I watched her as she walked inside. Her high heels stained from the mud she had just run in. She took a seat on the bed and fell backwards. She looked exhausted. "That is the last time you make me go undercover at the mall on a black Friday -and I couldn't hit them back! You should see the bruises I have. Any ways, I need to sleep, it has been a really long day." she said taking her clothes off, putting them on the floor, and getting under the covers, closing her eyes.

Walking over to her I picked up her clothing, and pulled the covers away to see the small bruises on her arms, that was the only place she had them. On her arms no where else. I then looked at the small budge in her mid-section. Three months ago we learned that she is pregnant. We haven't gone to a doctor or anything, since Fi has to be on the down low because of Anson. She takes prenatal vitamins, and I've been keeping a good eye on her but I only know so much. She won't tell anyone yet, but there it is she has a bump, and now she can only hide it for so much longer. The only people I even remotely want to tell is Mom, Sam, and Jesse because we are the closest to them.

When she awoke and took a hot shower we left for moms house because Nate is there and she want a big family dinner. On the way there I am going to try to convince her that it's time to tell everyone. So we are getting into my car and heading over there. "Fi, we need to tell them, and why now? It's the perfect time. If now then when? When you deliver?" I questioned her.

She shrugged, "Michael, we will tell them, but I'm hardly five months. Can't we wait for a little while longer?" she said saying the she was five months pregnant like it was nothing. It is not nothing even if she doesn't want to admit it.

We got to mom's house, and as usual we are the last ones there. We walked in, Fi bent over and put her hand over her mouth and ran back outside. I wasn't too concerned about this, she has been having a lot of morning sickness here lately, and even the littlest of smell can trigger it for her. "What's wrong with her? Looked like she was gonna hurl." Sam asked about his observation on Fiona's actions. I looked at him, and his eyes widened, "She's pregnant. Isn't she?" I didn't have to say anything, he already knew the answer.

Mom walked in them with a pitcher of iced tea. She looked a little confused. "Who's pregnant?" she asked picking up the last little bit of our conversation, but not hearing the person that we were talking about.

Sam turned to her, "Fi is. She just ran out of here looking like she was gonna be sick." he informed her not even thinking about who he was talking to, he was trying to process it in his mind.

She looked shocked, "Michael is this true?" she asked me, almost accusingly. It partly might be due to the fact that she was disappointed that it didn't come from me and Fiona.

I nodded my head in confirmation. "How long have you known?" she asked me in a quiet but quick voice, longing for more information her soon to be granddaughter or grandson.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, then opened them so I could look her in the eye when I tell her this. "Three months, and she's five months pregnant. Now for the record, I wanted to tell you but she wouldn't let me. It wasn't even supposed to get out today, but it did," I informed her, slowly but surely.

Fiona walked in then, "What's everyone talking about? Looks intense." she commented walking inside looking as good as new. She has a way of doing that. Every one looked at her and she turned pale, and looked to me, "… They figured it out didn't they?" she asked knowing I would know what she was talking about.

I nodded me head and put my arm around her. "Why didn't you guys tell us sooner?" mom asked, looking Fi in the eye, the question mainly going to Fi.

She looked guilty, "I'm not used to the idea yet and I don't want anyone treating me differently, so hence forth, I didn't want to tell anyone." she stated.

Nate walked in then, "Ok, there is something going on. I know there is, you guys are all huddled up by the door whispering. What is going on? I want to know." Nate said matter-of-factly on the fact that he did in fact know that there was something going on right now.

All heads tuned to Fiona. "Alright, alright! You want to know so bad? I'm pregnant!" she said annoyed and walked back out the door.

"YES! Charlie is finally going to get to have a cousin!" he said in glee. The rest of us looked out the open door that Fi just ran out of.

She is leaning against my car wiping tears off of her eyes. I walked over to her closing the door behind me. This does not need an audience. "Fi, it's alright. It was time that we told them. We can't hide this forever." I told her.

"Yes but everything will be different now. I know that things change all of the time, but this is different now. We are responsible to another human being… Michael, I haven't held a baby since Claire was born." she told me giving me a hug. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Things change, and trust me, I haven't held one, well, ever. So this will be a new things for us, a new challenge. This is something that we need to be happy about and to embrace." I reassured her.

She looked up at me and smiled. She put her arms around my neck, and pulled me into a kiss, and I knew that she, would be alright.

A/N Reviews are appercaited!