Summary: "I am weakening," Chaos said, "I need someone to take my powers and represent me on Earth, do you know what this means for you?" "You want me to…" "Yes, I want you to be Chaos."
Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson, only the plot.
Chapter one: Chaos
Part 1
Will fate ever leave me alone?
Hi, I'm Percy Jackson and I am the savor of Olympus, but you couldn't tell because right now I feel like if I went to sleep I would be dead.
You see, after I saved Olympus I kissed my friend Annabeth, but then I found her in the arms of my arrogant half-brother, Mark.
My dad wasn't kidding when he said he would send me more siblings. I mean I'm okay with that, but I mean come on, the kid thinks that we should be kissing the ground he walks on, literally.
He beat a hydra and now he expects us to worship him?
Okay I'll get back to the point; I used to think that Annabeth was smart, but she apparently thinks that Mark is so great.
I used to think that my dad was in a bad mood when he made Mark, but now he told Zeus to make his "favorite son" immortal, so Zeus does that.
Now he has an even bigger ego, and he can MAKE us worship him. I tried to go home, but my mother dies, by a FLOOD nonetheless, ironic isn't it?
So I do the rational thing, run away.
Chapter 1: Chaos
Part 2
Okay here I am again, I'm half dead and on the run from the gods, not a good place to be is it?
I'm running out of food, and I'm on the highway, well, I save Olympus and die on the highway, great just great.
Okay, here's my will.
I, Percy Jackson, being… Holy crap, what's that?
A bright light flashed in front of me, "Perseus Jackson," the voice boomed, "You have been proven worthy in the name of the fates."
I answer a little something like this, "Um… okay?"
"You'll get a power even greater than the gods!" The voice boomed once more.
"Um, I don't want to, I just want to die." I said, my voice cracking at the end.
The light dimmed once, as if the light was blinking, the voice started laughing, as if what I just said was funny.
"I'm sorry, Perseus, but I still can't get over the fact that you are still humble, even when accepting death." The voice said, while laughing
"Here, let me carry you up so that we can talk face to face," The voice said, then without warning, the light shined brighter and carried me upward, spinning me once for effect.
The light dimmed again and I ended up staring into the blackest eyes I've ever seen, "Hello, Perseus, my name is Chaos."
My eyes widened, the Chaos?
"H-hello, pleased to meet you, may I ask what you want with me?" I said.
"I thought that I told you?" Chaos stated
"N-no," I replied
"I am weakening," Chaos said, "I need someone to take my powers and represent me on Earth, do you know what this means for you?"
"You want me to…"
"Yes, I want you to be Chaos."
End of Chapter 1: Chaos pays Percy a visit