Hello out there in Criminal Minds fanfiction world. This is my first attempt at a non-fluffy criminal minds story AND my first story centered around Emily. A special thanks to LoveHGSS for so excellently Betaing the work.

"A tragic situation exists precisely when virtue does not triumph but when it is still felt that man is nobler than the forces which destroy him." – George Orwell

The phone on Emily's desk was ringing. She grabbed it with one hand and pinched it between her ear and her shoulder. "Prentiss," she said, her attention still on the file in front of her.

"Emily Prentiss?"


"Ms. Prentiss, my name is Jorge Belem, I'm a detective in the Hartford police department."

If Emily had been giving the phone call her full attention, she wouldn't have found it odd that a police detective had called her at the FBI but that he referred to her as Ms. Her distraction prevented her from catching his phrasing. "What can I do for you, Detective?" Emily asked.

"Ms. Prentiss, you have a sister, Caroline Prentiss, who lives here in Hartford?"

"I – yes," she said, suddenly giving the phone call her full attention. Forgetting the half completed file, Emily felt a wave of dread wash over her.

"Ms. Prentiss I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, but your sister's body, along with the bodies of her children, were found in their home this afternoon." The words hit Emily so hard she felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. She couldn't breathe. This could not be real. "Ms. Prentiss?"

"All of them?" Emily choked.


"You found Caroline and all of the girls?"

"No ma'am, two of the girls. The bodies were discovered by the third daughter."

"Who?" Emily breathed.

"The youngest, Cordelia."

"Oh god, Cory" Emily said as she fought back the bile in her throat.

"You're the only person I've been able to reach Ms. Prentiss. Your sister's ex-husband and your parents…"

"They're abroad. And I don't know where Brady is… How, what happened?" Emily asked after a slight pause.

"It looks like a burglary gone wrong. They came home and surprised him. All three were stabbed."

"Oh god." Emily let out a small cry causing Morgan, Reid and JJ to look up from their desks, alarmed. "I'll be there as soon as I can" Emily said, hanging up, not caring if the detective had more to say. She wanted to get to Connecticut as fast as humanly possible. As she rose from her desk she felt like she was in a trance.

"Emily?" Morgan asked. She said nothing, not trusting her voice, and made her way up to Hotch's office. She knocked and waited.

"Come in,"

She slowly opened the door and shut it behind her, finding that Rossi was also inside.

"Emily what's wrong?" Rossi asked, alarmed after seeing her face. He stood quickly and pulled out a chair for her. "Sit."

Emily did as she was told. She looked up at Hotch. "I need to go to Hartford for a while" she said flatly.

"Emily, what happened?" Hotch asked, his voice strong but gentle at the same time.

"My sister… two of my nieces… they think it was a robbery gone wrong…" Emily trailed off and both Hotch and Rossi understood.

"Emily I'm so sorry. Take all the time you need."

Emily nodded and left the room. As the door shut behind her Rossi said, "Burglary gone wrong with three bodies?"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking, it doesn't make sense…" Hotch paused. "Get JJ." Rossi opened the door and called for JJ. On her way up, JJ passed the despondent Emily on the stairs.

Entering Hotch's office, she said, "What's wrong with Emily?"

"Her sister and nieces were found killed in their home this afternoon."

"Oh my god." JJ brought a hand to her face. "What can we do?"

"Who do you know in Hartford?" Hotch asked. The nice thing about having JJ as the newest profiler on the team was that she still possessed her old skill set. She had more connections than the rest of the team combined; however, Hotch did know that Hartford, Connecticut was a tall order.

"Hartford…" JJ bit her lip. "I can make some calls to New York. I'll find something."

"Can you make this a BAU case?" Hotch asked. "I know that's not your job anymore and I know this might just be a robbery gone wrong - "

"No, of course," JJ said, "I can make it a BAU case." Hotch truly believed that she could. While bureaucracy existed mainly to infuriate people, JJ made bureaucracy her bitch.

"Good, Emily's going to want to be there ASAP. I'll make the jet available. The two of you go with her to grease the wheels and when you've gotten us invited in we'll come and join you."

They both nodded. Rossi's smile perked up slightly, knowing exactly why Hotch was sending himself and JJ. JJ with her connections and ability to prevent any cop from denying her what she wanted coupled with the famous crime solver David Rossi would be enough shock and awe to get them through the door. Hotch opened his door again and he saw that Emily was leaving.

"Emily," he called after her and jogged down the catwalk to meet her at the elevator.

"Take the jet," he said, catching up to her.

"I can't, Hotch, this is a personal trip."

"I'm sending JJ and Dave with you. They can get us invited in."

"Hotch, we can't do that."

"Tell that to JJ, when she wants a case I've never seen a detective able to turn her down," Hotch said in a gentle attempt at humour.

"You don't have to do this."

"As far as I'm concerned, this is an attack on one of our own and I want the best working this case. We are the best."

"Thank you," Emily replied and she felt her emotions swimming to the surface again. She felt overcome with grief and gratitude at the same time. She pushed them down again though, determined not to make a scene in the middle of the FBI. JJ and Rossi were making their way towards them, JJ was on her phone speaking rapidly.

"Once they make it official the rest of us will come and join you," Hotch said gently. Emily nodded. The three of them boarded the elevator, go bags in hand.

"One day can change your life. One day can ruin your life. All life is, is three of four big days that change everything." – Beverly Donofrio