Chapter 3


Disclaimer: rating changed to M for a reason. God spoke: There will be porn. So there was porn.

Sam didn't very often wake up with a lap full of archangel. Still, he did so the following morning.

He wasn't even surprised anymore to open his eyes and see Gabriel first thing in the morning. It was the way the angel was sitting there that startled Sam. Gabriel straddled his hips, sitting right above his lap, and tickled the skin on his stomach lightly with both hands.

The hunter had been pondering throughout the whole previous day, wondering if he had said anything wrong. Well, he surely had, but he had to find a way to fix it. Because Gabriel, Sam realized, really meant something to him.

There it was again. That Something.

Instead of pushing the thought around in his head even more, Sam blinked into the light and at the angel on his bed. "Morning, Gabe. Care to explain what you're doing there?" he asked amused.

"Good morning, Sammy," Gabriel smirked down at him and leaned forward, resting both his hands on either side of Sam's head. "Let's just say, I'm trying to prove a point here."

"And what point would that be?" Sam retorted, hitting that same playful tone as Gabriel.

"Oh, just how-"

"Wait, Gabe," Sam interrupted him after checking the room. "Where's Dean?" His brother was neither laying in his bed nor did he hear anything from the bathroom.

The archangel waved his hand. "Don't worry, I told Castiel to take care of him for a while. Now where did I stop-"

"The point you wanted to prove."

"Yeah, riiiiight..." Gabriel nodded slightly before he leaned down even more, his face merely inches away from Sam's. The hunter felt a sudden blush creep up his cheeks at the intense look in those hazel eyes. "I'm just proving how incredibly heterosexual you are." Oh, the sarcasm in his voice.

Before Sam could even say 'Huh?', the angel's lips where on his – this time for real – grazing softly and tentatively along his. Sam let out a surprised hum, but – he'll be damned, but it felt good. So Sam reciprocated the kiss, slowly picking up the pace. It sent shivers down his spine and one hell of a tingle to his stomach, even more so as Gabriel now lay flush against his body. The angel's hands began to move through his hair, tangling in the dark strands, pulling Sam closer.

It took the hunter quite some effort to get his hands free from under the blanket, but once he had made it, he instinctively wrapped his arms around Gabriel's waist.

Yes, he had to admit that he wanted the angel to stay right there. Sam enjoyed the kiss very much – maybe even a bit too much, he realized as he moaned involuntarily into Gabriel's mouth. But he had wanted this since the night Gabriel had zapped him back into the motel bed without kissing him. The archangel responded by nipping at his bottom lip, slowly tracing it with his tongue before sucking lightly there, and finally pulling away.

Breathlessly, they stared into each other's eyes. Sam blinked in disbelief. Not only had he just kissed a man, but also an archangel of the lord. Holy shit.

He wasn't prepared for what followed, though. Gabriel ground his hips down on Sam's crotch, moaning wantonly as the delicate friction of their erect cocks against each other's kicked in. The picture was absolutely beautiful, Gabriel's lips gaping and eyes fluttering shut with bliss.

Only then Sam realized he had groaned along with the angel in unison.

Gabriel chuckled lightheadedly. "Yeah, Sammy, you're so straight."

Sam shrugged. Well, it was true. "Yes, I am straight. But maybe... I'm a straight guy with a soft spot for a certain angel..." he admitted with a lopsided grin, but was being cut off.

When Gabriel began to laugh, Sam caught the double entendre. "Okay, let me rephrase this: I'm a straight guy with a hard-on for a certain angel. Kinda runs in the family, so-" The hunter left the sentence unfinished and looked up at Gabriel, waiting for a response.

A soft chuckle left the archangel's lips. "Well, then. I think I did prove my point."

Sparkling, honey-brown eyes locked with Sam's again. He definitely had a soft spot for Gabriel. Just looking into those eyes turned his knees to pudding. Wrapping his long arms around the small vessel of the angel, Sam pulled him down into his arms to kiss him again. Gabriel let out a surprised sigh. Despite Sam being the one on bottom, he took over the kiss completely, one of his hands running up Gabriel's back and burying itself in his wavy brown hair, pushing him down into the kiss. Sam brushed his lips possessively against the archangel's, making him moan with seductive, open-mouthed kisses, sucking and nibbling at his bottom lip, and finally pushing his tongue into Gabriel's mouth when the latter gave him the opportunity to. When their tongues met for the first time, Sam almost felt an electric current humming between them with so much fierce and lust and... all the things he never expected to feel for a man.

Gabriel suddenly broke the kiss, looking down at Sam for a long moment before he let his head drop to Sam's chest, panting heavily. "Point more than proven," he finally managed to say.

The boisterous laugh rippling through Sam startled the angel, but just for a split second before he joined.

By this point, Sam was convinced that he had never felt that utterly flustered. His stomach felt like filled to the brim with crazy butterflies, and when he looked into Gabriel's eyes, he lost it.

Suddenly, the angel cleared his throat as if to announce something. "Sammy-boy, as much as I'd love to carry this on-" he waved his hand over their bodies entangled on the bed, "- I think this is neither the time nor the place."

Although Sam felt the same way, he couldn't fight the slight feeling of disappointment spreading in his chest. Still, he accepted the angel's decision wordlessly and simply held him close to his body, one long arm wrapped around the smaller one's waist, the other one across his back and hand still tangled in Gabriel's brown hair. Sam breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm down.

Now that he had the time to think about it, Gabriel just fitted perfectly into his arms, like his vessel was selected to be just the right size. The thought brought a wide grin to his face.

"So, how do you want to get awoken tomorrow?" Gabriel asked him with a suggestive wriggle of his eyebrows.

"Surprise me," Sam answered simply, leaning upwards to kiss his angel.

Their lips met in a soft, innocent encounter, dry and firm and thoroughly loving. When Gabriel pulled back from the kiss and Sam opened his eyes, he was gone, leaving the hunter achingly hard and craving. Craving for Gabriel, for his touch, for his kisses, for his mouth and eyes and lips all over him. Sam moaned frustrated. That ass of an archangel.


An incredible wave of pleasure made Sam snap out of his dream. If it had been a sex dream, he most likely would have assumed that he hadn't woken up at all, but... he hadn't dreamt of anything nearly resembling sex.

Right now, his mind was not only clouded by the remains of sleep and, mostly, his raging libido. A hot mouth was wrapped around his cock, slick tongue curling around the head of it, slowly sucking its way up and down. Sam moaned deeply, eyes squeezed shut, before he really realized what was going on.

Sam's eyes blew open, searching for the one who was waking him with a blowjob. A fucking awesome blowjob, to be exact.

Hazel eyes looked back up at him, locking with his, and a quick swirl of skilled tongue made Sam wince and moan once more. A quick look to the second queen bed told him that Dean was – luckily – gone. Sam chuckled lightly. So Gabriel had in fact thought of everything for giving him the best wake-up call ever.

Speaking of which – Sam looked down his body once more before he reached out and buried his hand in the angel's light brown hair. Gabriel sucked just a bit harder and let his tongue run along the underside of Sam's cock when he withdrew his mouth from it. Not breaking the eye contact, the archangel began to lick up and down the shaft like it was some kind of lollipop. Sam couldn't suppress another groan at the beautiful picture and let his head fall backwards into the pillow. He even bucked his hips up into Gabriel's mouth, enjoying the intimate touch and the delicate friction.

When he felt a hand grab his balls and squeeze them softly, Sam lost it. Another deep thrust onto his cock sent him flying over the edge, and he instinctively grabbed Gabriel's hair and held the angel's head in place when he felt the first wave of his orgasm rippling through his body. Sam came with hard, short spurts, with his cock buried balls-deep in Gabriel's throat.

The latter took it like a man and swallowed as soon as Sam released his head from the grip.

"Well, good morning, Gabe," Sam panted, smiling lopsided down at him while calming down slowly from his climax.

"Mornin', Sammy," the angel answered. He was still sitting between the hunter's legs and eyed him curiously. Waited.

Wordlessly, Sam reached out and pulled Gabriel into his arms, their legs still entangled. The angel rested his head against Sam's chest, curling his arms around the taller man's shoulders before placing a soft kiss onto his collarbone. Sam shivered slightly before responding with a short kiss into the brown mop of hair on his chest. He simply held his angel tight in his arms, enjoying the touch of their skin against each other's and the early morning cuddling.

Sam Winchester enjoyed cuddling. Really.

Inwardly, Sam sighed, never having expected this, but well... Gabriel brought out the best in him, apparently. A wide grin spread on his lips when Sam whispered into the angel's ear, "Thank you." He accompanied the words with a long, loving stroke of his hand up the smaller one's back, caressing it softly.

"You're welcome," Gabriel's voice was muffled as he muttered the words against Sam's chest. Then he turned his head and looked up at the hunter, lips curled up in his trademark, mischievous smile. Sam still grinned when he pulled Gabriel upwards and kissed him, long and passionately, and noticed he could still taste himself on the archangel's tongue. Which, he had to admit, he didn't mind at all.

It was just perfect. This whole something that was going on between them, it was perfect.

Sam didn't want the moment to end at all.

But suddenly, there were a certain angel and a certain brother of his standing in the middle of the room. Both were gaping at the couple on the bed. Sam's eyes widened in shock, as he quickly remembered that he maybe should cover them up – Gabriel may be fully clothed, but Sam, however, was obviously not. With a hurried grasp of his hand, Sam pulled the duvet over the two of them, and reflexively wrapped his arms back around Gabriel on top of him.

Dean's stare had softened to an amused grin in the meantime. "So... you two or what?"

Sam swallowed his shock. "Yeah, pretty much sums it up."

Dean turned to Castiel and grinned even wider. "Told you!"

"In my defence, I must say," Cas began with a short sigh, turning to Gabriel, "I would never have suspected you to pursue a relationship with Sam."

"Oh Cas," Dean laughed. "Really? Come on, the only ones more obvious than them were we..." The older Winchester wrapped his arm around his angel's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss.

Sam was tempted to shout a good old-fashioned 'Why don't you two get a room?' at them, but then again... well.

Castiel gave a short huff at Dean and the twitch of his lips made it clear that he wouldn't deny that. Turning back to Gabriel and Sam on the bed, the angel added, "Still, I appreciate your decided way of companionship for obvious reasons."

"Yeah... what he said," Dean added, grinning smugly at the couple, "C'mon, Cas, let's get out of here, give these lovebirds some snuggle-time," he snickered.

Castiel grabbed Dean's hand wordlessly and after a blink, they were gone.

Gabriel laughed merrily and let his head drop onto Sam's chest. Sam chuckled along, squeezing him tight. The sudden feeling of bare skin on his also told him that Gabriel had just zapped his clothing away, which he didn't mind in the least. And yes, Sam was definitely in for some more.

A sudden wave of affection hit him hard, tightening his chest when Gabriel looked up at him and stole a quick kiss from his lips.

Damn, he was happy.


Well, that's it. I hope this chapter was worth the wait? Please leave a review if you've got the time, I appreciate every kind of feedback. See you soon :)