Bainaku has inspired me with her lovely stories, Tower, Tower in particular. The assassin concept for this story was born there, but hopefully not much else is similar. This fic is titled after a song by Ludo.

Faint sobbing echoed through the chilled streets of a small village straddling the Ice Kingdom. The darkness seemed to amplify the sound, making it difficult to know where it was coming from, but those who could hear it were able to easily identify the sorrow the cries carried.

Then there came a sudden smash. Glass being broken.

And silence followed.

The footpaths were deserted, save for a few monsters dressed in rags. Thin trolls, hollow goblins, gasping fish beasts, a serpent being playing an instrument softly; these were the folks without refuge. The nightlife wasn't safe, but there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. The breeze held the snowy air from the Ice Kingdom and if one didn't have thick fur or warm clothes, then they were left to suffer.

Hunched against brick walls, curled into their own ribs, the homeless shivered. None paid any attention to the wandering silhouette floating down the road. They hardly had the strength to live much longer, let alone overpower another person.

Even those in houses were terribly poor. Small shacks were the best any could own, as their tyrant king allowed only enough wealth to survive, while he bathed in a golden bathtub. His powers resembled that of the Ice King, but he put his to much more catastrophic use.

On occasion, he would invite a bread thief to his palace and that thief was never seen again. Some said the king turned looters into ice and dumped them into the ocean, or in pits of fire. Not even the Ice King was capable of such a brutal abuse of elemental magic.

The previously mentioned shape drifting by the homeless had a distorted composition. There were thick billowing tendrils surrounded its lower regions. Maybe tentacles. A badly positioned pointed hump rested as a head or disfigurement on the creature. It followed the coiling road up to the gates of the palace holding the king. Guards were on either side of the entrance and the figure sank into the ground, becoming a puddle of black ooze. It slithered by the guards, unseen, and waded up the dirt pathway.

It entered the palace, travelling into the bowels of the titanic fortress without being noticed. Its movements sounded like a small stream lapping at rocks and it fell into sync with the dripping leaks in the ceiling. The puddle didn't stop once. It spread across the carpeted floor, melting into shadows when an Ice Guard ambled by. Its destination was already known.

It came to a door and bled underneath it.

There were dwindling candles on the walls that offered enough light to reveal a woman with raven hair rising from the black puddle. A double-sided axe hung from a strap that hugged her shoulder and hip, its massive size making no difference in the ease with which the woman removed it. She floated to the sleeping king, covered by a velvet blanket, and raised the weapon above her head; the leather of her jacket groaned as she bent her arms.

The overweight king stirred when something tickled his nose and he squinted open one eye in irritation. He found a lock of dark hair wafting in front of him. Confused, he turned over, only to see the woman with the axe, her round crimson goggles reflecting the flames of his candles. He opened his mouth to scream, but the woman had already swung and buried the axe into his throat.

The morning sun stretched its light over the land of Ooo, reaching far into the darkness to chase away the remnants of a cold night. Its pleasant warmth went unnoticed, however, in a particular kingdom. Ooo had many kingdoms scattered about, most housing princesses that were often kidnapped by desperate men, namely the Ice King. It was common though, and therefore did not pose as a serious threat; all princesses were always retrieved and returned safely. But an abduction was not the case at hand in the Candy Kingdom.

The sole ruler, Princess Bubblegum, had been injured.

The Candy People adored their princess and the smallest incidents threw them into chaos. The citizens were easily frightened and quick to fret, so when news leaked about Princess Bubblegum's trip down the stairs, everyone grew restless. Wrappers were dishevelled, those who accessorised with icing had applied it haphazardly, if at all, and many were unfit to work because they were sick with worry. All awaited an update, some sent cards wishing her well, others wanted to visit, but the castle guards and staff would assure them that the princess was recovering and simply needed to be left alone.

Although, on this day, something unusual happened. Something unexpected. Throughout the sugar-coated streets, there was a soft clomping of something heavy passing by. Nervously peering out their windows or cracked open doors, the Candy People spotted a large Lemon Horse. The creature's mouth protruded grotesquely from its lemon-shaped head, which was mounted on a thin noodle-like neck. A shadowed figure sat atop the horse, dressed in a grey bodysuit and black boots. A sheathed sword at his side swayed with every movement of his steed. He faced the castle, narrow eyes gazing intently at the sugary utopia in the distance.

Troubled by this sight, various citizens ducked back into the safety of unlit houses, already knowing who it was, while others remained watching, overcome with dread.

Why would Princess Bubblegum's heir, The Earl of Lemongrab, come to the Candy Kingdom if not to take the throne? His sour attitude had no place in the land of the sweet, yet he was more than willing to rule over that of which he himself was not.

The people feared the worst.

"Gumballs!" Princess Bubblegum cursed as she tried to balance on both her feet again, but slices of pain bit into her ankle with even the slightest application of pressure. "This is so inconvenient," she muttered, deciding that maybe hopping would be more effective. She bounced feebly towards her desk across the room, proud that she could at least accomplish this small task.

She was about halfway there when a knock sounded on her door. It opened a few seconds later.

"M'lady, The Earl of Lemong- What are you doing?!" cried the small striped candy man as he rushed into the room to stop the princess from making any more progress.

"I was just going to sign some documents, Peppermint. Calm down," Bubblegum said.

Peppermint Butler urgently clutched Princess Bubblegum's forearm and gently coaxed her into retracing her hops. Agitated that her staggering journey was in vain, she unwillingly allowed her servant to pull her back to her bed. Peppermint waited for her to carefully climb beneath the covers before he released her.

"Your Highness, Dr. Ice Cream told you to stay off your ankle for at least a week. It's only been two days and you're already trying to walk; you won't heal if you keep this up..." The butler's eyes shone and Princess Bubblegum sighed, knowing it was best not to upset her subjects. They were so emotional.

"I'm fine, I just don't want to have an enormous amount of papers to sign and review when I'm able to resume my duties," she insisted and Peppermint shook his head, awestruck by her dedication.

"Your replies have always been prompt; I'm sure all will forgive this brief delay."

Bubblegum nodded reluctantly, frowning as she recalled Peppermint's original purpose for interrupting her sneaky endeavours.

"You were saying the Earl of Lemongrab is here?"

"Yes, shall I send him away?"

"No, no, I will speak with him. I may be bedridden, but I refuse to neglect all audiences, attire be jammed." Her frilled nightgown may not be the most dignified outfit to wear before nobility, but it was of no present concern. Lemongrab's insufferable voice and hostility might be refreshing after this period of confinement. After two days, Princess Bubblegum already felt caged and culturally stifled.

Peppermint bowed and left her chambers and returned swiftly with the Earl at his heels. Peppermint's expression was contorted, angered, while the Earl seemed smug. He roughly pushed the butler aside and entered Bubblegum's room.

"I hear you've broken your legs," he said, scanning the princess eagerly.

"Nonsense! I've merely twisted my ankle; I'll be okay in a few more days," Bubblegum confirmed petulantly, already regretting admitting the earl entrance into her castle.

"Oh, well..." Lemongrab hesitated, trying to cover his evident disappointment as he made what could only be described as a painful screech as he elongated the word 'well' until he continued: "I've come to make sure everything is in order. Perhaps there is business that needs to be attended to?" There was underlying desperation in his tone. He wanted some sort job he could do to prove his worth.

"No, there is nothing that I can't handle. I'm not sure who told you my legs were broken, but be sure to send a messenger next time so you don't arrive under false pretenses. You are welcome to stay here though, if you feel tired from your trip," Bubblegum added, not inclined to being ill-mannered, even to a jerk like Lemongrab.

"Uh, thank you, but if I have no service to provide, I will be leaving. I hope you recover quickly, Your Highness," Lemongrab murmured, bowing stiffly. It was obviously a forced gesture and he turned around and stormed out of Bubblegum's chambers, knocking Peppermint Butler over without an ounce of regard.

"That was... interesting," Bubblegum said, uncertain whether to feel amused or disturbed by Lemongrab's behaviour.