Author's Note:

I'm sorry about the delay, but I've been sorta pretty busy, so.. But, anyway, here's your update! :)

I'm ending this fic now for two reasons.

One: I hope to soon have a job. Then I won't have as much time to write as I do now, which is why I need to get the count of my active fics down to a manageable level, perhaps two or three.

Two: I just don't have any motivation for this fic anymore, and forcing myself to write the next chapter dampens the quality of the work, and that's not fair to you, the faithful readers.

So, I'm sorry, but, this is the end. I at least hope that you like how I ended it, if not the fact that I did. :)

~Sweet-Hearted SilverEars~

Epilogue The Visitor

"Father," Robin stated in obvious surprise. "You came all the way from Gotham to see me?"

"Yes," Bruce Wayne answered him with a smile. "You, your team, and most especially this boyfriend of yours."

"Um, yeah.. Alright," Robin said, rubbing the back of his own neck with his left hand as a slight blush colored his cheeks. "I'll um, show you around the Tower…"

"Sounds good to me."

"So, Beastboy," Bruce said to the man when Robin quit stalling and finally took him to where Beastboy was in the tower. "Have you been taking good care of my son?"

"Oh, yes, sir," Beastboy said respectfully, smiling at Robin where he stood nestled against his side like a barnacle, Robin's face red and flushed with embarrassment at the discussion's topic. "Very good care. We all have, the team, I mean. I love him, sir."

"That's good, son. That's all I wanted to hear. Robin's a good boy. He deserves another good boy to care for him. I can see that you are good, and good to him."

"Thank you, sir."