My first Harry Potter fanfic. I hope you all like it. Review and tell me what do you think of it.

Chapter 1

Letter from the Headmaster.

"This is so boring." moaned Sirius Black, standing up from the couch near the fireplace.

"I agree." muttered James Potter, who shut his book with a loud snap.

"Now now boys, it's about the NEWTs. We'll have to study to pass with good grades." Said Remus Lupin, keeping his book aside and looking at the two boys with a stern gaze.

"But Prongs, NEWTs are still five months later. FIVE months." Said Sirius, a little bit annoyed with Remus.

"Sirius, you want to do something in future or not?" asked Remus, not understanding why Sirius was behaving so.

"Of course I want to, but I don't want to rot here in common room while all other are enjoying outside." Sirius glared at his friend.

"But-" Remus was cut off by his third friend.

"Enough you two. Remus, you are right, we need to study. But all we are doing this weekend was study, study and study. We deserve a break, and by we I mean you too." James pointed at his friend.

Remus sighed. "Fine, why don't we take a walk around garden." He suggested.

"Fabulous." Sirius jumped from his seat. "Let's go."

Both Remus and James chuckled at their friend's behavior.

They went for walk. After walking for nearly half an hour, they all sat under a tree near the lake. They can hear many Hogwarts students enjoying the sun. Winter was already approaching, so everyone wanted to enjoy the sun at its best.

"I wish wormtail was here with us. He'd had enjoyed it." James said, laying back on the grass.

"Poor fellow has to attend extra lecture from Slughorn. "Sirius said.

"He needs it. He is so poor in his studies." Remus sighed, worrying for his friend. He desperately wanted all of his friends to pass this year with flying colours.

"Well, well, well, look who's there prongs." Said Sirius, pointing on his front.

James jerked up a bit, to see who was there. And he saw about whom Sirius was talking about.

Lily Evans.

His girlfriend.

"Au revoir all. I need to see my girl." With that, James stood up, fixed his robes and walked towards his girlfriend. Sirius and Remus were able to see James covering Lily's eyes with his hands and kissing her on her cheeks. They saw Lily turn around and give a little peck on his lips. And then they started walking away from them, hands in hands. James turned around, waving his hands in air, gesturing goodbye to two of his best mates. Lily gave them a huge smile.

"I am glad Lily finally accepted to go out with James, he's even more livelier than before." Said Remus.

"But Moony, he doesn't do pranks anymore." Moaned Sirius.

"So what? He is happy now." Said Remus.

Sirius seemed to be thinking . after few seconds, he replied, "You are right."

"As always." Remus said, with a bit of pride.

"E-excuse me." They heard a girl's voice.

"Yes." sensing a girl around Sirius perked up a bit, bringing a grin on his face. The grin disappeared when he saw the girl was a first year.

"Oh shit. It's a kid." muttered Sirius, and leaned on the tree, looking at the lake, and the girls around it.

"What do you want." Remus asked politely.

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to give you this." She handled Remus a scroll, eying Sirius with a scowl on her face. Afterall, no one likes when someone calls you kid on your face.

"Thanks." He said.

The girl ran away, muttering something about not fair.

"Padfoot, the girl got scared with your mood swings." Remus said.

"As if I care." Sirius said, looking around, and smirking when he spotted a gorgeous sixth year looking at him. He winked at her.

Remus shook his head and opened the scroll. It read:

Dear Mr. Lupin,

I request you to be present at my office this midnight. You need to bring Mr. Potter as well as Mr. Black with you. Remember, do not inform this to Mr. Pettigrew. He, or anyone else, should not know about any of this.

I suggest you all use Mr. Potter's invisibility cloak. It'd save you from Mr. Flitch. And bring some clothes with you, it will be needed.


A. Dumbledore.

P.S. I like Lemon Drops.

Dumbledore was telling them to come at his study, at this is so hard to believe. Sure, they have gone to his office many times, for being caught red handed during implementing their pranks. But they didn't do anything this time.

Remus saw Sirius preparing to stand , probably to walk towards the girl.

"Sirius." He said.

"What?" Sirius turned towards him, hoping he is not going to talk about studying again.

"Read this." He handed him the letter.

"I am not stu-"

"It's from Dumbels." Remus said, using the fun name they gave to professor.

Sirius took it from his hands and started reading it. By the end of it, he was as confused as Remus was.

"What should I do by knowing he loves Lemon Drops?" asked Sirius.

"Did you read the whole letter Padfoot?'' asked Remus, thinking when his friend would start using brains, if he have it.

Sirius started to read it. As he came near the end, a scowl appeared on his face.

"We didn't do anything this time." He said with wide eyes.

"You sure you didn't do anything to get into trouble." Remus rose a eyebrow at his friend.

"Umm…I made Snivellus trip last Monday, and I made a first year eat acid pops last week." He admitted shrugging, as if he was talking about the weather.

"Padfoot…" Remus groaned.

"What? It's nothing compared to what we did earlier." He said, shrugging.

Remus just glared at his friend.

"Okay, fine. I am sorry." Said Sirius, raising his hands as if surrendering.

"If we get in trouble, I am going to kill you on a full moon." Said Remus.

"Oh my god! I am so scared. Somebody save me! James! Peter! Lily!" Sirius started shouting, pretending to be afraid. People around them started staring.

Remus just stood up and walked towards the castle.

"Hey, whoa! Slow down my dear friend." Sirius cached up with his pace.

"So…what are we going to do?" Sirius asked Remus.

"First, we need to find James." Remus said.


Hope I portrayed the characters well. Tell me if I did any mistakes. And I'd love your suggestion on improving my stories.
