Heey! It's Azzie! Anyway, I'm finally back, and since I really don't have much to say, I'll leave you with a slightly longer chapter, that made me laugh.
A Very Hogwarts Yearbook
"Everyone else in the room can see it! Everyone else but you-u!"
Harry sighed as he stared at Hermione. "Are you done yet?"
The girl in question grinned as she continued singing. "Baby you light up my world like nobody else!"
Ron sauntered in then, plopping into the empty seat next to Harry. "What's up with Hermione?"
"She has a small condition called 'One Direction Infection. It's a small condition that affects some members of the female gender, causing them to continuously think of and sing One Direction songs." Luna piped up, swaying slightly.
"When did you get here?!"
"Baby you light up my world, like nobody else!" Hermione suddenly belted out. "The way that you flip your hair, it ain't hard to tell, you don't kno-o-ow! YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!"
Neville skipped in. "Oh, I'm here everyon- OH MY GOSH ARE WE SINGING?"
The team stood up and screamed, "NO!"
"But why not!"
Hermione suddenly stopped singing. "Neville..."
Her voice suddenly became eerily calm. "I hear one more word out of your mouth, and I will put you on a bicycle with a whiny toddler and roll you down a hill so all your limbs break and fly away like one of those scarily violent Happy Wheels levels."
The group went silent, except for the sound of Dumbledore at his desk, chatting with Snape. Neville sadly hung his head, and crawled away to his corner, where he proceeded to write in his diary, wondering why everyone hated him.
Hermione grinned. "Now that the wimp's gone, what do you all want to do?"
Harry snorted. "You don't want to sing One Direction anymore?"
"I got bored."
Ron rolled his eyes. "Go figure."
The group turned to face Ginny, who was sitting at a computer, busily clicking away.
"What...what are you doing?"
"Killing your family."
Ron flushed red. "I am your family!"
Hermione laughed. "Rejected!"
Luna screamed and rolled around on the ground. "The Nargles are coming! They will eat our brains and suck out our children's intestines!"
"What in the bloody hell?"
Suddenly the windows broke, and zombies started to climb through. Luna took out a shotgun and started shooting. "I TOLD YOU ALL! The Nargles are here!"
"Holy mother of Gandalf."
"Son of a banshee."
"Bloody hell."
"We're all going to die."
Ginny triumphantly took out her phone. "Not before I Facebook this though!"
They team stared at her in disbelief. "This is a joke, right?"
"Psh. Do I look like I'm kidding right now?"
She snapped a photo of her companions' dumbfounded faces, and uploaded it. Ron's phone buzzed, and as he checked it, his face went red. "Hey! Untag me right now!"
His sister grinned. "Not a chance!"
The ginger boy growled and lunged at his sister, who shrieked in laughter and ran away. As the two chased each other around, Hermione cleared her throat. "Uhm...you know there are zombies after us now, right?"
The two stopped, and Ginny cocked her hip. "I know, that's why I'm trying to Facebook this!"
Hermione facepalmed. "Sometimes I wonder how you all live with yourselves.
"IT'S THE FIRST MINE TURTLE!" Dumbledore gurgled and put the said tortoise on the ground. As they crowded around it in terror, Ginny burst through, and accidentally dropped her phone.
After the yearbook club recovered from the explosion, Ginny sat down. "Well, that was fun."
Harry grinned, and Hermione raked her fingers through her hair. "What is so funny to you?!"
"I was just thinking...and I realized...that meeting certainly ended with a bang."
BADUM-TSS! Haha, I love all these bad jokes. And if you didn't get the Mine Turtle thing, go watch asdfmovies! They're totally hilarious. Anyway, I hope you all liked, and see you all soon!
Peace, love, and rice...
~Azzie :)