun, which, at the time, seemed like a shotgun. She practiced every day before he had to leave for the War, and by the time he had left, she could already snipe small squirrels. He hugged her close and told her that if she ever needed somebody, he was a wave bounce away. Claudia wiped at her eyes. She had failed her father, and now, she was stuck here on Earth That Was. She shook her head again, ridding her mind of the traitorous thoughts. "Hey Claud? Want to come down? We've got a favorite set up, Young Frankenstein." She smiled at the sound of her "brother" Pete. He was too good to her. "Yeah, hold on, I'll be right there." She shook off the overwhelming need to call her dad, and jumped down the stairs, to purposefully and effectively annoy Artie, and then gently squeezed between HG and Steve for her all time favorite Earth that Was movie.


Malcolm Reynolds moved his hand away from the wave screen. There was no way that his girl had survived that Reaver attack. His wife didn't. Then even if, by some gorram miracle, she had survived the Alliance came and burned down his property. She's dead. He heard footsteps, ones that sounded tired and that needed to have their feet thrown on a chair and to relax. He didn't even look up from the photo of him and his baby girl on Shadow. The one where she's throwing her head back and laughing while he's holding her, spinning in circles, a huge grin on his face. "Sir, we're all having dinner, Kaylee whipped something up. It's lookin' mighty tasty too." He turned to see his close friend and second in command. "Zoe," he stopped. She knew what was coming. "Captain, it's not like you could've brought the child to the War. There was no saving her." Mal nodded his head, slowly and deliberately. "I know. I just feel that she's alive. An' she's out there, somewhere, just waiting for me to find her. And you know me Zoe. I'd never leave my little Dia behind."