And another mini side fill, fot this comment:
And after the battle, they keep their Tarrasques, of course.
After all, they have to show these puny humans how real warriors play polo.
Wrex surveyed the field, his still-sharp eyes taking in the wonders of Tuchanka's landscape.
The weather was perfect, high clouds dimmed the sunlight only so much it wasn't blinding. The wind blew in only trace amounts of radioactive dust. The ground on the field was dry and firm.
Wrex's mount tossed it's head impatiently. Wrex agreed with its judgement. Their enemy was worthy, but they will squash it, together!
He gazed at his companions. Finest Urdnot Tarrasque Riders, each as ready as he himself was, swinging their mallets.
He surveyed his opponents again, lined up on the other side of the field. Shepard and her companions held their horses tight. They seemed just as ready.
It was time.
He lifted his mallet up.
He whacked the Tarrasque. It charged straight at the opposing team, roaring.
Today, Wrex and Fluffy will show these puny humans how real polo is played.