Rory had no excuses or escape routes this time. He nodded in reply and tried to focus on what Mr. Shue was saying.

"So it seems that neither of your groups are close to performing. So I will give you this time to work on your mash-ups. Rachel you can take your group to the auditorium."

Half the group left and Rory had a glimmer of hope that he might be able to escape Rachel after all. He paid little attention to what the rest of his group was doing. They hadn't given him a solo or anything, so he just tried to nod in agreement to everything they were organising. The rehearsal was about to end and Rory was preparing to make a quick getaway when Rachel walked back into the room.

"Spy!" yelled Santana, pointing a finger at Rachel accusingly.

"No, I'm not. I just left my jacket in here and we finished our rehearsal."

"That's okay Rachel, we are done here too." said Finn.

Rachel locked eyes with Rory and he knew that there was no escape.

The rest of the group collected their stuff and left the room yelling farewells.

At last it was just Rachel and Rory left in the room. Rory sat down on a chair and hung his head. Rachel sat down next to him.

"Are you going to tell me why you have been avoiding me?" Rachel finally asked, unsure of how exactly to approach the conversation.

Rory was quiet for a long time before whispering, "I'm scared of what you're going to say."

"Say about what? That's my problem Rory, I don't remember what happened! I've been worried that I hurt you, but you seem to be more worried about hurting me."

Rory knew it, she didn't remember. This made him upset and he could feel his eyes well up with tears.

"Please just tell me what happened Rory."

Rory struggled to bring words to his mouth. He was terrified that his dream would come true. I tear escaped his eye.

"I took you to your room. And we kissed." he finally admitted.

Rachel was silent for a moment.

They kissed. Was that all? Why was he so upset over a kiss?

"Rory, we were drunk. A little kiss is nothing to be worried about."

"But it wasn't just a little kiss Rachel." Rory said. "You basically threw yourself at me."

Rachel was confused. By the sounds of it, she should be the one to be embarrassed, not Rory.

"I'm sorry Rory. I tend to be a bit needy and horny when I'm drunk."

"I noticed." he said quietly.

Rachel was still confused. She felt like there was something else that Rory wasn't telling her. Why was Rory so scared of what her reaction would be?

"What else happened?" she eventually asked.

Rory put his head down and muttered, "I admitted my feelings for you."

Rachel didn't hear what the boy said.


Rory looked up, tears now streaming down his face.

"I told you I like you Rachel." he said more clearly.

Rachel's mouth opened in shock.

"What did I say about it?" she asked.

"That I was sweet and that you 'wanted me'. That was when you threw yourself at me."

Rachel thought for a moment before asking quietly, "How far did we go?"

"We only made out for a minute before I stopped you. I like you and all, but I'm not a jerk. I wasn't going to take advantage of you and allow you to do something that you would have regretted."

"Oh Rory, you're so sweet." she said.

Rory smiled, glad that she still thought his actions were sweet.

"Why would you think I would regret doing anything with you though?"

"Rachel please, of course you would regret getting it on with somebody who you don't even like." he replied quickly.

"You're right Rory, I would regret that. But you're assuming that I don't like you…"

A stunned look spread across Rory's face. Did she just say that?

"Rachel, please don't play games with me. You're two years older than me. You're so talented. As if you like me…"

Rachel moved closer to Rory and put a hand on his knee.

"Rory, I'm being serious. When I first saw you I thought you were hot. I think that you are honestly one of the nicest guys I have ever met. I know the whole age difference may be considered weird, especially since it's me who is older, not you, but I like you Rory and I'm not ashamed of it."

Rory looked up into Rachel's eyes.

"Really?" he asked, expecting himself to wake up again as if this had been a dream.

"I'm serious Rory. Do you want some proof?"

And with that Rachel pressed her lips onto Rory's. It wasn't sloppy or needy like that last time; it was a short gentle, caring kiss. She pulled away and looked into his eyes.

The grin on Rory's face was enormous and made him look as cute as ever. He couldn't believe his luck. He had hoped that the situation would end up like this but he had only given it about a 1% chance of actually happening.

Rachel took hold of his hand and begun to lead him out of the room.

"I'm so happy Rory. You had me really worried when you kept ignoring me."

"Yeah, I was scared you would reject me."

"Oh, I wouldn't reject you!" she said giving his hand a squeeze and leant over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

They were now walking down the hallway towards the parking lot hand in hand. Not many people were left in the hallways as school was over, but the few who were gave them a strange look and they heard a few murmurs and whispers as they passed. The pair ignored them all and kept walking until they reached Rachel's car.

"What are your plans for this afternoon? Do you want to come over? We can watch some movies and cook dinner, or we could go out for dinner if our cooking fails."

"Do you mean like a date?" Rory asked.

Rachel smiled and replied, "Yes Rory, like a date. Now get in the car you goof!"

He got into his girlfriend's car and smiled to himself. Things had finally worked out for him and he had gotten what he wanted. For the first time in a while he felt like he was genuinely happy.


This is the final chapter. Thankyou for reading and reviewing my story, I really hope that you have enjoyed it.

I currently have plans to write a angsty Flanderson fic. So if you're interested in that, stay tuned. :)