Big Ol' Edit of everything I had to say!
Guys. Guys, holy shit, it's been ages. I would go into a long explanation about what's gone down in the last two years (when the frickle did that much time pass?) because I don't even know how much of you even remember me. Like actually. I looked at my profile on here, and I was still 16 when I last updated. I'm almost 19 now. I just? What? How? Just... wow. I feel so old. What I WILL say is that I've been in a massive HM fanfic kick (shoutout to Reflection and Twisted by x silhouette dreamer x for that; you were a massive inspiration for me to get back into writing! I haven't left any reviews on your stories yet, and I doubt you'll actually see this shout out, but I am absolutely head over heels for them!).
Anyways. So. I stopped writing this story two disgusting years ago because life got in the way. I always wanted to continue with it, though, because I love Ash and Lillian, and it seems like a lot of people enjoyed the way I wrote their interactions (woooo!). But as I reread it, because I have no idea what I even wrote tbh, I kind of just… cringed. Both the writing and the pace are so below par for what's acceptable for my own personal standards, because I write for myself just as much as I write for everyone else. As such, I have decided to give in to temptation, and rewrite the story under a new title, Just a Bad Day, which officially has one chapter up and posted now, and another to come sooner than later! I was originally going to write quite a bit more before posting anything, but I couldn't help myself c':
This time around, I actually have an idea with how I want the story to proceed, whereas when I was writing Had a Bad Day, all those years ago, I went into each story blindly, and rushed headfirst into all the drama and angst and whatever. And more importantly than that, I have a solid idea with the friendships and relationships that I want to pursue in Just a Bad Day! It's gonna be dramatic, and hopefully long, but I'm super excited to execute it the way I'm planning, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will enjoy what I have to offer.
I will do my best to keep updates adequately regular, because the gaps between chapters last time was what really killed the story, but I can't make many promises, as my computer has one leg in the grave as it is. But I will do my absolute best to continue this story! But that's about all I have to say about this. Had a Bad Day will still remain as is, because it seemed to be well liked in it's time, and I love coming back to past works and seeing my improvement (note to any new writers possibly reading this! Keep all of your old work, no matter how much it may make you cringe! Trust me, it's worth it!).
So yes. I am indeed still alive, and I still love you all to bits and pieces (I got so giddy and gross and happy when I was reading over old reviews –you're all so sweet!). And I promise, I will do my best to not vanish again! If it does happen, through one circumstance or another, however, you can always find me on tumblr under the username Kasupop. Even then, you are always welcome to send me a message and say hi; I would love to get to know you all c:
But yes, until later, then! All my adoration to each and every one of you! You guys are fantastic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!