Hello, my fellow HP shippers. Well, I am here to show you...A VERY HOGWARTS YEARBOOK! Warning: OOC characters! This story was written for me and my friends' amusement, in our yearbook club. This is based on ourselves, and please don't flame! It's also very short, but I ask you, would YOU really try writing 2000-3000 word chapters in YOUR yearbook club? Well, honestly, I would. I'm actually appalled at how short this is. But I didn't have time, and this is the fruit of my labor. None of this ACTUALLY happened, so don't go thinking we're all weirdos. This is only our editor team too. So, again, please, please don't flame, as this was only for fun, and hope you all like it!
A Very Hogwarts Yearbook
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Dumbledore, can we please just stop?"
Dumbledore furrowed his eyebrows. "So you mean that you don't like working?"
Hermione made a 'duh' face. "No, we just freaking LOVE sitting at these computers thinking of ideas that we probably aren't even going to use! What's the point of work if it's worthless!"
He winced. "You didn't have to be mean…"
As Hermione was about to respond with a most likely awesome comeback that would leave everyone speechless, Draco jumped through the window. "I'M BACK!"
Hermione and everyone gasped in horror, and screamed, "OH MY GOD! GET THE HECK AWAY YOU HORRIBLE PERSON!"
A teardrop rolled down his face. "I'm clearly not wanted here…"
Ginny rolled her eyes. "Well, Hermione wants you."
He shrugged. "Well,she doesn't count."
Hermione gasped. "Rude!"
He winked at her. "Thanks. I try."
She rolled her eyes. "Obviously. You idiot."
He started sobbing. "Whyyyy! I love you!"
Harry raised his eyebrows. "Well, that was certainly unexpected."
"No freaking shiz," Ron replied.
Everyone stared at him and the redhead shrugged. "What?"
Hermione shook her head. "Never mind."
Dumbledore looked at the blonde Slytherin with interest. "I thought you quit!"
Draco was about to respond, but Neville suddenly came in with, "I'm hungry."
Ron started punching him while whining, "That's MY line!"
Neville burst out in tears. "Why do you all HATE me!"
Hermione shrugged. "We don't hate you. We just like beating you up."
He fell to the ground. "SAME THING!"
Hermione started glaring at him. "IS NOT!"
Draco suddenly started throwing confetti in the air and skipped around the room. The yearbook editors stared at him incredulously, and he started singing what sounded a lot like a mixture of Hannah Montana, The Jonas Brothers, and Justin Bieber. The yearbook team fell to the ground and hid under tables, covering their ears, with Hermione screaming maniacally, "Duck and cover! DUCK AND COVER!"
Luna walked in then, and immediately fell to the ground, ears bleeding. "NO!" Hermione screamed, "THE ONE TIME SHE COMES TO A MEETING ON TIME AND YOU MAKE HER PASS OUT!"
Draco stopped and hung his head. The editors ran to Luna and tried to wake her up. Hermione ran up to Draco, and was about to kick him, but stopped. "Are-are you... Crying?"
Sure enough, when the teen lifted his head, there were tears running down his cheeks. All the editors stared at him in shock. He spoke up. "I'm sorry..."
Hermione's eyes widened. "What?"
"I'M SORRY!" Draco wailed, as tears started running down his cheeks again.
Harry blinked. "Well, this is probably the most interesting meeting we've had since Voldemort came and-" The Boy-Who-Lived stopped himself, and the whole team shuddered, recalling the horrible incident.
Dumbledore suddenly came up with a camera, and started snapping pictures of Hermione sitting next to Draco. She started blushing and ran out of the room. Draco blinked, and wiped the tears off his face. He stood up, and walked out after Hermione, as if nothing had happened, and it was perfectly natural for him to walk after the girl whom he'd tormented for years on end.
"Yet again, most interesting meeting ever."
Well? How was it? By the way, here's the character key (in order of appearance):
Hermione-Azalea {me!}
Dumbledore-Mr. Leo
Harry-Matthew {FF: Kvothe-Elir}
Ron-Patrick {FF: Vladimir Heap}
Neville-Maks {FF: J. Aurelius}
So, that will give you an idea of how we are in real life. Mind you, Dumbledore, Draco and Ron are off a little, but other than them, that's a pretty accurate description of us! It also is why Hermione is so OOC. Cause she's modeled after me. Ironically, I look a bit like her... Well, at least the hair :P Also, this is a kind of play on A Very Potter Musical, and I plan on having little quotes from it. Giggle. GO STARKIDS! And oh gods I just noticed the irony of what I just said. "kind of play on A Very Potter Musical" GET IT? Cause AVPM is a play? Wow, I feel nerdy right now... But tell me if you noticed any un-HP characters. Kay, thanks for reading, please don't flame, and I might upload one of the other stories I wrote. I'll try and make longer chapters. OH! OH! I might as well say, this will probably be updated weekly, if you all want, since our meetings are weekly. Bye!
~Azzie :)