
Im so sorry its taken me forever to update this, also sorry that this is a really short chapter, Im hoping to wrap this thing up and just want closure on it, but the storyline has just been a really difficult one for me to get some clarity on, I dont want tons of fighting, but I want the relationship to change in a believable way.

Thanks to everyone who has stuck by this story even though it has so many failings, etc.

unBETA'd - sorry

Please leave a review, let me know what you would like to see happen! Inspire me!

Rose was in a state of shock as she turned away from the door, she walked toward the kitchen and placed Jenny in her high chair, before robotically pulling out a kitchen chair and sinking into it.

Jenny's incessant calling of 'mama' broke through to Rose, who came back to where she was with a jolt. She stood and scooped Jenny from her high chair, cradled her to her side, and kissed her forehead gently, "It's okay baby, I'm here." She murmured soothingly.

The Doctor span around angrily, eyes raging.

"What the hell happened? What have you done?" he yelled, pulling his hands angrily through his hair.

"I didn't mean to, it was all a mistake, the TARDIS can fly as well in this universe, she must have gotten a bit lost-"

He was cut off, "A bit lost! Are you serious? My family hate me, for god's sake my own daughter doesn't even know who I am. Why did you have to get involved? Why couldn't you just leave one life unruined?"

"I don't know what happened." The other Doctor sounded quiet and broken.

"Fix this." The Doctor turned on his heel and walked to the stairs that led to the vast expanse of rooms his faithful ship possessed.

The other Doctor stared after him mutely, once again knowing he had cause so much trouble, without even meaning to, without even giving what he was doing a seconds thought. He hated himself.