She had done it. She had accomplished what she had set out to do. Hinata sat on the edge of her bed, panting, and face flustered red. She tilted the object in her hand, so that the bright light from the full moon, caught the slightly rough metal, and it seemed to glow right in front of her. If she wasn't so worn out from the full-on sprint home, she would be squealing, and jumping up and down with excitement. Splitting her face, in a very Naruto-like grin, she brought the object to her face, and rubbed her cheek against it. It was hers, all hers. Even if some one were to find out now, she would fight for this. Not even her father, whom she still feared, could pry her away from this object.

Bringing it down from her face, she looked at it again. Holding the object by the cloth on either side like handle bars, she pulled her hands apart, so that the metal in the middle was straight along with the cloth. For the next minute or so, she just sat there, and stared at the leaf symbol etched into the battered and scratched steel. In her hands, Hinata held a head band. But not just any band. She had the head band, of one very special person. Some one that she had admired for years, and felt her feelings grow for exponentially in the past month or so. Naruto. In her hands, Hinata had Uzumaki Naruto's head band. Just thinking that she had his head band made her giggle, and smile grow even wider.

Once again, she brought it closer to her face, but instead of rubbing her cheek with it, she raised it so that it partially rested on her upper lip, right underneath her nose. Closing her eye's, she pressed the head band hard on her face, and took a deep inhale through her nose. Instantly, Naruto almost penetrated all five of her senses. The smell was what she knew it would be; a very woodsy, musky, and (of course) ramen-y scent. The strong smell shot through her nose, and traveled down her throat settling in her stomach. Her spine shivered and her arms shook. It was almost too much. The feeling from his scent, began to travel just a little lower, from her stomach, to her lower abdomen. She felt heat starting to pool in between her legs, and she instinctively rubbed her thighs together. His smell touched her in places that nothing else ever could. She already was getting wet, wet enough to soak through her panties. She knew that with one more sniff, she would feel her own honey ooze down her inner thigh.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Hyuuga Hinata was in fact, a pervert. A very well hidden closet pervert at that. A first look, one would never think that someone so quiet and shy as her, would be able to such adultery things alone. But like most Hyuuga's, unknown to everyone else, once alone, she could do things that could put icha icha books to shame. And of course, like most perverts even the most unconventional of things, such as a head band, can 'get them off'. Sure, she had used plenty of other things to pleasure herself while thinking of the blond headed goof ball, but never before had she had something that was so close to Naruto before. In the past, she had done things from just fingering herself to the thought of him, to humping a stuffed toy she made to look like him, to even doing both of the former and the latter, all the while having a bowl of ramen right next to her, in an attempt to imitate his smell. But all of that was nothing compared to what she had now. Funny enough though, it wasn't even her original plan to steal his head band. It was an accident, but a very lucky accident now that she thought about it. Her mind quickly replayed the events of earlier that night, and how she had gained this object that was the focus of her self exploration.

FLASHBACK: earlier that night, (let's say a few hours) in a town bar.

"I have an idea. Why not just flash him? Show him the goods, and as she drooling focused on your big set of 'sweater puppies', rip off his clothes and claim him where he stands?" Anko finished taking a large swig from the sake bottle she held on her hand.

Hinata and Kureina just stared at purple haired jounin. Of course Hinata's was a deep shade of crimson, and she turned towards her team's sensei. "K-Kureina-sensei, ano...s-she i-i-isn't serious...i-is s-she?" Her stutter was off the charts, but who could blame her. Someone who she looked up to (kinda) just told her to sexually lured in her long time crush with her...her...her BREAST, and them take advantage of him where he stands. Of course she was morally against this, but deep down inside, she was actually considering it. The thought of Naruto ravishing her in public for the whole village to see, infiltrated her thoughts, and she bit her lip, trying to keep the pulsing heat from in between her thighs down. Anko, being a ANBU, and a trained assassin took notice of this action, and smirked.

Kureina on the other hand just sighed and looked Hinata straight in the eye. "Unfortunately, yes. She is serious. Hinata, you've known Anko since the chunin exams, so you know how sadistic and...straight forward she is." She looked at the Hyuuga heiress, who was now slightly nodding in agreement, but kept her gaze away from both jounin, pointing her fingers together in a shy fashion. "But..." she continued, "I believe she is correct."

The other two's head shot up toward the genjutsu mistress. "WHAT?" both said at the same time.

Kureina only shook her head and chuckled slightly. "Well, I do agree with Anko, but only to a certain extent." She smiled at the snake jounin. "While I agree that maybe since Naruto is probably the densest kid in Konoha, and unless you," she pointed to Hinata, "are a little forward with your advances, you wont get anywhere with him, I don't think that you should actually...flash, him."

Anko smiled victoriously. "See!" she roughly slapped the Hyuuga girl on the back, "I told you so!" She took another swig of sake. "You don't have to show ALL, of your 'assets', just give him a...sneak preview, and that should get the blonds attention! But I was just saying, I can guarantee, if you dangle THOSE goods in front of him, he'd be yours in a heart beat!"

Hinata looked shocked. "A-Anko! Y-You shouldn't s-say such t-things!" Her face was pulsing with the deepest shade of red it had ever been, and she pointed an accusing finger at the purple haired jounin.

Anko just laughed, drinking more of the sake. Kureina sighed. "She's right Hinata."

The other followed with another synchronized, "WHAT?"

The red eyed jounin couldn't help but laugh again. "I know that your a little self conscious of your body, Hinata, and even though I don't approve of you doing such things, if you were to show your...goods...to any man, you would have them groveling at your feet." She never once looked over to the stunned two sitting beside her, instead she kept her eye's focused on a small glass of sake in front of her. Anko broke out in to hysterical fits of laughter, while the lavender eyed girl only hid her red face in her hands, and dropped her head onto the table, mumbling something that sounded like, 'not you too sensei...'. Kureina laughed again, and stood up from the bar stool. "Well, I'll leave you to think about it. I'll be right back, I'm just going to the bathroom."

As she left, Anko tried her best to calm down. She looked at the flustered girl to her right. The purple haired woman sighed. "It's Ok Hinata, we'll never expect you to do such things, we're just messing with you." Hinata mumbled something in to the table. The woman raised a questioning eyebrow. "What was that Hinata?" She mumble it again. "Hinata, I can't understand you. Can you say it to me, and not the table?"

Hinata slowly lifted her face off the table, blushing, and took a deep breath. "I...I w-want to d-do such things...s-so that N-Naruto-kun, w-will n-notice me..." Her face fell into the table again, and her long hair splattered across the table. "B-But, I-I can't. I-I'm n-not confident e-enough."

Anko's face broke into a large grin. This girl, WANTS, to do these things? She's more of a perv then she lets on. "Hinata, you just need to be more comfortable with your body, that's all. But I don't see how you aren't. Most girls would KILL for a body like yours." With out letting the Hyuuga see, the jounin took a quick glance around the bar, noting that there were only a few patrons, beside her and Hinata.

The next thing the lavender eyed girl knew, she felt a pair of hands reach from behind her, and grab her breast. She immediately sat up straight, and tried to pry the hands off of her, only to find that they were too strong. "W-Who-?"

She was cut off by the hot breath on her ear. "Wow! Look at these! Naruto doesn't know what he's missing, these are HUGE!"

"Anko!" Hinata squeaked out. The snake woman gave her breast a light squeeze, and the heiress did her best to suppress the moan that threatened to escape her mouth, but to no avail.

Anko smirked. "Wow, you are really sensitive." Her smile grew wider, as she lightly started to fondle the young woman breast. "I bet you stay up late at night, doing this to your self, wishing it was Naruto-kun, who had his large, manly hands, all over you body..." She said in a lower, and huskier tone then before.

The heiress put her hand over her mouth, to stop the oncoming moans she was producing. "A-Anko...p-lease-."

Anko didn't let her finish. "Imagine these are Naruto-kun's hands. Imagine, that he's the one, groping, and fondling your breast."

The Hyuuga girl couldn't help but let the idea slip into her mind. If it were her Naruto-kun, she wouldn't mind. In fact, she might encourage him to... Oh no! She tried to stop the thoughts in her head, as she felt the building feeling in her lower parts start to grow. I'm going to...I'm going to-!

The jounin interrupted the girls thoughts, as she leaned next to her ear, focusing her chakra on her throat, she gave her best Naruto voice. "Hinata-chan." The purple haired woman was surprised when she felt the girls in front of her, stiffen, shudder, and all but collapse into the table. She felt the vibrations travel through her hands from the girls throat, and knew she held in a deep moan. She watched her start panting, and she let go of her breast. "Hinata...did you just-?"

Hinata shot up from the chair, and yelled, "I-I have to go!" She ran around Anko, and darted out of the bar.

The jounin stood there shocked, staring at the door, until she heard someone approach her from behind. "Anko, where did Hinata go?"

Anko turned around to look at Kureina, who had no idea of what just happened. Suddenly, the purple haired woman started to laugh hysterically again. "WOW! Kureina, your student is hornier then I thought!"

Hinata wanted to cry. She was just...FONDLED, by her sensei's best friend, and worse of all, she...she...she, CAME! She came, from another WOMAN, who was playing with her chest! Was that even POSSIBLE? Right now, she wanted to bury herself in the dirt, and just stay there for ever! She never wanted to see her sensei, and EXPECIALLY not Anko!

The Hyuuga heiress ran down the street lamp lit road. House lights a blur to her tear soaked eyes. She didn't want to stop running, she didn't want to even go home. She just wanted to get away right now. It wasn't that she was CONFUSED, or anything like that. No, she was just angry, angry at herself. How dare her body betray her like that! How dare she betray her Naruto-kun, by being defiled by that snake BITCH! She was angrier then she had ever been, but, oddly enough, she was also the most...HORNY she had ever been. Just those few seconds of thinking of her beloved like that, it got her worked up. That was the other reason why she had to run, once Hinata got started, it was hard to calm herself down. If she were to have stayed back, she would have had BEGGED Anko to help her RAPE Naruto.

Hinata was battling herself inside. She was angry, sad, and wanted to 'get off' again. She didn't know what to do. She just decided to keep running. She wanted to get lost. Unfortunately, the buildings, and shops around her, kept getting more, and more, familiar. When she came to small apartment complex, she stopped. Through her blurry vision, she looked up, to where her brain had subconsciously took her. She recognized it immediately, as Naruto's apartment.

Was this where she needed to go? Why would she bring herself here? She knew, that her own mind was just mocking her. It was throwing this place in her face, saying that he would always be here, but she would never have the courage to confront him. Deep down, Hinata knew this was true, but if she also knew herself, she knew that she could coast on very STRONG emotions. Like being extremely horny, and not thinking clearly. With high hopes that she could do this, she ran around to the back side of Naruto's apartment.

Now, Hinata had followed Naruto home several times, so she knew which apartment was his, and she also knew that he had a window on the other side. Never wanting to betray her crushes trust, she never actually used it to SPY on him, but now, she was WAY to 'turned on' to stop. She just wanted to see him, just to see his smiling face...and maybe get a chance to see him with out his shirt. From past experiences, she knew that she could use a scene like that, to keep her imagination running like wild, for about a good week or two.

Reaching the back window, which was on the second floor, Hinata preceded to climb up the wall. Using the skills of a trained kunoichi, she leaped to the first window, and quickly applying chakra to her hands and feet, she crawled up the wall till she meet his window. She found the blinds were down, blocking her view. Huffing in annoyance, she silently thanked Kami that she was a Hyuuga, and concentrating more chakra to her feet, she removed her hands from the wall. With a few hand signs, she whispered, "Byakugan." the veins around her eye's flared as her bloodlimit was activated.

To say that Hinata was surprised, was an understatement. What she saw beyond the window, was none other then Naruto, her crush, but what he was doing, was a mystery. He was just sitting, NARUTO was just sitting, on his bed with his back to her. She had always thought he would be training in his room, or doing something like he did during the day. Watching him sit, and o NOTHING was something that no one in Konoha could say they ever saw, unless he was in the hospital or sleeping. The heiress was even more put off, when she saw that his wrist and arm were moving in a very weird fashion in front of him.

What is she doing? Hinata thought as she watched him to continue to move his hand up and down, repeatingly. Wait a second...His movement got faster. Is he...and faster. No he couldn't be...and faster. Oh my Kami! He is! He's Mast-! Indeed, her thoughts were confirmed, as a low grunt was heard through the window, and she saw body jerk randomly. When it stopped, she watched him stand up, give a deep sigh, and throw a scrunched up sock to the corner of the room. He then yawned, and walked into the bathroom, and she heard the shower start.

Hinata's face was deep red. She couldn't believe that her beloved Naruto-kun was just...MASTURBATING! Kami! It was turning her on like never before! Not quite sure what she was thinking, she slid open the window, surprised that it wasn't latched. Silently, she pushed through the blinds, and slowly made her way into his room. Watching where her feet fell, she tip toed the rest of the way into the room. The smell instantly hit her like a wave. She smelled musk, ramen, and...something else, it was like the musk, but it had a different effect on her. It made her even more, horny. She rubbed her thighs together, and made her way to Naruto's bed. This is where he sleeps... She thought as she carefully laid her body on small mattress, and spread herself out, face down. She let out a sigh of pleasure as she took in more of his smell.

On the verge of fainting from the mere thought, that Naruto had probably laid here NAKED at some point, she felt her leg his something. She looked down to it, and saw that Naruto's head band was at the foot of the bed. She turned around, and sat up, scooting her way to the end of the bed. She grabbed the head bands, and her eye's sparkled. His sweat has been all over this! Kami, I bet it has his smell all over it! She smiled, and rubbed it on her face.

While she was rubbing, her's caught something on the other side of the room. She noticed that it was the sock that he had thrown earlier. She immediately darted over the sock, and scooped it up. As she played with it in her hands, she felt that it was slightly moist. Oh Kami! Inside this...inside this, is Naruto's-! Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard the water from the shower turn off. Panicking, Hinata shoved the sock in her pocket, and jumped out of the window, running as fast as she could towards her home.


That is how Hinata got to where she was now, sitting on her bed, sniffing at a head band. She slipped her hand into her pocket, and pulled out the sock. Unable to stop herself, she brought both the head band, and the sock to her nose, and inhaled deeply. The aroma was intoxicating, and she felt the wetness extend in her nether regions. The heiress took off her jacket, and threw it to be forgotten in a corner. She shoved the objects to her face again, and continued to breath in he scent. She fell backwards on her bed, and tried to mold her face into the Naruto's possessions.

Intending on going past the point of no return, she let go of the sock and head band, and moved her hands to her pants. Her fingers were a blur as she undid her own pants and slid them, along with her drenched panties, down to her ankles. Shifting her position on the bed so she was correctly lying on it, Hinata took the sock in one hand, and the head band in the other. Moving the hand with the sock, she brought it down to her womanhood, and began to rub herself with it. Oh Kami... Hinata's other hand, held the head band to her face, continuing to smell it deeply.

She was in heaven, nothing could stop her now. Even if her father had walked in at this moment, he could not stop her from her inevitable climax that was soon to come. She felt the sock brush over her clit, and a loud moan escaped her lips. She cursed under her breath. She knew that she was loud, when it came to things like this. She stopped her ministrations for a second, and tilted her head up slightly, putting down the sock. She reached around her head, and tied Naruto's head band around her mouth, like a gag. Inhaling again, she picked back up the sock, and continued. She felt the coil in her lower abdomen start to tighten. She was getting close. REALLY close.

Naruto was now, LITERALLY hitting all of Hinata's five senses. She could feel him, in his sock. She could smell and taste him, with his head band. Closing her eye's, her imagination provided the rest, and she saw her Naruto-kun pound away at her. She could almost hear the grunts and huffs that he produced, as his body was sweaty, and slid up and down her own. The sock she was rubbing was soaked in her juices. It began to pour out over the sock, and onto the sheets. Hinata could feel wetness on her lower back, as her honey ran down her smooth, round back side. He hand that once held the head band, grabbed her breast, and imitating Anko earlier that night, she groped and fondled herself. Every touch sent her skin on fire, she sucked in the cloth side of the head band, and her moans vibrated through it.

Then she felt it. She felt the pressured coil snap. Like an breaking dam, her juices exploded out of her lower lips. She screamed into the head band, and her empty hand pinched and pulled on her nipple. Looking down, to further her arousal, she watched as her honey literally stream and...SQUIRT, out of her. She had came before, but she never knew that she was a squirt-er. She hoped that Naruto would be into that, not that it mattered anyway. She would have him regardless.

The earth shattering orgasm still just didn't seem to be enough, she need more. She needed her Naruto-kun.

She would have him.

And she would have him soon...

Okay...This isn't mine. Well, sorta...kinda half. Most of this is written by a friend of mine who says that she's gonna be getting an account of her own, once she figures out how to go on to this site without her family finding out. Their VERY strict.

By the way...she says hi-

Newo: HELLO!

Claudio: Dammit! Why did you interrupt me? And WHY DID YOU WANT TO CALL YOURSELF NEWO?

Newo: Because it follows your pen-name.

Claudio: Ah, whatever, just don't make me right something so perverted again.

Newo: But it's so HAWT to have such a Naruto hungry Hinata, don't you think?

Claudio: …

Newo: I knew you were a perv. And we will be continuing this, at least we will once I get my own computer, I'm just lucky that this guy has internet again!