Chapter Fifty – Tired Soldiers

We carry on through the storm, tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for, meet me on the battlefield
We stand face-to-face with our inhuman race
We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay

Our tainted history, it's playing on repeat
But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
When I was younger, I was named a generation unafraid
For years to come, be brave
And meet me on the battlefield, even on the darkest night
I will be your sword, your shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine
- Battle
field, by Svrcina

Hermione wasn't serious.

When she asked if anyone felt like getting arrested she really wasn't serious.

But, for some reason, serious came for her faster than a heart attack and she wondered when she would learn to keep her big, bossy mouth shut.

"We're already suspended, Hermione," Harry reasoned with her as she dashed to the dorm she no longer shared with her two best friends. This followed a resounding agreement from those who had been in MgGonagall's office that they were happy to get thrown in Azkaban. Even Wendel and McGonagall seemed on board.

"That felt good," Ron nodded while trying to keep up.

Hermione stopped in the middle of the corridor and Harry and Ron skidded to a halt in front of her.

"I'm not letting you both throw your careers away for me," Hermione said stiffly, unsure of what to do with her hands and tone.

"Let us make our own call, then," Ron said stubbornly. "I know you're used to dealing with things on your own this year but we're both here ready and willing to help."

"But-" Hermione started, but Ron cut her off.

"I'm doing this for Fred too, you know." Ron's words shot out of his mouth before he could even think about them.

"Ron..." Hermione faltered.

"Fred would have been first in line if he thought Hogwarts was being wronged again." Ron said with more conviction. "Hell, he would think it a bloody lark to get arrested. There's nothing I want more than to live up to his memory. Everyone thinks that Fred and George were only looking to wreak some havoc but it ran deeper than that. We have an obligation to stand up against the Ministry now more than ever."

Whatever argument Hermione had started to mentally prepare died before it reached her lips. Instead of saying anything she merely nodded.

Harry, eager to break the silence that was so rare between Hermione and Ron clapped them both on the shoulder. "We have a lot of work to do," he said. "If we're going to drum up the biggest impact we're going to need to get a small crowd."

"Neville and Blaise went back to breakfast to tell the others," Hermione said. "Lets get started and see if we can get in touch with Ginny and Luna and whoever else wants to contact their friends." Hermione glanced at her watch. "It's close to ten now, if we can get everyone to the Ministry by five when people start returning home for the day that's when we'll get the most eyes on us." Hermione looked up at Harry. "Are you sure you're ready to jump into the spotlight again? I'll admit I wasn't keen on seeing my picture splashed across the front of the paper again."

Harry shrugged. "It'll never stop, not really," he said in a resigned sort of way. "I'll get married, maybe get a new job, sneeze, the press just jump on whatever they can get their hands on. At least in this case we're already a step ahead of them and in front of the story."

Hermione kissed Harry on the cheek. "Let's get to work, then."

An hour later eleven current and former Hogwarts students were crowded in the 8th year common room. Hermione had a system going now in which she was magically copying two letters, one written by her and one written in joint effort by her fellow eighth years. After the letters were copied they would sign them in a line and from there they would magically fold in mid-air and stuff themselves into an envelope. Harry and Ron were seated at the end of the assembly line addressing the envelopes while Winky would crack in and out, taking ten at a time to the owlry to be sent off to their recipients. The Hogwarts owls were in for a work out today. Between the eleven witches and wizards gathered Hermione was confident they would be able to carve out a huge chunk of the wizarding population under the British Ministry. The letters detailed everything Hermione thought would be of significant interest to the public, including Draco's conduct so far this school year and a vague summary of why he would be forced to use a spell that had recently been deemed dangerous. Hermione, in her letter alone, outlined the treatment the Ministry and the Minister had given her. While she hated throwing herself back into the spotlight she knew her name carried some weight, so she might as well throw it as hard as she could to achieve her ends.


"That's the last of them," Harry said after Winky had disappeared from the common room once more. He stood from the desk he had been sharing with Ron and shook his hand out.

"That's 216 letters," Hermione said off the top of her head with some bemusement. "I don't even think I know that many people."

"Good thing we all could bring a few more names to the table, then," Hannah said triumphantly. Her mother had worked in the Ministry and Hannah grew up around more than a few officials that she felt would by sympathetic to the cause.

Hermione checked her watch. It was going on two o'clock now and if the owls didn't encounter any trouble the rest of the letters should all make it to their destinations by three. That gave every magical person who was inclined to show up enough time to make it to the Ministry before they closed for business at five.

Hermione slumped into one of the overstuffed armchairs and noticed everyone was looking to her as though they were waiting further instructions. She was exhausted but gathered herself up to speak again.

"We gave instructions for everyone to use the telephone booth." Hermione said while collecting her thoughts. "Hopefully we don't draw too much muggle attention."

"The same telephone booth we used back in fifth year?" Neville asked, recalling the ill-fated rescue mission.

"Exactly," Hermione nodded. "That's the visitor entrance. There's another way in through a loo but you have to be a Ministry employee. I think we should aim to get there by four so that we can arrive first and avoid being headed off before everyone leaves. If we're there and making enough commotion then anyone who might join us can trickle in while we're distracting security. If the eleven of us go in two or three at a time no one will notice until there's too many of us to deal with at once."

"And this time we can just Apparate there," Ron said with some relief.

Hermione grinned. "Right. No need to borrow a Thestral this time."

Harry looked between his two best friends with some bemusement. Their banter appeared to be returning to normal and Harry was all the more grateful for it. The real test would be to see how they would do without using Harry as a buffer.

"I told Ginny I would meet her and Luna so they could be there before it started," Harry told the group while making his way towards the exit. "They can't Apparate long-distance alone until they graduate, so I'll meet them at the Burrow to do a side-along and we'll join you in an hour at the telephone booth, does that work for everyone?"

Hermione saw right through what Harry was doing, but she played along. Harry, for all of his rash actions over the years, was a vision of tact.

"Meet you on the battlefield," she said with a sad smile from her seat. "Again."

Harry squeezed her shoulder as he passed and then exited the common room to meet with his Fiance and Luna.

"We have your back, you know." Blaise said somewhat awkwardly from across the room. "If the Minister is really determined to arrest you he's going to have a hell of a time finding enough space for all of us too."

The others murmured their agreement and Ron, having not been privy to the camaraderie his former classmates had established, looked surprised but Hermione smiled.

"I know, Hermione told him. "It would be nice if this was the last obstacle, but with Draco gone now and no Maliceptor in looks like it really does only attack when we're together at Hogwarts. Once we free Draco he's going to have to come back to finish his year, and we're still nowhere close to figuring out how to fix that mess."

"One crisis at a time," Ron said quickly. "Let's get through today. On the bright side, if we're all in Azkaban you won't have to worry about the Maliceptor anymore."

Hermione always loved London. Despite the general dreariness that always accompanied the skyline of a city that grew the most during the Industrial Revolution, London as she knew it was always an exciting place full of charm and history. Some of her fondest memories of her childhood were centered around the sights and sounds of the city that her parents would bring her to visit.

But today those memories of the Muggle life she left behind would not do her any favors. Today she was a witch. She was a particularly powerful witch and she had a rebellion to lead.

Hermione, Hannah, and Blaise were the first to Apparate into a small side street away from prying eyes. Hermione had delegated Neville and Ron to direct the rest after a few minutes had past due to the three of them were the only ones who had used this entrance before.

Hermione located the phone booth with equal parts trepidation and determination. How different this trip would be. The last time she used this entrance Sirius had been alive. She was fifteen years old and hadn't the slightest idea what she was facing. That had been the beginning of the end, really. Her last memory as a child hung in the phone booth she now inhabited, after that night there had been no hiding, no denying what was happening around her. Hermione returned to it a tired and battle-worn soldier, desperate for some reprieve. The last three years marched through her mind as she told Blaise the numbers to press: six, two, four, four, two.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger, and Hannah Abbott. We're here to see the Minister of Magic." Blaise said calmly.
"Thank you," said the voice Hermione recognized from all those years ago. "Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes."

Blaise, Hannah, and Hermione took the badges as they came out of the coin slot and Hermione glanced at her own, Hermione Granger, Minister Guest.

Apparently the security of the Ministry still left a lot to be desired.

They listened as the disembodied voice told them they would need to submit their wands for inspection while the pavement they stood upon groaned and gave way under their feet. In less than a minute they were standing in the massive entry way of the British Ministry of Magic.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening." said the woman's cool voice.

"You can't understand how unreal this feels," Hermione shuddered and spoke to no one in particular. "I didn't understand...oh Harry. I'm so sorry."

Hannah approached Hermione from behind and put her arm around her classmate as she bowed her head. "You can't change anything that already came to pass," Hannah told Hermione. "We know what happened. There's nothing to be guilty about."

Hermione reached up and grasped the hand Hannah had on her shoulder. "I've come here as a student, as a fraud, and as a witness. Today I feel like I've come as all three."

"It's just like any other place," Blaise added. "Stones and spells. It's not any different from Hogwarts. Make a memory here that doesn't have you searching for an exit."

Hermione smirked. "Every place has me searching for an exit."

"Isn't that the problem?" Blaise asked sharply.

Hermione didn't have a chance to respond. Just then Ron and his crew joined their group.

"Blimey, Hermione..." Ron stopped as he looked around the vacant Atrium.

Hermione pushed down the tears that threatened to bubble up as she stepped over to meet him. "I understand," She told him and put her arms around his neck.

Ron stiffened at first, not anticipating the intimate contact. He relaxed after a minute and pulled her head in. A few moments went by and Hermione stepped back to wait for their third group let by Neville.

As it turned out, it was Harry that entered the Atrium next, followed by Luna, Ginny, and Xenophillius Lovegood.

Hermione waited for Harry's reaction at returning to such a memory-laden place, but to Harry's credit he didn't appear ruffled in the slightest. It might have something to do with him rarely taking his gaze off of Ginny, who was already wrapping Hermione in a tight embrace.

"We're going to gather some attention soon," Harry observed as Neville and the rest of the eighth years joined their group.

"Sooner, rather than later," Blaise muttered as the wand weigher left his post and began his way towards the gathering.

"Stay calm for now," Hermione told everyone. "We want to appear as non-threatening as possible. If they find out what we're planning they'll have us kicked out before we can gain any traction."

Hermione turned toward the guard then and gave him a bright smile. "Hello, we're here to see the Minister," she said.

The guard didn't seem surprised. "I was told to keep an eye out for you, Miss Granger," he said politely. "And to let you know that if you wished to meet with the Minister you would need to schedule an appointment with his secretary."

"I understand he's very busy," Hermione agreed readily, hoping to stall as long as she could. "I can wait for him until he's done for the day. It shouldn't take very long."

The guard looked conflicted. On the one hand, he hadn't been told specifically that he couldn't let anyone hang around the Atrium, it was technically a common area for the public as well as Ministry officials. On the other hand, he was almost positive the Minister only overlooked that detail and would want the rapidly enlarging group gone as soon as possible.

Hermione checked her watch, half past four. She could feel her pulse beating in her neck as she watched the entire Weasley clan come through the phone booth along with the the recently reunited living Black sisters. Hermione was relieved to see that Teddy was absent from the spectacle. Narcissa Malfoy gave Andromeda's arm a squeeze when she caught sight of Hermione and without a backward glance made her way over to the younger witch.

Hermione barely registered the fruit of her labors now spilling into the Atrium as Narcissa finally reached her. Narcissa was smiling, and Hermione noticed for the first time that it was Draco's smile. The observation tugged at her heart and made her all the more determined to either get Draco out or make sure she was thrown in trying.

"Miss Granger," Narcissa was upon her and to Hermione's surprise she found herself enveloped in a hug more maternal than she would have come to expect from Draco's mother. After a moment Hermione left herself relax and be comforted by a mother, even if it wasn't the one she desperately wanted; her own.

After another moment went by Narcissa pulled back but put her hands on Hermione's cheeks. "You dear, brave girl," she sniffed indelicately.

"It's my fault he's there," Hermione said in a rush. "If I hadn't insisted on using that stupid, dangerous spell. I knew better and I did it anyway."
"You didn't know what would happen," Narcissa reasoned. "And this sham of an arrest along with the spectacle today will finally solidify Draco's freedom. I read the papers, I listened in Diagon Alley. The people are angry that the Ministry is overreaching once more. If they try to come out of this with my son still locked up they will have a public relations nightmare to deal with thanks to your brilliance."

Hermione flushed at the compliment. "It's hardly brilliance," she countered. "It's just that the press is always to ready to print a sordid story about me, or Harry, or anyone, why shouldn't they jump at the chance to expose this kind of corruption?"

Narcissa let her arms fall to her sides but continued to smile at Hermione. "Draco once told me you didn't have a malicious bone in your body," Narcissa commented. "I told him he had much to learn about woman, and I'm glad to be proven right this time. Your remarkable brain is your greatest muscle. Protect it and exercise it when the need arises and you will always be a woman to be reckoned with. You will always be a woman worth reckoning with."

Hermione wasn't sure what to say, but Narcissa turned and drifted back to her sister's side before Hermione could come up with something substantial to add. Narcissa was certainly a woman who knew how to get the last word.

Hermione took this opportunity to glance around the Atrium, and to her immense surprise she found it suddenly bursting to the brim with people. They sent out 216 letters and it looked like there were easily 500 people milling around and talking excitedly with one another. Hermione could see the top of Professor McGonagall's pointed hat and she had to wonder if all of Hogwarts had been dismissed to bear witness.

Suddenly feeling as though she were out on the ocean with nothing more than a life raft, Hermione desperately glanced around for any sign of Harry or the throng of Weasleys to help ease her anxiety. She knew she was going to have to speak, but she didn't know if she would be able to do it lost in a sea of strangers.

As it turned out, Harry and Ron were already on the lookout for her, and when they saw Narcissa leave they pushed their way through the crowd until they came upon their best friend.

"Oh Merlin," Hermione breathed. "I'm so glad you were able to find me."

"We have you," Harry reassured her. It's nearly time, all our teachers are here, it looks like most of the older students are here too. Apparently Luna and Ginny were busy this afternoon as well. Where do you want to be?"

"Can you lead me to the front where the Floo network is located?" Hermione asked. "That ought to be where Kingsley is going to end up, I'd like to be front and center when he appears."

Ron and Harry were in agreement, so the three of them made their way through the crowd once more, flashes going off from the various journalists lighting their way.

Finally, they made it to a clearing of people. From the looks of it the various Aurors and Ministry guards were standing warily a few dozen feet away from the public, not necessarily keeping them out but not inviting them to get much closer. The guard that tried to keep Hermione out earlier was now standing in the middle of the room looking like he regretted every decision he made that day. Hermione fought back a smirk and decided this was her best vantage point and pulled out a small wooden object from the pocket in her robe. She muttered a spell and took a step back as the wooden box enlarged on the ground before her. The small nod to her heritage made her giggle as the word 'soap' was finally legible on the side of her impromptu platform. As soon as her soap box reached full size she pulled up her robes and climbed on up.

"Sonorus," Hermione muttered. She looked to Ron and Harry and accepted their nods of encouragement before she addressed the witches and wizards all gathered to a standstill in the Atrium.

"Earlier today the Minister of Magic threatened to arrest me," Hermione was startled at first at how her voice echoed loud and clear for the mass of people to hear but she caught herself before she could show her nervousness to the crowd. One glance behind her and she knew she had planned her protest perfect right down to the minute. Kingsley Shacklebolt had just arrived to go home for the evening.

Hermione soldiered onward in the speech she had been mentally preparing since the meeting that morning. "He called it slander, that the balance of peace in our community is too delicate right now. He said that the people need to be protected against those who would would question the Ministry and upset the balance and quiet we've enjoyed since May. I'm here to tell you that he is wrong. Our people are built of dragon talons and Manticore fangs. We cannot and will not be rustled by minor civil discourse. Minister Shacklebolt fought bravely with us this past spring when evil came to a head at Hogwarts. I know because I was there. I was there at Hogwarts from the very beginning. Not just for the Battle, but for everything that led to it. My fellow students suffered grievously due to the errors of our prior Ministry officials. Many here tonight can testify to torture, even before Voldemort managed to control Hogwarts fully, and that was due solely to Ministry overreach at our beloved school. I'm here today to stop that sort of power imbalance from being realized once again in a world where our biggest obstacle is no longer an evil wizard who would like to cull our number, but rather the fear he left behind. The Ministry has worked tirelessly to regain the peace and unity in our world and in doing so were overzealous in their effort to stomp evil out before it could take root once more. I'm partially to blame for that," Hermione dipped her head slightly then in a show of chagrin and unabashed remorse. She waited for a moment, taking in the temperament of the crowd. Everyone was silent, waiting for what the war heroine might admit to.

"This year I acted rashly towards a poltergeist-like being at Hogwarts and used a spell now classified on the Dark Arts Scale known as the Severing Curse. Many of you have read about it in the Prophet, but I wasn't aware it had been reclassified. In my ignorance I encouraged Draco Malfoy to use it as well, not knowing that it would be a violation of his parole and would result in voiding the agreement the Ministry had put in place to allow him to finish his final year at Hogwarts. For this, above all else, I am deeply sorry. Draco Malfoy has been the change I so dearly needed to see after these past few years, especially at Hogwarts. In fact, after I used the same spell Draco used that violated his parole, he was at my bedside in the hospital wing when the Aurors found themselves summoned to arrest him. When I came back into consciousness and my Headmistress informed me of what had transpired I knew I needed to act quickly. Draco was not guilty of what they believed, and I needed to make that right. In my attempts to rectify the situation I became frustrated with the lack of cooperation between Hogwarts and the Ministry. That's why I reached out to the Prophet and then to everyone gathered here this afternoon. I demand better for our society, for the legacy we are to leave future students." Hermione scanned her audience and took some comfort in McGonagall's dark eyes glittering back at her with silent approval.

"Earlier today the Minister wanted to silence me in what he believes is for the good of the whole, but I can't abide by that. They acted out of fear and concern for our way of life, but I must set the record straight. Draco Malfoy doesn't deserve to be in Azkaban any more than I do. I have been told that I must not tell lies and I am no longer a voiceless child minding my elders. I am a witch who has sacrificed and earned her right to speak and I'm asking you now to raise your voice with me. A grave injustice has happened at Hogwarts," Hermione raised her voice to the crowd with every word.

"Tell me!" Hermione began shouting. "Can we stand for that?"

"NO!" The Hogwarts students, past and present replied.

"Are we going to allow fear and hate to control us?" Hermione yelled.


"Will we let Hogwarts suffer once more the indignity of Ministry overreach?"

"I call for a full pardon!" Hermione's blood pumped in her ears and she couldn't tell if she was shaking or staying still. "Hogwarts affairs fall under Hogwarts administration! I say Draco Malfoy be released to the Headmistress of Hogwarts! If we don't act now, we will all have no one else to blame when students are all subjected to the atrocities brought about by Delores Umbridge, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, and all the rest of their kind in the name of the greater good, are you with me?"


"Do you demand justice for your fellow student?"


"Minister!" Hermione shouted to the room as she turned to Kinglsey. "I implore you to not allow my own errors to result in panic and hasty action. Release Draco and let Hogwarts justice be done! We can only measure our strength when we stand united, please understand that we need the chance to see how strong we can truly be. Let Hogwarts take care of its own, and we will come out of our school a more united front than society has ever seen. Hogwarts, do you agree?"

"YES!" The crowd responded immediately.

Hermione zeroed in on Kingsley then and met his gaze evenly, daring him to make good on his threat from earlier. "Minister, do you agree?"

Any casual observer would see that Minister Shacklebolt seemed positively moved by Hermione's rousing speech. Hermione knew better, but his words were what she had banked her own future on. If the current Minister of Magic wanted to save face, all he had to do was accept that Hermione was the one who had made the original error and the Ministry could show they were fair in their dealings.

"It appears a mistake has been made," Kingsley had amplified his own voice to match Hermione's volume. "I've dispatched Aurors to retrieve Mr. Malfoy, and he will be released to Hogwarts Headmistress McGonagall with a warning."

Cheers deafened the atrium and Kingsley silenced them after a moment with a motion of his hand.

"Let it be known, however," Kingsley said to those gathered. "This is the last warning. Any misstep from Mr. Malfoy or any individual who has prior connections to Deatheater activity will not be tolerated. Consider this the final word of the Ministry on the matter."

And just like that, the battle was over.

(A/N) Chapter 50! How did that happen?! I just checked and this fic is 160,000+ words. What am I even doing with my life? Hahaha. So confession time- I had this chapter done for awhile now except for the Narcissa part that ended up, in its own way, linking this chapter together. My biggest downfall is just sitting on my writing because I'm just waiting for that one sentence that makes the chapter feel whole. In any case, I'm pretty happy with this chapter. It reflected the perfect amount of anticlimactic I was aiming for because we're in for more! I'm concentrating on getting to that point, and consider this the wind down...we're getting there, less than five chapters to go! Next chapter just expect a lot of mushy catch up between our favorite pair =) Hope everyone is enjoying pumpkin spice everything season!