I sighed as I stared out into the mermaid lagoon. Where were they? Bell said they'd be back in no time.

Flint chimed next to me, I looked over at him. Was he trying to tell me something? "What is it?" I asked the small pixie.

He chimed again and tugged at my shirt, I sighed and followed him. "Where are we going?"

To the hideout. Tink's there trying to wake the boys. He answered.

"Just Belle? Where's Pete?" I asked.

Dunno, I just saw Tink and went to find you.

I grabbed a thick vine from a near-by tree, brushed off the dirt and tied my long black hair into a pony-tail.

Flint stopped me and helped me fix it so it looked better. As if I cared, no one to impress, I brushed him off and started flying again.

I heard a loud scream; I stopped in my tracks and flew to the direction on impulse. I saw a girl falling down towards the rocks.

I flew to her as fast as I could and caught the poor girl. She gasped and threw her hands around my neck. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to catch her breath. Or regulate her heart, either one.

She finally looked up at me, her eyes widened in surprise. "You're not Peter." She said, almost stupidly.

I chocked out a small laugh. "No, I'm not." I laughed again and set the girl on the ground. "I'm Scarlett."

She smiled at me. "I'm Wendy. Wendy Moira Angela Darling."

I blinked. "Wendy's just fine."

Hearing laughing behind me, I turned around to see a blur of green. I backed up. Oh, it was just Pete's eyes. Why was he so close to me? "That's what I said!"

"Knowing you, Pete. You probably said "Wendy's enough." Right in the middle of her talking." I laughed.

He floated above me. "Same thing!" He waved it off.

Two boys, who I had never seen before, came floating down.

"Are you hurted Wendy?" The smaller one asked as he landed in Wendy's arms.

"No, Michael." She smiled and hugged him, then set him down.

"Good heavens Wendy, you might have been killed!" The older boy said as he also floated down, closing the umbrella he was carrying.

I snorted, Bell chimed out something next me. I doubled over in laughter. "That's not nice, Bell!" She smirked and sat down on my right shoulder.

"Oh, what did she say?" Wendy asked.

I straightened. "Nothing." I said quickly, and covered Pete's mouth when he was about to tell her. He looked at me confused and I just shook my head.

I looked around. "Where's Flint?" I removed my hand from Pete's mouth.

I heard chiming to my left and looked over. "Oh, there you are." I smiled at the small blonde.

I sat down on a rock, but Peter decided to sit down on the same rock as well, which resulted in me sitting down on his lap.

Flint and Bell started laughing at the blush that crossed my face. I stood up but Pete pulled me back. "You don't have to move, Scar. You can sit down too."

I wanted so badly to face-palm at his child-hood innocence, but thankfully the lost boys decided to show, I stood up quickly and moved away from Pete.

They all started shouting at once, yelling about how they shot it down, and shoving each other, which turned into an all out brawl.

"Attention!" Pete yelled. The boys all stopped shouting and scrambled into a straight line.

"Well, I certainly am proud of you." The boys swelled with pride. "You blockheads!" they all gaped at him then shrunk down and frowned.

Pete started pacing in front of them, I felt Bell quickly move from my shoulder, leaving me confused.

"I bring you a mother to tell you stories..."

"A mother!" They all looked at Wendy who smiled and nodded. "And you shoot her down!" Pete continued.

"Oh, Tink said it was a bird!"

It clicked. Was Bell… jealous? I mean, sure this Wendy girl is pretty, but she has nothing on Bell! Matter of fact, Tiger Lily is prettier than her… maybe it's the attention Pete gives the girl?

"Tink said what?" Pete asked.

I looked around and saw bell tiptoeing away slowly, so she wouldn't be noticed, then started to fly away and hid behind a leaf.

"Well, she said you said to shoot it down!"

"Tinkerbell." Pete said. "Tink!"

Belle peaked over from behind the leaf and chimed quietly.

"Come here." Pete motioned for her to go over. "You're charged with high treason, Tink."

Bell turned around, so her back was facing Pete but inclined her head over to look at him and yawned mockingly.

"Are you guilty or not guilty?" Pete asked the pixie. Bell smiled mischievously. Guilty. She chimed.

"Guilty? Don't you know you might have killed her?" Peter asked.

Tink looked over and nodded.

"Tinkerbell! I hereby banish you, forever."

Bell whirled around in disbelief, then stomped on the ground and flew off.

Right as I was about to yell at Pete for banishing her forever, when Wendy clearly didn't die, the girl beat me to it.

She touched his arm and I felt something bubbling into my chest, whatever it was, I didn't like it. It made me want to hurt the girl. "Oh, please. Not forever."

"Well, for a week then. Come one, Wendy. I'll show you the island." Peter said.

Wendy clapped her hands together. "Oh, Peter! The mermaids?"

I almost laughed. Why would she want to see the mermaids? They'll drown her first chance they get.

"Oh, let's go huntin'!"


"Nah, bears!"

"Nah, bears!"

"Personally, I should prefer to see the aborigines." The older boy said.

"And the Indians too." The little one said.

I laughed, they were so cute.

"Alright men! John, you be the leader!" So that's his name.

"I shall try to be worthy of my post." He saluted, then started marching, the lost boys following.

I rolled my eyes and was about to fly away to find Bell when Pete stopped me. "Hey, Scar! Why don't you join us? The mermaids love you!"

Knowing Pete, he'll probably just let the mermaids drown her thinking it's a game or something. Ugh, I really don't want to go…

"Oh, you should!" Wendy exclaimed happily.

Knowing I had no way out, I agreed. Bell can wait. I turned to Flint. "You wanna come, or are you going to go after Bell?"

I'll go. Bell needs some time to cool off.

"Just imagine! Real live mermaids!" Wendy said, looking over Mermaid Lagoon with a dreamy gaze.

What so special about a bunch of half-naked girls, who breath underwater and flirt with Pete all day? Wait, why do I care if they flirt with Pete? I don't care!

"Would you like to meet 'em?" Pete asked.

"Peter, I'd love to!"

"Alright! Come on!" He flew down and started playing. I sighed and flew down with him.

"It's Peter!" One mermaid exclaimed, making all the others shout happily, trying to get his attention.

"Hello, girls!" Peter said as he landed on a rock, I was floating above him.

"I'm so glad to see you."

"Why did you stay away so long?"

"Did you miss me?"

"Oh, Scarlett!"

They all started exclaiming happily again. I laughed and floated down next to the blonde and hugged her when she hugged me. "Hello." I smiled.

"Tell us one of your adventures!" One asked Peter. "Something exciting!"

"Wanna hear about the time I cut off Hook's hand and threw it to the crocodile?"

"Oh, I've always liked that one."

"Me too."

"Well there I was on…"

"Oh, Peter!" Wendy called, trying to balance on a rock. Oh, man. I forgot about her!

"Who's she?" One of the mermaids asked angrily, causing Peter to stop telling his story and look over to where she was pointing.

"Huh? Her? Oh, that's Wendy!"

"A girl?"

"What's she doing here?"

Uh, oh…

"And in her night dress, too!"

"Come on deary, join us for a swim!" One mermaid started pulling on Wendy's dress.

"Oh, please, I'm not dressed…"

One pushed her down, and another pulled on her hair.

Wendy called out for Pete, but he just started laughing. I knew it.

The girls started splashing her with water, that's when I had enough, I flew over to her and told the girls to stop, they all sighed and compiled.

Wendy huffed and crossed her arms.

"Oh, come on Wendy! They were just having a little fun! Weren't you girls?" Pete said as he floated next to us.

"That's all."

"We were only trying to drown her." One said innocently. I glared at her.

"You see?" Pete said to Wendy, I smacked his shoulder.

"If you think that for one minute, that's I'm going to put up with any-" Pete covered her mouth and shushed her. "Hold it Wendy."

He flew over to a different rock and looked over, I followed him. Hook? Pete and I shared a look.

"Yup, it's hook alright!"

All the mermaids gasped and dived into the water, away from the pirate.

"Quick, Wendy!" He flew over to her, grabbed her hand, and flew back to his previous spot.

"They captured Tiger Lily." He whispered to her. "Looks like their heading for Skull Rock." He flew over the rock. "Come on girls." He flew away and landed on another rock. "Let's see what their up to."

Wendy attempted to fly, but was failing miserably, Pete flew over to her and grabbed her hand, helping her fly.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Actually, Pete. I'm going to go after Be- er, Flint. You can handle the pirates right?"

Pete looked confused but nodded slowly. I flew to the other direction, in search for two small pixie's.