Author's note: Sorry if Robin seems ooc, I wrote it half asleep (I decided that I'm nocturnal this weekend, lol)

Disclaimer: I do not own young justice.

Robin was definitely not feeling the aster.

The recent meeting with Batman, Red Arrow and Red Tornado had upset him more than he cared to admit.

They had suggested possible moles, if there was one. He couldn't believe Red Arrow had suspected Miss Martian and Superboy. Aqualad had protested that no one on the team was a mole, or a traitor. Robin didn't think so. Sure Sportsmaster had probably gave false information to Aqualad in hopes that the team would fall apart, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy to go around lying. That seemed to fit the Joker's personality more than Sportsmaster's.

The silence engulfed Robin, and realizing how quiet it got, he looked up, seeing that everyone was looking at him. Red Arrow cleared his throat and said hoarsely, "…Well, Robin? Who do you think the mole is?" His tone was impatient; apparently Robin had been out of the conversation for a while.

"Does it matter? I mean, how are we going to build trust if we insist on playing 'guess the mole'?" Robin's voice cut through the room, harsh and cold. Robin looked down, it wasn't like him to snap back at Red Arrow, his best friend since forever, but he had grown sick of hearing everyone talk about the mole. And not to mention Kid Flash's and Artemis's constant bickering. It was a wonder they didn't kill each other befor—

"Robin. Are you okay?"

Aqualad's voice interrupted Robin's thoughts, sending them fleeing in panic. Once again everyone in the room was looking at him. Robin returned their glances with glares.

"I'm fine." Robin replied. Clenching the arm rests of the dull green chair he was sitting in. Robin found a stain on the arm of the chair suddenly very interesting.

Red Arrow spoke up, trying to ease the tension that weighed down on the room like cinder blocks. "I say Artemis is the mole. I mean, clearly she has…relations…and shouldn't be trusted." He paused, looking at Robin.

Batman glared at Red Arrow, his eyes narrowed and his voice cold. "Roy, I will not—nor will Robin—tell you anything about Artemis's relations."

"Yeah? Well, whatever. I say she is the mole. For starters we barely know anything about her—." Red Arrow was cut off as Robin stood up, glaring at Red Arrow.

"You barely now anything about me, but does that make me a suspect? No. And, if Artemis wanted take down the team why didn't she do it when the Reds attacked? She had the perfect opportunity, but she saved everyone's life. Including mine. You're the one who isn't feeling the aster." Robin said. The temperature in the room seemed to drop a couple of degrees. Only then did Robin feel slightly ashamed for bringing up Red Torpedo and Red Inferno in front of Red Tornado.

"Robin, we are merely throwing ideas out, we are taking none of these accusations seriously." Aqualad said, as he walked over to Robin and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye he glared at Red Arrow, clearly upset at having to discuss the topic.

Red Arrow narrowed his eyes, frowning and balling his hands into fists. Batman noticed the sudden tension between the three teens. He was about to say something to distract them when the cave computer announced the arrival of Miss Martian, Superboy, Kid Flash, Artemis, and Zatanna. Everyone in the room froze. Red Arrow muttered something that sounded like 'Crap' and Batman glanced at Red Tornado. He nodded stiffly at the robot. Quietly he walked out of the room behind Red Tornado. Red Arrow glared one last time at Robin before stalking out of the room. Which left Aqualad and Robin alone.

"Come on, let's go meet them before they wonder where we went too." Aqualad said, starting to walk towards the door.

Robin stayed standing, the conversation replaying in his mind on an endless loop.

"Aqualad…what if the mole isn't on the team, but close to the team?" Said Robin, his voice barely above a whisper. Aqualad looked down, his face thoughtful. But then as Robin's words began to sink in, he frowned, his brows creased.

"We…do not know that many…people…close to the team." Aqualad said, choosing his words carefully.

"Red Arrow."

"Can you please repeat—"

"I said, Red Arrow."

"Robin, what do you mean—"

"What if he's the mole?"

Aqualad looked up at Robin, his eyes filled with worry for the boy. He couldn't believe that his friend would betray them. Sure he had gone solo, but that didn't mean he was the mole right? He couldn't be it.

"Robin…I just don't know anymore." Aqualad said, his voice defeated. His shoulders sagged and his face was creased with worry.

Robin studied Aqualad, seeing how much the responsibility of being the team's leader was. He mentally sighed. First the training exercise and now this. Robin cringed when he thought of Zatanna being the mole. Zatanna isn't the mole, her father is in the justice league! That's enough proof, that and she would have taken down the team during our fight with the Reds. He thought, managing to convince himself of Zatanna's innocence.

What Robin needed was a night out, maybe a movie or…never mind. A movie sounded nice enough. He'd rather take the Joker, Scarecrow, Ivy, and Two Face any day than ask Zatara and Batman if he could take Zatanna on a date.

Robin followed Aqualad out of the room, closing the door behind him. Already thinking of a movie, he smirked, pushing the thoughts of Zatanna and the mole out of his mind.

Author's Note: Well this is my first ever fan-fic! Even though I think I should have done better, at least its kind of finishedand out of the way.

I got the idea out of nowere, wanting to write about Robin's thoughts about the mole. Well, not nowhere. When I was watching Secrets, and saw poor wittle Robin look down, kind of sad look on his face, that got me thinking. And this average piece of...well...this story happened. I got lazy at the end, not sure how to continue it, and I couldn't find anything interesting to happen. Plus it's 2:30 am and I'm worn out. So yeah.

Please review! I want feedback on how I did on the story. Don't hold back on the constructive critisism, just don't flame/bash. Oh, and I'm working on a couple of other Robin fan-fics, some are challenges, and some are my ideas.

Hope you enjoyed it :D