Okay, so I've decided that since I like where this ends but it isn't very long, I'll go ahead and ALSO write the family's first Christmas, as well. You guys are good. It warms my heart that you like this story so much and wanted to see both scenes. I'm finished with school now so I'm hoping I'll get the third-and final (for real this time)-part up by Friday but work is killing me so we'll see. I just don't like writing holidays that have passed, even if these aren't real people and whatnot. As always, thanks SO much for the reviews and alerts and support. It means the world to me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize.

Ezra was just putting away his red pen for grading essays when he heard a strange noise come from his and Aria's bedroom. "Aria?"

"Um, can you come here?" she called to him.

He shoved everything into his bag and hurried to her. "Are you all right?"

"I think my water broke," she muttered. "Can you call Dr. Tucker and find my hospital bag? I shoved it under the bed last week."

"Oh, my God," he breathed, going for the bag first before pulling his cell phone from his pocket to call their obstetrician.

In the meantime, Aria went to the bathroom to change into clean clothes and brush her teeth, trying to remain calm. She knew Ezra—who was usually cool and collected—would be freaking out so one of them had to stay sane. Hearing him run around their bedroom made her smile because she knew that despite his anxiety, he was ridiculously excited. He'd spent the last several days baby-proofing everything in sight, even though their daughter wouldn't start getting into things for a while, and most of the nursery decorating had been done by him, though Hanna had supervised with a watchful eye.

"Okay, Dr. Tucker is going to meet us at the hospital and he said he'd let them know we're coming," Ezra told her when he finished his phone call. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah," she confirmed. "He told me the first baby usually has the longest labor process so it could be all night; I'm taking it one step at a time."

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she smiled, reaching up to kiss him. "And in case I say nasty things to you while I'm giving birth, please know I don't mean it."

Ezra chuckled. "I know." He pulled away. "Are you ready?"

"Let's go have a baby," she nodded.

Half an hour later, Aria was situated into a private room at Rosewood General Hospital with nearly a dozen people surrounding her—Ezra, Ella, Byron, Mike, Hanna, Caleb, Spencer, Emily, Hardy, Ezra's dad, and his brother—while Dr. Tucker spoke quietly with a nurse in the corner.

"Well, Mrs. Fitz, it seems like you're in for a long night," Dr. Tucker finally spoke up. "I know that's probably the last thing you want to hear but it looks like you're dilating rather slowly."

Aria sighed. "I expected that. The contractions aren't so terrible yet so for now, I'm okay."

"Good," Dr. Tucker grinned. "I'll be back to check on you soon."

"Is there anything you need?" Ella asked, brushing her daughter's hair back from her face.

"No, I'm good," Aria declared.

Spencer, who'd been texting Toby, tucked her phone into her purse. "Toby says he's sorry he's not here but he's with his boss in New York for the weekend at some conference."

"It's cool," Aria said. "It's a little crowded in here as it is."

"Do you want us to go?" Paul Fitz offered to his daughter-in-law.

"No!" she cried. "I'm glad you're all here."

Emily hopped up to sit on the windowsill next to Hardy. "Have you decided on a name? I know you'd narrowed it down last week but have you picked one?"

"We think so," Ezra answered. "But we're going to wait til we see her before we make it official. Her middle name will for sure be Alison though."

Hanna smiled softly. "That's nice."

"She'd like that," Spencer added. "Always remembered."

Aria looked at her husband of just over a month. "It was actually his idea. Neither of us have lost any female family members we're close to—thank God—so he suggested we give her Alison as a middle name because she was so important to us."

"Can we have a hint about her name?" Emily pleaded. "Come on."

Ezra grinned. "She will be named for a prominent literary character but maybe not one you'd immediately think of."

"Elizabeth?" Byron guessed. "Daisy? Zooey? Scarlett?"

"No, no, no, and no," Ezra denied. "Sorry."

"Hanna smirked. "Hermione?"

"I wish," Aria laughed. "He says you wouldn't think of it immediately but when you hear it, it'll sort of make sense. Also, you'll think it's weird but again, it'll make sense."

Ella sat down on the edge of Aria's bed. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be beautiful and we'll love it."

"I hope," Aria breathed.

After several hours of little action, the room started to clear. Hardy had to work early in the morning in Philadelphia, Caleb had work he needed to finish at home, Paul and Nico wanted to give some space so they went to their hotel across the street, and Mike had gone down to the cafeteria to eat.

"Um, do you all mind if I talk to the girls alone?" Aria requested of her husband and parents.

"Sure," Ezra agreed, knowing what she wanted to talk to them about. "I'm gonna get some coffee and call my mom."

Once the three of them were gone, Aria looked at her three best friends. "I've probably spent more time on this subject than thinking of a name so it's plagued me for weeks now. Ezra's family is Catholic and we want our daughter to have traditional godparents. Hardy—God help her—is going to be her godfather and we agreed one of my friends would be her godmother. The thing is, you're all three equally important to me so my question is: would all three of you do it?"

"Yes!" Hanna answered quickly.

Spencer grinned. "Of course we all."

Emily agreed. "You don't even have to ask."

Tears filled Aria's eyes. "Thanks."

The other three carefully enveloped her in a group hug.

"You're going to be like, the best mom ever," Hanna stated. "You've always been the most maternal. When things go wrong, you immediately want to fix them so people don't get hurt. That matters."

"She's right," Spencer added. "That little girl won the parental lottery."

"Well, we'll see," Aria chuckled.

Ezra stuck his head into the room. "Can I come back in now?"

"Yes," Aria confirmed. "They all agreed."

"Awesome," he beamed. "It really means a lot to us."

Hanna made a face. "You know what would mean a lot to us? If you'd tell us what you're naming her."

"Hanna," Aria sighed. "She'll be here—hopefully—in just a couple hours and then you'll know."

"Let this be a lesson in patience," Spencer advised.

"Oh, shut up," Hanna grumbled. "I'm gonna go call Caleb."

Finally, at nearly nine in the evening, Dr. Tucker gave Aria the best news she could possibly stand: it was time to start pushing.

"This is it," Ezra murmured, clutching her hand. "In a very short period of time, we're gonna have a baby girl."

"Yeah," she breathed as Dr. Tucker and his nurse prepared to deliver. "Why did I decide against the epidural?"

"No idea," he chuckled. "But you're gonna be great and I'm going to be here every step of the way. Don't worry about hurting my hand either."

"Oh, I'm not," she smirked.

"All right, Aria, get ready to push," Dr. Tucker instructed. "One, two, three, push!"

With as much force as she could muster, Aria pushed, squeezing Ezra's hand as she did.

"How long do you think it's going to take?" Hanna asked as she paced in the waiting room.

Ella shrugged. "It could be a while. When I had Mike, even after I started pushing, he didn't come for an hour."

"An hour?" Hanna groaned.

Spencer smirked. "Patience really isn't your strong suit."

"Quiet, Hastings," Hanna snapped.

The doors to the waiting room opened and Paul and Nico hurried in.

"Anything yet?" Nico asked. "I still can't believe my baby brother is having a baby."

"Nothing yet," Byron spoke up. "Has anyone spoke to your mother?"

Paul rolled his eyes. "The dragon lady is on a cruise in the Mediterranean so it's unlikely we'd get in touch with her."

"Dad," Nico warned. "I left her a voicemail on the way here and said I'd call her when the baby came. I'm sure she'll get back to us when she can."

Twenty minutes later, an ecstatic Ezra made his way into the room from the delivery wing. "We have a baby."

"Yay!" Hanna shrieked, hugging Emily and Spencer in the excitement. "What's her name?"

Ella waved a hand. "Can we meet her?"

"Yes," he confirmed. "Aria is worn out so you can't stay too long but she wants to introduce you all before we kick you out." He led them all back to Aria's room and pushed back the door to reveal her sitting up in bed, holding a bundle wrapped in a white blanket in her arms.

"Everyone," she spoke quietly, "this is Radley Alison Fitz."

Mike's jaw dropped. "You named your daughter 'Radley?' That's a boy name. Actually, it's more like a last name."

"Maybe," Ezra shrugged, "but Boo Radley is the quiet hero in To Kill a Mockingbird."

"Yeah, and?" Mike scoffed.

"That's our book," Aria smiled up at her husband. "I told you it would sound weird but we like it."

"It'll be easy to explain," Spencer added. "When people question it—which they will—all she'll have to do is tell people her parents are both English teachers and they'll understand."

For twenty minutes Aria and Ezra let everyone take turns holding Radley, cooing over her tiny nose and ears, before the exhaustion kicked in and Aria politely asked everyone to leave.

"We'll see you in the morning, sweetie," Ella said, kissing her daughter's forehead. "She's absolutely beautiful."

"Yeah," Byron agreed, taking his turn to kiss his daughter. "And I love her name."

"Thanks, Dad," Aria grinned tiredly.

After everyone left, a nurse came in to check the baby and Aria. "And do you want us to take her to the nursery for the night?"

"No, I want to keep her here," Aria answered.

The nurse grinned. "All right. I'll be back later but if you need anything, just hit the button on your remote."

"I still can't believe she's ours," Ezra murmured as he sat on the edge of Aria's bed, looking down at Radley. "We have a baby."

"I know," Aria said, stifling a yawn. "She's so perfect. And she looks like you."

He heard how tired she was. "Aria, why don't I sit up with her for a while so you can sleep? You're exhausted."

"But I just want to hold her," she whined. "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

Ezra chuckled and carefully took Radley into his arms. "I think an hour right now would be okay." He kissed her. "I promise, we'll be right here when you wake up."

"Fine," Aria sighed, situating herself on her pillows. "Just an hour."

"Okay," he agreed, standing up. "I'll wake you up in sixty minutes."

It took less than forty-five seconds for Aria to fall asleep so Ezra walked around the room, rocking Radley in his arms.

"You see that beautiful girl sleeping there in the bed?" he asked the baby softly. "That's your mommy and she's the strongest person I know. I couldn't be any luckier that I get to spend the rest of my life with her and you're gonna be the luckiest little girl ever to have her as a mom. She's smart and kind and funny. She'll make you feel better, even when you think it's impossible. She'll be the most supportive person in your life. Well, she and I might fight for that title but that's a good thing. If you grow up to be half the woman she is, I know she and I will have done our job as your parents right." He kissed Radley's head. "Not that we'll ever tell you this when you're old enough to remember it but I didn't know about you for a while and I was really mad about that. But if you want to know a secret—one I'll never give your mother the satisfaction of knowing—she could've told me the day before you were born and I would love you and her just as much as I do right now. Your mother walking into that pub almost seven years ago was the best thing that ever happened to me because it led me to this exact moment, as the husband and father to the two most spectacular women on the planet. And I know, I might be a little biased but I think you guys will prove me right; your mom already has. No matter what happens in your life—whether you cure cancer or write a best-selling novel or even if you have a clandestine relationship with your high school English teacher—I will always, always be in your corner." He chuckled quietly. "But try to avoid dating your English teacher because I know from experience that it's incredibly difficult." Ezra looked at where Aria was sleeping and smiled. "But it was definitely worth it."