So… well, I know this isn't another chapter of "Meeting you again", but it's an idea I got somewhere in the middle of one of my writer's blocks... and during school. It's a one-shot for Rin and Len. Read it if you want~ oh, and "Meeting you again" Chapter 5 should be out by Sunday so be patient.

DISCLAIMER: Vocaloid is not owned by me in any way.

"The first thing I want to see when I wake up is you"

I remember telling you that before and yet… the spot next to me is cold as if no one's been there for hours. I hate how you never listen to me, mainly because it makes me feel as if you don't even care. I love you so much yet… do you even care? Am I really the only one in love?

I sigh and roll onto my back, arms spread out, palms upward, and stare at the ceiling. At the very least, I can think when she's not around… It's quiet, it's calm, it's relaxing… but it's not fun this way. I'm used to being dragged some place or another by a loud, hyper, and stubborn girl after she shakes me awake and makes me get ready. I at least need some noise to put me at ease…

As I close my eyes I hear the door creak open and notice the smell of oranges wafting in. It couldn't be you, right? After all, you already abandoned me to go do something on your own. I bet you think of me more as a brother than a boyfriend, don't you? When we kissed that day I thought we had gotten over that barrier, but-

"Len? Are you awake yet?"

I freeze and start to make fake snoring noises. I don't want to see you right now. I'm afraid if I look at you all my doubts will pour out and I'll snap at you. Is it weird that a boy like me is so emotional? Well, you would always tell me I was a bit girly, but I retorted with the fact that you were a tomboy so… we're even, aren't we?

"Come on, Len, breakfast is ready…" you mumble.

What's going on? Where's the usual energy? Did I do something wrong? Wait, if I did something wrong you'd be yelling at me and beating me up by now. So, what's going on? Are you going to break up with me or something? Urk… another bad image…

"Len!" I can feel you attempting to shake me awake as you yell, "Come on! You have to get up!"

I simply let my body go limp and roll over as you drop me back onto the bed. I can hear you let out a groan and start tugging on the covers… but I already grabbed onto them with a death grip and could feel you tugging on them as hard as you could.

You were once the stronger of us, but not anymore. I had to hit puberty eventually and, unfortunately for you, I already have. I can tell the fact that I'm growing taller than you and getting stronger aggravates you, but I can't help it. Anyways, I like it this way. I want to protect you like any other boy wants to protect the girl they love. When we were younger you'd always protect me so I have to make up for it now.

You let out a huff and stop trying to pull on the covers. Are you giving up yet? Nope, I can feel you crawling on top of the bed and can smell the scent of oranges close to my head. You probably have your arms planted next to my head and are looking down on me on your hands and knees.

"Len… get up…" you whine.

Honestly, I'd love to get up and eat, but I'm still a bit mad that you left me when I told you the first thing I wanted to see in the morning was your face. I wasn't joking that time… I thought you wouldn't mind, we sleep in the same bed anyway! Even though we're not human we still have feelings! You even said okay when I-

You lower yourself onto me and hug me. I want to wrap my arms around you and hug you back, but then you'd get mad at me because I was pretending to sleep… Also, you seem to treat hugs the same way you did when we were young, like sibling hugs. We're not technically related, but you seem to be sensitive that we look alike and treat me like a younger brother all the time.

Sometimes I feel like the stupid one for loving you so much for so long. When I confessed you simply answered, "You like me? You want to go out with me? Sure!" and proceeded to start talking about dinner. It was almost as if you hadn't taken my confession seriously. Maybe you didn't, I wouldn't know…

Our relationship seemed like a lie. You would take my hand, but you would always do that. You would lock arms with me, but you did that before too. You hugged me before too. The only thing we never did before was kiss, but every time we kissed I was the one who initiated it and you would just brush it off easily and pretend it never happened, not even blushing or kissing back.

"Len! Get up before I start beating you up!" you yell, pinching my nose and letting out a loud 'hmph.' Violence always seems to be your answer to everything…

My eyes flutter open and I watch you grin victoriously. In seconds your expression becomes a panicked one. I think I know why… I could feel it… There were tears running down my cheeks. I'm not a baby, I'm not that stupid or emotional… but I'm mad. I'm mad that you're still treating me like a little brother, I'm mad that you never seem to listen to me, I'm mad that you seem fine while I'm scared that you don't care. I've had… enough.


You seem startled, but you hesitantly smile and answer me, "Yes?"

"…Let's break up…" I mumble, "We should just let things go back to the way they were before… You can go back to treating me like a little brother."

"…Are you stupid?" you yell in response, "How can I go back to treating you like a little brother? I love you, you idiot! I know I don't show it a lot, but I can't help it! You fell in love with the 'me' that was like an older sister, the 'me' that was an energetic tomboy so why are you complaining?"

I see you clench your fists as you get up and sit on your knees. It's not like I intended to hurt you. I just… didn't know… I'm scared, I'm doubtful, but you… you're just as scared, aren't you?

"…I'm not going to change my character for you. If you want a girly girl then you can leave, but…" I look up at Rin's face and notice a deep red blush covering it, "…if you still like me the way I am… I don't mind staying together…"

I smile and pat your head, "I love you… I still want to stay together, but…" you puff up your cheeks and glare at me, probably wondering, "What?" I chuckled and continue, "…on one condition."

"…What is it?" you hiss.

"…Don't hold back," I say with a big grin, "If you want to blush, blush! If you want to cry, cry! Stuff like that. I did fall in love with the strong you, but it wouldn't hurt for you to rely on me."

You pout and cross your arms over your chest, but… "…Fine."

I chuckle, but it's followed by a sigh.

"What's wrong now?"

"Well… I was worried this whole time about you not loving me, but it turns out you love me just as much as I love you…"

"What gave you the idea I didn't love you?"

I frown and cross my arms over my chest. "First off, you've never kissed me…" I started, watching you give a sheepish look, "…and then I clearly told you that I wanted you to be the first thing I see in the morning and you weren't there… and…"

"Oh, that, I have a good reason…" you respond, interrupting me while nodding your head and pulling something out of one of your pockets, "Here."

I blush, "Ch-chocolate?" I ask as I took the package.

"Yeah, today's Valentine's Day, didn't you know?" you ask, tilting your head and grinning. "I got up early and made chocolate bananas for you and this is the thanks I get?"

I fidget and look for the words, but something covers my lips first. Its… soft, smells like oranges, and tastes a bit like them too… its super sweet, the first kiss that you initiated.

"Rin! Is Len up ye-?" Miku opens the door and freezes.

Our faces couldn't be any redder. You cough lightly and I turn towards Miku with a nervous smile.

"Y-y-y-yeah! I-I'm up!"

Miku giggles though and closes the door, "Sorry for interrupting~" she says before humming and skipping downstairs, probably to tell everyone in the Vocaloid household what happened.

"Miku!" we yell, running out the door. If she gets to them we'll never hear the end of it.

By then it was too late and Miku had already broken into a run and reached the dining table where she yelled, "Rin and Len were kissing!"

The day started off with tons of people laughing at us, but we managed. In fact, after I finished getting ready, we had a fun time, didn't we? Holding hands and acting like we didn't have a care in the world. It was like the old days… but this time we're not kids, we're not siblings, we're actually boyfriend and girlfriend. I know it seems the same as usual, but you have a light blush on your face this time and… you kissed me. That has to count for something, right? Plus, it's Valentine's Day, a day for lovers.

There will be many happy days after this one, but I'm sure I'll always remember this one, after all, it's the day I learned that you really loved me. And everyone in the Vocaloid household started laughing at us, but, slowly, some of them started to date. Heh, Miku and Mikuo are engaged! I can't wait to see you in a bridesmaid dress! Of course, I'll be wearing a tuxedo too…

Though I still think that you look best… when I first wake up and you're there, whether you're asleep or shaking me awake. So, please always be there, okay?

Hahaha... That... somehow felt more embarrassing than writing, "Meeting you again..."... ^/^; Well, was it nice? I'm not begging for reviews or anything~ just click the review button if you wanna review~. *cough*No flames, no super mean comment, and no poking fun at Chika*cough*

Thanks for reading!