A/N: So i decided to attempt a Gravi fic that's on the longer side of things rather than by usual one-two shots. this one's probably going to be 7 or 8 chapters. please disregard my horrible grammer, english is my second language after all. please review blah blah blah you know the usual. honestly i havent completely decided where this story is goingto end up just yet but i'm getting there, honest. anyways, hope you enjoy and if you had the decency to read this ridiculously long and pointless author's note then please also have the decency to read my other stories as well please and thank you have a nice day :D

*insert dsiclaimer blahbiddihh blahh here*

Shuichi Shindou strolled home whole admiring the colorful city lights. He rarely had any chances to see them; being famous and all, he was normally funning from fans. But thanks to Hiro's clever disguise, Shuichi was able to pass through the crowded streets undetected. (Note: Hiro's clever disguise consisted of a black wig… yeah, that was it.) Ever since Bad Luck's second album went platinum, Shuichi's pink hair had become a national symbol and running from screaming fan girls (and boys) had become a daily occurrence, thus being able o small the polluted air and enjoy the fried octopus stench of downtown Tokyo again was very heartwarming for the singer.

It had been a good day for Shuichi Shindou. Earlier in the day, Ryuichi had given him a signed T-shirt as congratulations for the successful concert they held the day before, he was able to enjoy the city streets thanks to Hiro's disguise (which again, was just a wig), and… wait for it… wait for it K had given them a whole…FOUR DAYS OFF! That's right, a whole four days with nothing to do, AT ALL! Yes, yes miracles do happen! There is hope for mankind yet! Upon hearing the wonderful news, Shuichi could think of nothing else other than spending every second of every minute of every day with Yuki. It was Thursday, so they would have a whole four day weekend to themselves. What would be better than that? Of course, the singer had completely forgotten about the deadline that a certain author with a certain procrastination problem had on Tuesday. But let's not destroy his dreams just yet; we'll let him bask in his fantasy just a little bit longer.

Yuki was in the kitchen making his late night coffee since an all-nighter seemed inevitable. His editor was practically breathing down his neck, constantly reminding about the upcoming deadline, especially since Yuki had thus far made zero progress for the past week. Being an editor is a hard job indeed. Pick a better career choice kids! Don't follow the footsteps of the poor sucker that has to deal with Yuki Eiri. Anyways, back to the story. So Yuki was making coffee, blah blah blah, and them Shuichi came in the door; at least that's who he assumed it was when he heard the door open. His assumptions were proven correct when a pinked haired man-boy popped into the kitchen.

"Yuki!" he managed to scream before leaping across the room and onto his lover, literally. Yuki barely managed to stay upright and save his coffee from falling to its doom. "Yuki!" the singer said again, simultaneously giving the grouchy writer a quick peck on the lips. "Tadaima," he said in a sing-song voice that was obviously too happy for the writer's taste, for his stoic expression didn't change.

"I can see that," Yuki stated plainly, followed by a mumble that sounded something like an 'unfortunately.' Luckily for him, it went unheard by his lover (otherwise, well you could imagine). Shuichi remained clung onto Yuki with the same smiling face, like a baboon on a banana tree. Of course it only took all of ten seconds for Yuki to get annoyed. "You can let go now," he twitched. It was not a suggestion but a warning, one that the singer was clearly not planning to heed. "Get off brat; I'm not saying it again." Yuki said harshly.

Shuichi heard that loud and clear. "Oh, sorry." Shuichi slowly pried himself off his lover, very reluctantly mind you, and set his feet back on the ground. As soon as Shuichi had let go, Yuki took hold of his coffee and walked out of the kitchen, not wanting to give Shuichi the time to stop him. Well, at least that was the plan. However, as you well know, Shuichi is quick on his feet and though he allowed Yuki to leave the kitchen, he was following closely behind, chatting away about his day. "Oh Yuki I had the best day ever…"

That was all Yuki had heard before tuning out. I guess that's one benefit about living with the little singer, you learn to tune things out so effectively that nothing bothers you anymore. He still registered an occasional word or two, just in case, but that was about it. Shuichi was saying something along the lines of 'caffeine… health… writing…smoking… heart disease… vacation… beach… four days… going out… Sakuma-san… concert… wig… Hiro… vacation…' Yuki took his seat in from of his computer screen while still trying to make sense of the few words he had heard; Shuichi also took his place in the little stool beside him. 'Vacation… four days… going out… vacation…' he was sure he had head these words, but he could not think of any logical or illogical reason for hearing them. The writer turned to his babbling lover, a miracle beyond miracles, causing the latter to stop talking (yet another amazing feat). "What did you just say?"

Shuichi looked up with confused eyes. What did he just say? Hell if he remembered. He took a moment to recap everything he had said in the past two minutes (which was probably more than what most people say in a week). "Umm… caffeine is bad for you?" he asked, not sure exactly what Yuki was asking for.

"After that," Yuki replied.

"Hiro disguised me with a wig?" Shuichi tried again.

"Before that,"

"K gave us four days off, so let's take a vacation?"

"That." Yuki had found what he was looking for but he was not pleased with it. He was almost disgusted by the fact that the brat would even fathom the idea of a vacation. The nerve! Yuki turned back to his computer screen without another word, leaving Shuichi as confused as ever. That, he says… well what's that suppose to mean?

"Does that mean yes?" Shuichi asked daringly.

"No." Yuki stated sharply, coldly.

"But Yuki!" Shuichi whined, "We haven't gone anywhere in forever!" Somehow, in an instant, he was able to pull out and put on his puppy dog outfit and was whining with that irresistible puppy dog face. (How does he do that? I mean the face, not the outfit.)

Of course, Yuki was not affected by the old dog costume. "Stop exaggerating," he said plainly. In his memory, he was sure they had gone out only recently. "It has not been forever."

"Yes, it has!" We haven't even gone out for dinner since my birthday last year!" Shuichi complained.

"Exactly," Yuki said matter-of-factly, believing that Shuichi's statement supported his side of the argument.

Shuichi frowned with a look of disbelief, "Yuki, my birthday was in June."

"What's your point?" Yuki raised an eyebrow, obviously not getting it.

"Yuki," Shuichi said slowly. "It's April…31st."

It was here that Yuki had one of those 'oh' moments. He stopped typing for a moment… had it really been that long? He shook away the thought (even after realizing Shuichi was right) and continued typing away, much to Shuichi's displeasure.

"So can we go?" Shuichi asked again.

"No," Yuki repeated. Before Shuichi could complain, he stated his reason, "I have a deadline Tuesday, I told you that." He stated bluntly.

Shuichi took a minute to think back to the events that had occurred earlier that week; he seemed to remember Yuki saying something about a deadline but disregarded it entirely because it went against his argument. "But Yuki!" he whined.

The writer wouldn't hear it, "But nothing, no vacation end of discussion." Yuki said firmly causing Shuichi to fall silent. (Isn't this story just full of miracles?) A cold glare that could compete with the blonde's crept into the pop star's eyes. Yuki ignored it, still typing away at his almost finished novel. It had taken four long months to reach the climax and he wasn't about to let this hunk of brat ruin things for him.

Shuichi's cold glare turned into an evil one, one that looked as if he was planning something sinister. Yuki took notice, knowing that look to well to ignore it. What was he planning? From cold to evil and then to sullen, Shuichi's expression remained ever changing. Now he wore a sad, disappointed look on his normally happy face. He took a deep breath, stood up from his stool, and turned towards the door. Yuki stopped typing; not that he was concerned or anything but where was the crying, complaining, whining, and temper tantrum? He knew that his littler lover would never let a situation such as this one go so easily. Clearly, something was up. Shuichi was planning something and it was making Yuki shudder on the inside.

"Fine." Shuichi whispered, back still turned to Yuki. "Fine," he said again, louder. "Sorry for taking up your precious writing time. "His tone was sharp and piercing but you could hear hints of sobs. "I should have known your novel would be more important than me." He scoffed, Yuki raised an eyebrow at Shuichi's sudden outburst of harshness, not quite registering the reason behind it. "Whatever," the singer sneered. "I didn't really want to go anyways…" with that Shuichi ran to the door and stepped out of the study. He added, "Have fun staring at your computer all night, clearly you love it more than you'll ever love me." Before running down the hall, leaving behind a frozen Yuki Eiri and a few salty tears on the cold hardwood floor.

WhateverI didn't really want to go anyways the words continued to ring in the confined study long after the speaker had left. After that, Yuki hadn't heard a peep out of his lover, but that didn't stop Shuichi's voice from ringing in his head all night. Didn't want to go? Bullshityou know you want to godamn brat That was all Yuki could think about in the three hours he had been alone. And in these three hours, what should have been a complete chapter was a complete… sentence… The sad and royally pissed off look on his lover's face when he ran out had prevented the writer from thinking about anything else. Yuki continued to struggle through the night and, after two more hours, he had successfully written another sentence… He couldn't take it anymore, now he was the one who was royally pissed off. He slammed his finger on the save button and shit the computer down. It had become clear that he wasn't going to get anything done. After a quick smoke, Yuki stocked off to the bedroom. By that time, it was already three in the morning.

The author made a conscious effort to stomp in noisily; trying to make sure the singer would hear him. Shuichi was evidently deep in his slumber, snoring like a pig as always. This only pissed Yuki off more of course, so he stomped to the closet, slammed open the door, and changed into some pajamas with as much noise as he could manage. But all his efforts were in vain as Shuichi remained dead asleep, his snoring only getting louder with every noise that Yuki made. Yuki was about to button up his pajama shirt, but stopped and pulled it off instead. The brat would want to cuddle after their little 'fight' and perhaps if Yuki allowed him to do so, maybe he'll be able to write peacefully over the weekend. Well, at last that's what he told himself his reason for sleeping half-naked was, but we all know he's in denial.

Shuichi had been nice enough to make it clear how unwelcomed the writer was. His pillow had been thrown onto the floor and Shuichi had made his best attempt to cover the king sized bed with his little frame. (Which was extremely unsuccessful, as you can imagine.) Yuki scoffed at the sight, damn brat he picked up his pillow as he walked across the room towards the bed. Once he reached it, he made no attempt to move Shuichi. Instead, he tried to wake up his little lover out of spite, "Hey brat move over."

Snore… Evidently, his attempt was a failure, so he tried again, "Move over." He received the same reply, snore Yuki had had it up to the Tokyo Tower with Shuichi. He harshly rolled Shuichi over to his side of the bed and climbed in. Yuki slept with his back turned to his snoring lover. He had planned to stay this way but then remembered his wish of writing peacefully over the weekend. Turning his back to the singer definitely would not help his situation. The blonde signed, he turned around and pulled the other man to his chest. Hopefully, this would pay off in the long run and Shuichi would be less pissed in the morning. And so, with Shuichi in his arms and a warm blanket covering the two of them, Yuki fell into an instant slumber. At least, for the next few hours, things would be peaceful in the Uesugi-Shindou residence…

But don't get too comfortable.

A/N: i'm going somewhere with this story i promise, i know it doesn't seem like it now but i'm going somwhere with it i swear... well atleast i think i'm going somewhere with it. anyways, so that was chapter 1 just a little intro. lol you want to know what happens right? i know you do! well that's too bad because i've already decided that this story will be a chapter a week so you'll have to wait til next week for chapter 2 :P

yes i would appreciate it if you reviewed it makes me feel better inside.