A/N: I Know It's Been A Long Time Since I've Written Anything (I Just Haven't Been In The Writing Mood) But, I've Been Reading A Lot Lately And It's Inspired Me (Like It Usually Does) To Write a New Story. Although I Said That My Pairings Don't Usually Change Much, I Thought Instead Of A SasukeXSakura Story Again, I'd Do A SasukeXOC Story This Time. I Really Hope You Like It And Please Review!

The One That Got Away, Chapter 1: Chance Encounter

I tap my red-painted nails impatiently on the steering wheel of my 95 Cavalier as I stare up at the red traffic light in front of me. I hate working Saturday nights for this exact reason; it takes forever to work my way back home. I look out the passenger's side window at the hoard of party-goers and bar-hoppers that are scouring the streets like locusts, every girl I see scantily dressed and stumbling their way to the next location of the night. Among the swarm of tipsy girls and desperate guys, I see a man shoving through them and rapidly approaching the side of my car. No, I say to myself as I watch him run toward the passenger's side. He can't actually-

I get cut off by the sound on the door being flung open and a man diving into the seat next to me. "What the hell are you doing?" I demand, my voice jumping a few octaves in panic and pure shock.

"Drive!" he yelled back at me, his eyes wild. I notice that he keeps glancing out the window as if he's waiting for someone.


"Just drive!" he urged frantically. His entire frame stiffened as a second man emerged from the crowd and started toward us. This man looked even more intimidating than the one that just dove into my car. His shoulders squared, his jaw locked, his fists balled at his sides; he looked like he's ready to rip both of us apart with his bare hands.

I looked up at the traffic light just in time to see it turn green and slam on the gas, burning rubber down the highway with some psycho in the seat next to me. I stared straight ahead, my eyes fixed on the road in front of me and my hands so tight around the wheel that my knuckles turn bone white. We're both silent for what feels like an eternity until I realize something; I have no idea where I'm supposed to be taking him. "Um, where am I taking you?" I asked nervously, almost afraid to look at him.

He hesitated for a brief second. "Wherever you're going,"

"You can't come home with me," I chuckle without humor. "You jump into my car without warning and expect me to house you? You could be a serial killer for all I know-"

"I'm not a serial killer," he interrupted me, an amused grin creeping across his face.

"Drug dealer, whatever," I correct myself. The annoyance was already beginning to bubble in the pit of my stomach at his mocking tone; I don't even know this guy and he's already getting on my nerves. "I don't care what you are, you're not staying at my house!"

"What makes you so sure I'm a criminal?" he raised a brow at me.

"Gee, I don't know, maybe because you were running away from a burly man who looked like he was ready to rip your head off?" I retort sharply. "That doesn't generally happen to non-criminals."

"Relax, Miss Priss," he snorts. I could practically hear his eyes roll in his head. "I'm not a drug dealer, either. I just got into a little altercation, that's all."

"I still have no idea who you are," I remind him. "I don't let strangers crash on my couch."

"Look, I'm not going to slit your throat in your sleep and I'm not going to stash heroin in your medicine cabinet so isn't that enough for one night at your place?" he bargained, the sexy persuasiveness of his voice taking me by surprise.

I purse my lips, silently cursing him for coaxing me into even thinking about letting him stay, even if it just for one night. I flip my auburn locks over my shoulder and sigh heavily. "Just for tonight, but on one condition,"

I smile at the frown in his tone. "And what's that?"

"You have to answer any and all questions I have,"

"You have got to be kidding," he groaned as he leaned his head back on the seat.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" I challenge boldly, fully prepared to abandon him on the side of the road. "You owe it to me after helping yourself to my car and my house."

Now it's his turn to purse his lips. "Whatever," he muttered sourly.

I smile brightly at my small victory the rest of the ride. "Here we are," I announced as we pulled into the driveway of a townhouse. I look at him for the first time - really look at him - and realize how good-looking he actually is, despite the intimidating scowl that's plastered on his face. Thick blue-black hair graces his scalp and is just messy enough to make him look rugged without looking like he just rolled out of bed. His icy pale skin contradicted his hair and battled for attention against the raven mane, the lightness of his skin almost transparent. Placed just under the shadow of his bangs were two onyx irises the same black as his hair, making him seem even more menacing than his perpetual scowl.

"We getting out?" he asked, staring at me like I just sprouted another head.

"Oh," I gasped. My skin instantly flushed a bright shade of scarlet as I quickly got out of the car. "Sorry, I'm a little spacey."

"Yeah," he dragged out the word as he climbed out as well. I gaped up at him towering over me; I knew I was short but this guy's massive. "Can we go in?"

I shook my head and fumbled around in my purse for the house key, unbelievably embarrassed that I'd been caught gawking twice. "Got it," I said triumphantly, leading him to the door. "Before we go in," I begin, whirling around to face him. "First question, what's your name?"

"Sasuke," he sighed, seemingly tired of my questions after the first one.

"Sayuri," I reply. I'm almost surprised he replied to quickly; I was sure I'd have to coax it out of him. "Alright, Sasuke, make yourself at home."