The beginning of this story is where the movie of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ended (minus the part 19 years later) not the book.

Harry, Ron and Hermione stood proudly on the bridge that led to Hogwarts seconds after Harry had destroyed the Elder wand and minutes after the death of Voldemort. After the long journey they had finally triumphed against Voldemort. They all looked at each other with the same question in their eyes.

What do we do now?

Harry finally broke the silence. "So I guess… we're done with our journey?" Ron and Hermione shrugged. They had learned after a while that life was unpredictable so they knew not to let their guard down just yet. They finally began to walk back to the remains of Hogwarts.

Harry suddenly felt a slight pinch in his brain. At first he thought it was because of all the excitement. I just have a headache, he thought. He could understand that. He had been whipped around the school a lot today. But suddenly the pinch grew into a massive headache like that. He began to sway from side to side and he had stopped walking.

Hermione and Ron had realized what was going on and helped Harry try to stay up. It was no use. Harry collapsed onto the ground and his world went black.

-Harry's POV-

I didn't know where I was when I woke up. It was nothing but white all around me. I kept looking around kind of expecting someone to jump out from behind or around me. Finally I saw a weird figure walking slowly toward me. It wasn't anyone I had ever seen before. It looked like a big turtle with a beard and a staff. He looked more like a turtle from a muggle cartoon though.

"Harry Potter is it? I'm glad I found you." he said.

I was confused. Where were Ron and Hermione? Who was this man, or turtle or whatever and how did he know my name?

"Who are you?" I asked.

An apologetic look came on his face. "Apologies young man, I am Master Oogway. I live in a world that is different from yours. Well, at least, I used to." he replied.

"Is this a dream?" I asked.

He smiled. "It depends on how you look at it. I am only in your head but this isn't a fictional image. I have come with a message for you."

The confused look never left my face. "So are you saying that I'm having a vision?" I asked. Oogway nodded.

"I have come to tell you that your journey isn't entirely over. Yours may have ended in your world, but in my own world, it is just beginning. You will be sent there soon enough. You and your two friends." he said. Suddenly he began to fade away and the world around me began to turn black again.

"Wait! What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked in a panicky tone. But my questions weren't answered. The world kept turning black and finally my eyes snapped back open to see Ron and Hermione over me and I was still on the bridge.

"You okay mate?" Ron asked.

I sat up holding my head due to the pain still throbbing inside. "What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted. It's probably from all the stress of today." Hermione replied.

I shook my head while still holding it in my hand. "No. I had a vision." I replied. "Didn't you guys have one too? It was a message for all of us." Ron and Hermione shook their heads. I told them the whole story. They looked as confused as I felt when I had finished.

"So what do we do?" Hermione asked. I shrugged. "All I know is, we have to be prepared." I said.

"Harry, how do you know this wasn't just a crazy dream due to everything that happened causing you stress?" Ron asked.

I hadn't thought of that. I had been too confused to think of reality compared to this. Maybe Ron was right. Before I could I saw something. It was small and it was spinning underneath us. Ron and Hermione saw it too. We began to back up because it kept getting bigger. It began to look like a vortex.

"What the heck is that?" I asked in a panicky tone.

"I don't know!" Ron replied in the same tone.

Before we had time to figure out or escape we were suddenly sucked in by what now was a vortex the size of a small black hole (probably not but you know what I mean.) I closed my eyes. It felt like a giant vacuum sucked us up (no wizards don't use vacuums.) I eventually opened my eyes and realized I was falling. So were Ron and Hermione.

"What's going on?" I shouted.

"I don't know!" Hermione shouted back. "I've read a million things about magic but I've read nothing to do with this!" That was one of the last things I wanted to hear, Hermione not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, I saw a small opening at the bottom of the vortex and I braced for impact with the ground. "Brace yourselves!" I shouted to my friends. They saw the opening too and braced for impact as well. I closed my eyes and waited.

I suddenly felt my impact with rock hard ground. After I caught my breath I realized my headache was still there due to the collision but there was also jolting pain in my arm and in my other hand. I slowly opened my eyes and was shocked at my surroundings.

I had no clue where we were. All I knew was we were in some place that looked like an animated movie and we were laid out on the ground but it hurt too much to get up. In front of me was an enormous flight of stairs and when I looked next to me there were animated pigs, rabbits and geese. They were all whispering to each other while staring at us probably wondering who we were.

I looked back in front of me and saw more animated characters running towards us down the flight of stairs. There was a beautiful tiger, an old looking red panda, a crane with a hat, a small praying mantis, an orange monkey, a green snake and a rather large panda. That was the last thing I remembered seeing before I blacked out.

To be continued