When Santana Lopez, HBIC and head-cheerleader, walked into McKinley High on Michael Chang's arm, mouths dropped. But the girl just glared at them until the gawkers scurried away in fear.
The Asian boy turned to his girlfriend with a half-frown, "San, did you have to scare them that much? I think you made that one kid cry…"
Santana pouted at him, "But they were staring!" She whined, crossing her arms over her chest.
Smiling gently at her, Mike put his hands on her shoulders and tugged her closer. He wrapped his arms around her and swayed back and forth, humming random notes. The Cheerio fought a smile, but eventually uncrossed her arms and hugged him around the waist. She buried her face in his neck and grinned when he kissed the top of her head.
The bell rang but they didn't move. Mike just tightened his grip on his girlfriend and kept swaying.