Chapter 19
Rachel's POV
I looked in disgust at Annabeth. Why did she get Percy? Why? Yes, I sort of had feelings for Nico and I'm really not allowed to date, but... Who knows? My feelings for Percy were strong. I was told to place a hot cloth on Percy's head as he had dropped to a lower temperature last night. I squeezed the water, waking Annabeth.
"Hey Rachel." she said.
"Morning, do you mind, um, climbing off him?" I asked her.
"No problem, but can I ask why?" she asked as she climbed into a separate bed.
"His temperature dropped significantly and we need to give him some ambrosia." I told her. Percy woke up and looked around. He found Annabeth and then grabbed his head. I fed him the ambrosia square and then placed the cloth on his head. He laid there looking half-dead for ten minutes until he finally fell back asleep. I looked over to see that Annabeth was asleep as well. I was about to leave, but I sat down next to Percy and held his hand. Annabeth started to stir, so I got up, kissed his forehead, and left.
"Get better Percy." I whispered to him. I left the infirmary and started to walk to my cave. I continued to mumble to myself until I saw Luke and this other girl talking. I went and hid behind a tree.
"So, you want one of them to be yours?" Luke asked the girl. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put the face to a name. Then it hit me, it was Reyna. Just then, another blonde boy walked out. It was Octavian. I had feelings for him too, but they weren't as strong as the ones for Nico, and not even close to the ones for Percy.
"Yes, I want Jason Grace or Percy Jackson. I like them both, and I intend on leaving here with the one of them." Reyna announced.
"How about you Octavian, who do you want?" Luke asked Octavian.
"That Piper girl is beautiful and her voice is magnificent." He answered.
"Then it is decided, Reyna, you will go for Jason and Octavian, you will go for Piper." Luke said.
"What about Jackson and blondie?" Octavian asked.
"Well, Annabeth is mine and I think we already have someone for Percy. Don't we Rachel?" Luke called turning to face me. I didn't know he knew I was here. But the more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. I stepped out from behind the tree.
"Yes, indeed you do." I told him.
"Great, meet in Rachel's cave tomorrow for further instructions." Luke announced and then walked away. I decided it was getting late so I went to my cave and decided to go to bed.
Percy's POV
When I woke up it was pitch black outside. I felt weak, as if someone had drained me of all my energy. I heard hooves as Chiron approached me.
"How are you feeling Percy?" he asked.
"Tired, weak." I responded. Just then, Rachel walked in holding a cloth.
"Look whose up." She teased. She placed the warm cloth on my head and gave me some nectar.
"Where's Annabeth?" I asked Chiron. Rachel didn't look to pleased that I had asked.
"I sent her back to her cabin earlier this morning. I told her to shower and have breakfast. Then she can come back and take care of you. Until then, Rachel will be doing her job." He told me. Rachel smiled letting me know that she didn't mind.
"I'm going to check his temperature again." Rachel told him. He nodded and walked off. I heard running and then Jason and Piper appeared.
"Percy, Rachel, come quick, the camp is under attack." Piper told us in between breaths. She motioned for us to follow. I popped an ambrosia square in my mouth, got up, and followed them.
"Percy, you are too weak to fight." Rachel called after me. I just ignored her and stepped outside. It was a battlefield. That's when I spotted Luke. I realized he had seen me and drew Riptide as he charged at me holding Backbiter. Stab, dodge, defend, stab, dodge, block, stab dodge, duck. That's how we fought. It seemed like forever, but then a huge smirk spread across his face as Annabeth came into the view of us both. He turned and charged at her back. She didn't notice so I went after him. He raised his sword of his head and swung. I pushed Annabeth out of the way and felt two swords hit me. One slash from Luke got my left side and the other slash from the girl Annabeth was fighting on my back and right side. I was bleeding and couldn't move.
"Percy!" I heard Annabeth shriek.
"Good, now I'll just take you." Luke said grabbing her arm. But he released immediately because an arrow was launched in his arm.
"Thanks Frank!" Annabeth yelled. I watched half-conscious as more arrows were shot at Luke. Annabeth whistled and I heard the flapping of wings.
'Man boss, you don't look so good.' I heard Blackjack in my head.
"Blackjack, we need to get Percy out of here." Annabeth told him. She helped me to my feet and threw me onto Blackjack's back. She then mounted and held onto me. Blackjack took off and flew away. That's when I lost it and slipped into total darkness.
Annabeth's POV
I was worried sick about Percy. He had been unconscious all day mumbling random things. Some worried me as he talked about the giants and Gaea; others, however, made me blush. After sitting there through breakfast, lunch, and all my normal activities, Chiron made me go to dinner. I wasn't pleased about leaving Percy, but I was starving.
"Hey, how is he?" Piper asked me sympathetically.
"He is still unconscious." I told her.
"I'm sure he'll be up on his feet in no time." Jason tried to assure me. Leo nodded in agreement. I waited for him to say something stupid, but it never came. I went and sat down next to Malcolm. I watched as Chiron walked over to Rachel to speak with her. She nodded her head, got up, and went to the infirmary. I didn't mean to growl out loud, but I did. Malcolm gave me a funny look and then saw Rachel. Apparently, so did everyone else at the Athena table.
"Hey, I know we all don't exactly like Percy, but I know he'd never hurt you." One of my sisters told me. I thanked her and just kept eating. I allowed my mind to wonder and worry.
Rachel's POV
I was so pleased when Chiron asked me to look after Percy during dinner. I walked until I was out of reach of the campers and then began to sprint. When I got there, Luke was waiting at the door.
"What took you so long?" he asked obviously annoyed.
"Sorry, I had to give my offering to Apollo." I told him. He shrugged it off and motioned for me to head into the infirmary first. I lead him to Percy's bed.
"I'll take him to your cave and set the trap." Luke told her. He scooped Percy up and threw him over his shoulder.
"Okay, what should I do?" I asked him.
"Go tell Chiron that Percy is missing. GO!" he barked. I ran back towards the bonfire. When I reached the dinning pavilion I accidentally tripped and fell. I got back up, now with everyone's attention and made my way to Chiron's table.
"Chiron! Percy… Percy wasn't… wasn't in the infirmary." I finished in between breaths to make it more dramatic. Everyone started to panic.
"SILENCE!" Chiron roared. "Everyone is to look for him right now. Split into groups of two and get a move on."
I immediately ran towards Annabeth, as this was all part of the plan.
"Let's search together. I have a couple hunches, but I need help." I told her.
"Let's go then." She said obviously interested. I led her towards my cave. Luke had done it perfectly. I spotted Percy only twenty feet from my cave. She ran toward him until a net was dropped on her. She hit the ground with a thump.
"Great job Rachel." Luke said coming out from behind the trees.
"Rachel! You're in on this?" Annabeth exclaimed with disbelief.
"Yes." I told her as if it was obvious.
"Go get the other two and bring them here." Luke told us. He took out his knife and cut me a couple times as if I'd been beaten up. I smudged some dirt on my face and sprinted back to camp. I heard Annabeth yell as Luke tied her up.
When I finally reached camp I was quickly able to find Jason and Piper.
"Come quick! Annabeth is hurt!" I told them. I didn't wait for them to follow; I knew they were right behind me. We ran until we reached the cave. I pretended to be out of breath and pointed to the cave. Arrows shot from each and every direction and angle entangling Piper.
"Jason, look out!" she screamed, but she was too late. A rope was pulled and he was yanked from his feet. Luke hoisted him up so that he was dangling from branch. Reyna and Octavian stepped out from the trees as well. That's when I heard movement. A girl was running back towards the camp, but this was no ordinary girl, it was Juniper. Reyna notched her arrow and aimed. She was about to let go when a silver arrow stuck her in the foot. Reyna cried out in pain and released her arrow towards the ground. Juniper was nowhere to be found.
"I should've known that you'd help him." Thalia yelled from up in a tree. I knew the statement was directed towards me.
Just then Leo stepped out from behind a bush.
"To think that I thought you were hot!" he exclaimed to Reyna. She looked totally confused.
"You know, I don't like Prissy, but I hate traitors!" Clarisse growled as she stepped out. After her, almost the entire camp surrounded us.
"Don't move or I'll kill her!" Luke yelled as he pulled a very worn out looking Annabeth. He held her knife to her throat. I took a step back along with everyone else and fell. I hit my head and was out.
Percy's POV
I heard a loud gasp right outside the cave. I had been standing outside for just a moment and wasn't sure if everyone was gaping at Luke or I. Without hesitation, I drew Riptide. I walked right up behind him and put the tip of my sword on his back.
"You were saying?" I asked him.
"What? You should still be out cold." He retorted, not moving.
"And you should be dead, anything else you want to tell me?" I questioned him. He pushed Annabeth to the forest floor and turned to face me. The ground where he was standing split open and there appeared the one and only, Lord Hades.
"You dare escape the Underworld!" the god boomed. The entire camp dropped to their knees. Luke, Reyna, and Octavian were the only ones left standing.
"I-uh-I…" Luke tried.
"I don't care! You are coming with me! As for the two of you," he said pointing towards Reyna and Octavian, "return home!"
With that the two Romans disappeared. Hades nodded at all three of his children and left with Luke. I ran to Annabeth's side and helped her up. Jason managed to free himself and had begun to cut Piper out. Everyone was momentarily stunned until Annabeth and I began walking away.
"Let's go relax." I told her.
"Like that is ever going to happen." She responded sarcastically. But we walked away anyway hand in hand. The world could wait a couple of days for us all to return to top shape. For now, we could rest.
A/N: Sadly, I have no more to write on this story. I will however be making more stories so please read them.