Hey everyone, I know it's been a while but I'm back with my newest fan fic. I hope that you do enjoy this one.
I'll post this disclaimer just this once and it applies for all subsequent chapters of this story.
Stephanie Meyer and not I, owns Twilight and all things Twilight related. I simply own this plot.
Full Summary: Jasper moves to the sleepy town of Forks, Washington expecting a fresh start from the demons that have plagued him ever since the incident in his home town of Texas only to be drawn inside the puzzling world of Bella Swan and the battle she faces every day and into the old secrets and barely healed scars that Bella would rather he left concealed.
Should he really let sleeping dogs lie this time though?
Chapter One
I walked into the school, my back pack in hand. I was early and the hallway was deserted except for the few stragglers whom like me wanted to avoid the crowds that come with arriving late. It was my first day and therefore by coming early I'd at least get to scope out the school and get a feel for things without the humiliation of walking in late to my period 1 class.
I found the office easily enough and walked in. A lady sitting behind the desk sat up, putting on her glasses as she did so. Her hair was red, bright but it was obvious from her dark roots it was not natural. She smiled at me and I glanced at her name tag to see she was 'Mrs Cope'
"Hello dear, how may I help you?" she asked, hands poised over the computer's keyboard.
"Hi, I'm Jasper Whitlock, I'm new here" I said, handing her a letter.
"Oh yes dear, here, this is your timetable and this is a slip you need to get signed by all your teachers and then you need to return it here at the end of the day. Your first class, History, is in the B block which you'll get to if you leave here, turn left and walk straight ahead. Its room 5" she said smiling.
I thanked her and left hoping to find my locker first. Since I'd been in there, the hallways had filled up considerably with people talking excitedly to their friends who they'd probably seen throughout the winter break. I walked past a group of girls and watched as their eyes widened and their mouths dropped open, more from the surprise of a new student than my looks.
Though my looks weren't that bad.
I was tall with curly, sandy blonde hair. I had blue eyes and tanned skin most likely due to my living in Texas all my life. I had a scar just above my left eyebrow due to a horse riding accident when I was twelve as well as a few more scars here and there from various accidents and then there was the one on my arm. It stretched from the wrist of my right arm and was about 6 inches long. It was rough, raised and a dark shade of pink having been a really deep cut that took a long while to heal.
A frown formed on my face thinking about the accident that caused it, but I sighed shaking my head. This wasn't the kind of place to be thinking about things like that. I noticed some other people watching me as I walked, yeah; this really wasn't the right place to be thinking about things like this.
Reaching my locker, I noticed the combination for my locker written on the top of the sheet Mrs Cope had given me and I used the combination and opened the locker, placing my lunch inside and leaving any unnecessary books. I shut my locker and turned around only to see that more people had turned to watch me as well. Irritation rushed through me like a vicious kind of burning; I hated being stared at as though I were some kind of freak to be watched, some kind of spectacle.
I hurriedly walked down the hallway to the office colliding with some girl who had been coming out of it.
I steadied her and couldn't help but notice how small she was as I held her. Her head was down so I didn't see her face but I turned around and as I walked past her I peeked over my shoulder only to see she had stopped to watch me.
Her eyes were brown as was her hair. No that's not right; that made her seem plain and that was something she most definitely wasn't, there was just something about her that was captivating to me and was just pulling me towards me towards her like an invisible force, her hair was more of a mahogany kind of colour and her eyes were like melted chocolate framed with thick black eyelashes. Her lips looked as though she was pouting them but regardless, they looked soft, pink and inviting, but what really got me was the blush that appeared on her cheeks. It was gorgeously pink and matched her lips perfectly.
Plus she smelt like strawberries. Strawberries were my favourite fruit.
I kept my head facing straight ahead and walked to my class and getting there early. I walked up to the teacher and introduced myself before giving him my slip to sign and taking a seat at the back of the class. I put my books on the opposite side of the table making it clear that I wanted to be alone and brought a book to read until class started.
Around 10 minutes later, the shrill sound of a bell was heard and I watched as the sound of footsteps increased and students filter in. I tried my best to ignore the curious stares I received from the others and continued reading until I heard the teacher call the class to attention.
"Hello everyone, I'm sure you all had a very productive and eventful winter break, but now your back in school and I expect you to try hard. Vacation is over. I would also like to inform you that we have a new student, Jasper Whitlock who has transferred here from…" he trailed off, looking at me expectantly.
"Texas sir" I said respectfully adding a drawl to my words. I immediately became aware of the seductive smiled many of the girls were throwing my way as well as the glares from the boys, as a result. I considered throwing out a wink but decided against it, it was my first day and I didn't want to get hated by everyone though it didn't bother me either way. It was just easier to be friends with people or at least civil with them.
"Texas, of course. Jasper why don't you tell us a little about yourself or your family. Any interests and what not, please stand up" He said sitting behind the desk. I tried to conceal the scowl that wanted to make its presence known and stood up as the teacher asked.
"My name is Jasper Whitlock; I transferred here from Houston, Texas. I like sports and I play the guitar" I said sitting back down.
"Thank you for that" the teacher said, before moving on with the lesson. Basically, he told us about the syllabus for the year, the kinds of things we'd be studying and what kinds of essays we'd be looking at doing, he also made sure to tell everyone that by the end of the week he would have a seating plan in place for everyone. The teacher talked us through the expectations he had of us before pretty much giving us a free lesson with friends moving to sit and talk next to each other.
I began reading again; officially stopping anyone who would have dared come speak to me but that didn't mean they didn't try. I just politely smiled at they got the message and left.
This is how it was for pretty much the next couple of lessons, including gym; the teacher would make me talk to the class then tell us about their expectations of us. In art the teacher let us draw and begin decorating our work spaces for the semester, so I got out my sketch pad and began drawing.
For some reason though, I couldn't focus on drawing any one thing for any period of time, I'd start a piece and then leave it, that is until I looked out the window and then all of a sudden my mind was assaulted with images of that girl from this morning. Who was she?
My mind raced with questions as my hand moved and began drawing and I glanced down and was surprised to see that I'd drawn her, though my drawing certainly didn't do her justice. She was beautiful I knew that and that fleeting glimpse I caught of her definitely wasn't enough for me to base a drawing off of but still I couldn't put my finger on it but it was just missing something. Then again, a picture can't capture everything can it?
It couldn't capture the way her hair fell wispily around her shoulders or the way her scarlet blush slid across her skin like ink on paper. But by all means it couldn't capture her eyes, they looked deep and thoughtful but were marred by the bruising of deep purple bags beneath her eyes and I wondered briefly what could have been keeping her up so late.
It was strange; I didn't even know this girl except really for the fact that she had brown eyes and attended this school. So why was it, that she was haunting my thoughts?
It wasn't long until the bell rang signalling lunch. I waited until the majority of the class had rushed out, eager to get to lunch and talk to their friends before I got up and began making my way towards the door.
Obviously, these girls had been waiting to corner me because I had just reached the door before I was stopped by two girls. One had blonde hair, whilst the other one was a brunette. They both smiled at me, making me feel nauseated and slightly terrified because of the way they were not only staring at me but the fact that they had made the effort to actually corner me.
"Hi, I'm Lauren and this is Jessica" said the blonde gesturing at the brunette. "You know since you're new, we like figured you wouldn't know anyone else and figured that we'd like take it upon ourselves to like show you around, help you meet the right people and helpyou out" she said winking and licking her lips afterwards.
"Yeah 'cause your like new" Jessica said thinking she was adding her two cents, when she'd only repeated what Lauren had said. She then folded her arms tightly and pushed her chest out, I had a feeling that the word 'subtlety' wasn't in any of their dictionaries.
I smiled politely at them and began making my escape " That's very nice of you ladies but I'm sure I'll be fine" I saw them about to protest "However if I do need help with anythingyou'll be the first two I'll call" I said winking at them and walking out the class.
I felt oddly dirty from talking to them and made up my mind to shower when I got home to get the dirt off of me.
I made my way down the hallway to my locker keeping my eyes out for the girl from earlier but I couldn't seem to see her anywhere. I thought back to my earlier classes but I didn't seem to remember seeing her in any of them, then again I wasn't paying too much attention to any of the other students in the class so maybe it was possible that I missed her or maybe I had possibly imagined her.
I got to my locker, put my books away and grabbed my lunch. I considered going to the cafeteria but after seeing Lauren and Jessica walking in there after giving me an obviously practised sexy stare, I decided against it and decided to go into the library. I figured that at this time, it would most likely be empty.
I pushed open the heavy, wooden door and walked in. As I predicted the library was pretty much empty, the librarian behind the desk was typing quickly on her computer, pushing her glasses up her nose every couple of minutes.
I found a seat in the corner of the library that was surrounded by other bookshelves; it was a perfectly secluded area, just like I liked it. I got out my sandwich and book and began eating and reading. I ignored the sound of footsteps arriving until I heard them stop nearby. I glanced up only to see a girl through the cracks in the books sitting down. I leaned forward and peeked through and as the girl turned her head to the side I saw her, the girl from earlier.
I sat back surprised, for a while I had begun to believe that she was only a figment of my imagination but now seeing her, I couldn't help but feel this strange pull to her, as though I needed to speak to her.
I sat back contemplating what to do and how to go about this before I decided that it would be best to simply face this head on.
I quickly put away my lunch and book and stood up walking casually around to where she was and sat down in the chair opposite to her. I could feel her stare and her obvious surprise but I simply got out my sandwich and began eating my sandwich again.
It was silent for a moment or two and after realising that she wasn't going to say anything, I took it upon myself to start the conversation between the two of us.
"Hi, I'm Jasper Whitlock, I just moved here and you are?" I looked at her and noticed her eyes were focused on the book I had just put down.
"All Quiet On The Western Front?" she said surprised. Her voice was soft and mild but I liked hearing it, it was sweet.
"You sound surprised" I stated raising my eyebrows at her, she blushed looking down. Yeah, I really liked that blush.
"Well, it's not a book I would expect a lot of people in this school to know about or even read" she said.
"I'm not like most people" I paused "Have you read it?" I asked. All Quiet On The Western Front was a book I had read many times before, mostly due to my love of History.
"Yes, it was a good book, really invigorating and moving" she said, glancing at me through her eye lashes, though not intentional on her part, I couldn't help but feel my heart stop for a second. She looked strangely seductive at that moment. Her skin was pale, really pale but it had a sort of creamy look to it, a soft one too. I had a strange urge to bite her cheeks.
"I agree, you know, you still haven't told me your name yet" I remarked casually.
"Oh, well its Bella, Bella Swan and I already knew your name, everyone's talking about you" she said, smiling at me shyly.
I groaned and she smiled wider. "Guess I shouldn't have moved to a place as small as Forks, huh?"
"I guess" she picked up her book and began reading again and as she did so, I glanced at the title of her book 'Wuthering Heights' the book looked worn out, as though she'd read it a lot. I picked up my book to follow suit but ended up wanting to talk to her some more.
"What lessons do you have?" I asked. She put down her book at looked at me confused.
"Umm, well Gym, History, Spanish-"
"History?" I repeated surprised "When?"
"First period" she said.
"That means you're in my class then"
"Yeah, I saw you, you were sat at the back reading and I was trying to figure out what" her cheeks turned a surprising shade of red, most likely due to her confession of staring at me.
"Oh, well…" I trailed off awkwardly.
"Can I ask you something?" she whispered suddenly. I glanced at her and noticed she was fidgeting with the zip of her jacket.
"You just did but sure" her lips twitched at that.
"Why are you talking to me?" Her question blew me. What was that supposed to mean? Why wouldn't I talk to her?
"What do you mean?" I asked.
She hesitated a little but began "You're new and you have a chance to be part of the in crowd, to be popular. I heard Jessica and Lauren talking about you. You fit in, you have a chance to belong, I'm a freak and if you're seen talking to me they'll label you one too and believe me when I say that it's not a lot of fun. It's quite miserable actually and sometimes lonely"
My eyes widened and I slumped back in my seat at her words. What the hell?
"Wait, what? A freak but…. Bella can you hear yourself? I mean, really are you listening to the words coming out of your mouth"
"I know what I'm saying Jasper, people here are mean, High School is rough and you, you have this pass to be able to go through High School peacefully and finish with good memories and with people liking you. That's why I'm telling you this, that's why I'm warning you. You don't want to end up like me."
She looked up and I saw unshed tears in her eyes. The bell rung and I watched as she put her things away and hurried out the library despite the fact that I called out for her to stop. I kept my eyes on her until the heavy doors slammed shut echoing through the library.
How could she just go away like that? After laying all that heavy stuff on me? I wondered briefly what kind of a school I had got myself into. Where girls either stalk the new guy or warn him away from her.
Sighing, I gathered my things and walked out. As I passed by a bin, I threw away my mostly uneaten sandwich and went to my next class. I kept an eye out for Bella for the rest of the day but didn't see her again until study hall at the end of the day.
We both reached the door at the same time. I tried to speak to her but she hurried in and found a seat at the front of the class, in clear view of the teacher's desk. I began following her but was stopped as Lauren and Jessica appeared on either side of me and began leading me to a group of people on the opposite side of the room to Bella.
I sat down in the seat they pointed out to me and watched as they began introducing me to a group of people.
"This is Mike, that's Eric, Tyler and you know me and Jess from earlier" Lauren said pointing at every in turn and smiling brightly at me.
"Hey" I said to the people and listened to their chorus of greetings.
"So I hear your into sports" Mike began "What kind? I personally play soccer and football"
"Well, I prefer more outdoor sports but yeah soccer and football's cool"
"We're cheerleaders" Jessica squealed enthusiastically.
"Yeah" Lauren agreed "And football seasons starting up soon so we'll be out on the field for practice"
"You should try out for the team Jasper" Jessica added biting her lip.
"We'd be more than happy to cheer you- and the rest of the team on"
"Yeah we're definitely go team and you know, we can show you some of our moves, we're really flexible"
"What's best though is that cheerleading isn't really a sport or anything like that. Jasper to be honest, I love football but one thing I love more than it are hot as fuck babes in short skirts dancing and touching themselves just for me, which is basically all that cheerleading is, so yeah, go team." Eric said nodding his head as though he were imagining it and pumping his fist in the air.
Tyler groaned and I saw a disgusted look flash across his face before speaking "You do realise that a) Cheerleading is actually sport that girls and boys can do b) somehow you've made the cheerleading teams' practices sound like the set of some porno and c) I know cheerleaders that could snap you in two, my sister being one of them"
"Dude, that's harsh, then again I wouldn't mind if your sister snapped me in two, she's hot" Eric said licking his lips
"That's disgusting Eric" Jessica said.
"Yeah, I swear your sisters only, like, 14 Tyler" Lauren added.
"She's twelve and 'dude' you better stay away from my sister now that I know how you've been thinking about her"
"I'm not going to do anything" Eric protested "yet"
"You're fucked up dude" Mike said "I mean that shit's just perverted, she isn't even legal, and that's practically paedophilia you know"
"You guys are acting like I'm trying it on, I simply mean to say that Tyler's sister is a smoking-"
"Look who it is" Mike whispered looking at the door. I looked as well and was immediately stunned as I realised that was what the rest of the class was doing as well. In walked a group of people, there was a tall burly looking guy, man, person with short brown hair and next to him stood a lanky boy with bronze looking hair that was messy and looked like he'd just woken up. There was a short pixie looking girl, with short, spiky black hair who bounced smilingly and beside her was-
"Lil" I said speaking out loud. Her head shot towards me before a smile engulfed her face. Her golden hair bounced around as she walked in my direction and her friends stared confused but as she said my name understanding flooded their features.
"Jasper" she whispered bending down, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. Mike stared enviously at me as she did so. I wiped at my cheek feeling the stickiness of her lip gloss coat my fingers but I couldn't help but smile at her antics.
"Come" she said, grabbing my arm and leading me to where her friends had sat down. "Guys this is Jasper, remember I told you about him"
"How could I forget?" the pixie girl chirped at me. "My full name's Mary-Alice Brandon-Cullen but that's a mouthful so just call me Alice Cullen not Mary-Alice because if you do, I just might have to kill you" she said menacingly, smiling still. She was still kind of bouncing slightly as well and I briefly wondered if perhaps she was on some kind of drug like speed or something.
"I'm Emmett" said the burly guy, giving me a nod. I nodded back. So he was the guy Lil had been telling me about. "And that sulking emo over there is Eddie"
"Edward" the boy hissed looking at Emmett as he did so before facing me. "I'm Edward" he said smiling slightly at me.
"Hey" I said again. I sat down in a seat and glanced over at Lauren and Jessica's group. The girls were scowling; as were Eric and Mike but when Jessica and Lauren noticed me looking they began smiling and winking again.
"Ugh" I heard Lil say beside me "Can you believe those girls? Have they been after you like that all day Jasper? In fact don't worry I can already guess that answer"
"I know" Alice chirped sitting on Lil's desk "They have no shame whatsoever, I mean come on, they're practically saying 'Give me a smile and I'll give it to you however and whenever you want' it's like have some respect for your body"
"It's weird though" Emmett began "You know since they haven't always been like that-"
"People change" Alice bit out, glaring slightly at the front of the room
Emmett paused then continued "but you guys should cut them some slack, I mean can you blame them, you're pretty intimidating"
"And I like that people think I'm intimidating, it's stops them from stepping out of line. I mean right now they're probably bitching about me but if say I said to Lauren 'Let's hang out after school but don't tell Jessica' you'll bet she won't tell Jessica"
"Rosalie, do you really like the fact that they fear you?" Edward asked coming into the conversation.
"Why shouldn't she?" Alice imputed. "There's nothing wrong with a healthy amount of fear Edward"
"Yeah, like I said it stops them from stepping out of line"
"What like Bella?" he continued. My ears perked up at this. What did Bella do? And how did she step out of line?
"Edward whatever Bella got she deserved" Alice said "Anyway-"
At this the teacher walked in and called the class to attention, everyone sat down in their seats and I sighed at having missed an opportunity to find out more about her. What she said in the library chilled me to the core. What had happened to her?
For the rest of the lesson Bella was not mentioned once and each time I turned around to look at her, her head was buried in her book. The teacher left everyone alone for the most part and at one point left the class but soon enough it was over.
I got my things together really slowly and watched as Bella left the class, after that I sped up and hurried after her, however I missed her and simply had to watch as she climbed into an antique truck that thundered as she switched it on and she glanced up, our eyes meeting before she put her hands on the wheel and drove out the parking lot.
I turned, going back into the school to quickly hand in my slip and waited as Mrs Cope did whatever she needed to do with it.
"I hope you enjoyed your first day Jasper, this really is a lovely school and you'll really enjoy it here" she winked as though letting me in on some secret and I smiled politely at her and made my way to the front doors of the school.
I sighed and pulled on my hood on as the wind blew quickly around me. Glancing around, I began trudging through the car park in the direction of my car. I looked behind me to see Lil and her friends getting into a Jeep but she caught my eye as she did so and smiled lightly at me. I got my keys out, unlocked the door and climbed in my car to head home, ignoring the calls and frantic waves from Jessica and Lauren to hang around for a bit. I had a lot to consider.
As I turned onto my street I decided to detour and go for a drive so I kept on driving and drove past my house, I wasn't sure where I was going but I was sure it would be pretty easy to find my way around a place as small as Forks was.
I turned down another street and then I saw it, the red truck. I parked down the road to the house. It was a quaint little house, the paint was peeling in some places but still it was a nice place to live. Beside a window there was a massive tree and I could just imagine Bella sneaking out but then she didn't seem like the kind of girl to do that.
After a few moments though, I saw her as she came to the window, she looked out and I ducked down but I was pretty sure that she still wouldn't have been able to see me regardless. After a few minutes I saw her walk away and I breathed a sigh of relief as I turned the car around and headed home.
I get home soon enough and go to my room. I chuck my bag on the ground and pull some clothes from my wardrobe before heading to my bathroom for a quick shower as I promised myself earlier. The water felt good on my skin, soothing almost and I was glad, especially after the day I'd had.
As I go downstairs, I hear the sound of Lil and her friends and consider going back upstairs but it's too late. Alice has already seen me and she grabs my hand and pulls me into the living room and forces me into a seat next to her.
"I think she was amazing in Roman Holiday; what do you think Alice?" Lil asked her.
"I totally agree with you, I just wish they got together in the end, then again, I'm just a sucker for happily ever after's" she paused smiling "Arethusa rose from her couch of snows in the Acroceraunian mountains" Alice recited a glaze in her eyes.
"Rose, Al, we get it, you love Audrey Hepburn, new subject" Emmett stated. He seemed like a pretty easy going guy from what I could see but then again you should never judge a book by its cover.
"So Jasper how was your first day at school?" Alice asked turning to face me. She stared wide eyed at me and reminded me of a child in kindergarten, eager and ready to learn.
"It was okay, I guess" I said shrugging.
"What subjects do you have?"
"History, Gym, Art-"
"Art, Art! I love drawing, not people but clothes. I make clothes too, it's my passion"
"Yeah, I can't wait till I'm older, I'll have my own boutique, which I'll then open more of across America and then Europe and I'll be married to a great guy and I'll have a studio apartment that I'll design perfectly" she sighed lost in her dreams of the future.
"We didn't see you at lunch, where were you?" Lil asked concerned.
"I was around"
"Well tomorrow, you have to eat lunch with us, okay Jasper?" Lil pleaded. I was getting ready to agree when I remembered Bella, if I didn't speak to her at lunch, then when would I have a chance to speak to her because it seemed in class she'd only avoid me.
I'd only met her today and already she had me running in circles with all of those ominous words she'd said to me and now that I've heard more about her, I just keep getting more and more intrigued.
"Hey Jasper, football seasons starting soon. Rose said you play, right?" Emmett asked.
"Err, yeah" I said, rubbing my hand on the back of my neck.
"You should join the team you know, we could use a few good players, I mean I'm not saying the guys aren't good but a lot of them tend to lose their concentration and they're urge to win, hopefully a couple of other guys will join up you know and then they'll start taking it seriously once their positions are threatened" Emmett leaned back in the chair after this, picking up his can of coke and gulping it down.
"Are you surprised though? When you have cheerleading and practise happening at the same time, the only time the guys will really be motivated to do anything is when the girls are looking at them and even then they just start fighting each other" Edward said speaking up from where he was sat "To be honest Emmett, if you want anything done, what you need to do is every time they lose concentration a lap of the field or drills or maybe benching them during a game 'cause every guy hates being benched"
"He's right Emmett, you need to be tougher on them, if I was the captain of your team I'd run it like a military, I mean have you not seen what I do to my girls and what I expect them to be doing out of training, you need to push them or they'll take advantage"
"Yeah, I'm meeting with coach tomorrow to go over training ideas and that but it should be starting next week and yeah Jasper trials will be starting as well so you should try out. I'll put in a good word for you"
"Thanks man" I was truly grateful, I was glad Lil had such good friends.
After a couple of hours they left, we had dinner and I went up to my room. I got my guitar out and strummed a few songs to distract my brain and also because in the past playing helped relax me but for some reason tonight, it just didn't work.
I picked up my back pack and my sketch book slipped out. I picked it up and looked at my drawing of Bella, I got my pencil and got ready to add to it, change it or get rid of it yet I just couldn't and I didn't know why.
I groaned and flopped back on my bed. I thought through my day and how despite moving to Forks to help simplify my life I'd just managed to make it ten times more complicated than it was before. I sent a quick prayer up to God to sort my life out before I leaned over and switched off my lamp, yet I still could not sleep.
I gazed out the window and as I fell asleep I could hear Bella's haunting voice in my ears as she said 'You don't want to end up like me'
What happened to her?
Thus ends chapter 1, so what do you guys think? Don't forget to hit that little button at the bottom of the screen.