"How many so far?"

"Thirty-two. For you?"

"Thirty-four, but they've all been cooperative. Suzaku?"



"Ye-which one?"

"My Suzaku."

"Yes, Lelouch?"

"How many have you connected?"

"Thirty exactly. Do you think we'll be done in time?"

"Likely. The threads are getting thinner the further out we go. Once they're intangible we'll be able to… actualize the nexus."

A soft laugh came from one of the other Suzakus at Lelouch's word choice, but no one questioned it. The words they were using were, by their very nature, inexact. They were working with new ideas, new powers, things that even previous geass and code bearers hadn't gone so far as to even conceive of.

But such was the price of an overweening wish, the pull of a moment's weakness and the opportunity to harness the power of universes to make Lelouch's one true Wish come true.

An impulsive request, straight from the heart, requiring years of careful calculation and manipulation to fix.

Lelouch wouldn't take it back for the world. Literally.

At first, the nexus had seemed like a gift – a bridge between worlds, that only he and Suzaku could traverse, and even then only in their dreams. A new world; an infinity, potentially, of new worlds; with new people and different perspectives and yet the comfort of the one person Lelouch knew better than anyone else.

If the nexus had remained stable, Lelouch wouldn't have even needed to use it. It had been built for the sake of those Lelouchs without a Suzaku, and those Suzakus without a Lelouch. As long as he had his Suzaku, Lelouch had no need of any other.

But once the nexus was shown to be unstable, cracking at the edges and leaking into worlds where Lelouch never even made his thoughtlessly heartfelt wish, they had need of him. And if there was one thing Lelouch could never resist (apart from Suzaku) it was being needed.

Suzaku more or less agreed, only occasionally teasing Lelouch about how this was all his fault and how, for once, Suzaku was cleaning up his messes. Lelouch tolerated the jibes (which were nothing less than the truth, after all) for longer than even he'd thought he would have had the patience for, before pointing out all the lives his wish had made better – the Suzakus who had kept their sanity because they could visit with Lelouch in their dreams, the Lelouchs whose anger and grief had been tempered by seeing Suzaku once again, possibly (probably) preventing wars or even genocides.

As Lelouch listed off all the good his Wish had done, Suzaku had listened patiently with a small smile on his face, and then swept Lelouch into his arms, kissing him and pressing him back against the wall.

"You wanted me. You had the chance for anything and you chose me. Don't think I don't know that, or appreciate it, or think about it all the time."

Lelouch, his frustration long turned into a more productive passion, had pressed back, grinning. "Then stop needling me about it."

"Never." Suzaku had, for the first time in years, picked Lelouch up and carried him princess-style to their bed. Lelouch had been too flabbergasted to protest and, frankly, whatever got him on his back under Suzaku was fine with him at that point.

He had been more than willing to just get on with things, but Suzaku still had a point to make.

"I never want you to forget what you've done – what you wanted, what you chose, and what you risked to keep me by your side."

Ah. Of course – Lelouch might be the brains of this operation, the drive, but Suzaku was the conscience, the heart. He was also, however, a brat, so his method of reminding Lelouch of the bond they shared, the power Lelouch had wielded for their sake, was bratty.

And Lelouch wouldn't have him any other way.

Even now, spending every night weaving the worlds connected by the nexus together, tasting and tagging the other Lelouchs and Suzakus whose dreams crossed over in tangled and convoluted patterns, Lelouch couldn't help but be happy that he was doing all this with Suzaku at his side. Unlike some of the other pairs they were working with, Lelouchs and Suzakus who had codes and each other but also duties and complicated feelings between them, he and his Suzaku had left the rest of the world behind, secure in their immortality and anonymity.

They had nothing else to do, no duties other than to wrangle the threads of the worlds bound by the nexus and weave them together, creating the illusion of a physical realm that could hold every dreamer from every world.

"That's the last one."

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, I was distracted by… thoughts."

"That's just like you, Lelouch. Well, are you ready?"

"The worlds are connected, the meeting place has been completed, and I have you. I've never been more ready."

"This'll do it. This'll fix everything."

"I hope so."

Despite being noncoporeal, Lelouch could feel his fingers lace with Suzaku's as they hesitated just outside the physical manifestation of the nexus. He took a deep breath (metaphorically) and moved forward, his body forming around him and Suzaku's beside him.

Their hands were, of course, joined.

Suzaku smiled at him and Lelouch nodded once, firmly before inhaling in preparation to speak.

Time to fix everything.

"Greetings from the nexus!"


And that's it! This leaves off where the nexus arc in Snapshots begins, and every Lelouch can choose to have a Suzaku (and vice versa) so everything is fine and (with a little work) has the potential to be perfect. XD

Happy endings all 'round!

Thanks to everyone for reading and especially to everyone who reviewed. Feedback is important, particularly for a fic like this which is basically a compendium (or addendum. Or other words ending in -um.) to a larger work. This fic did just what I wanted it to do - it gave different perspectives than the two main POVs in Snapshots and fleshed out the alternate worlds, and I'm so happy that my self-indulgence was so well-received. XD

As always, if anyone wants to take any of my AUs or characters or concepts, feel free! You don't even need to ask or credit (I get most of my inspiration from anonymous kinkmemes, so I don't exactly have a moral leg to stand on) but if you toss me a PM letting me know, I'd like to read it.

Thank you all again for reading!I got a kick out of writing this, so I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as well. XD