So here's the final chapter of this story x3 finally.

I am so sorry it took me so long, I did want to finish it I just had no inspiration or ideas. :/ I hope you still enjoyed it so here is a small chapter to end it please R&R

Disclaimer: None of the Fairy Tail characters or story belong to me, except this lil fic.

Chapter 4 - Not again

It had been several days before Lucy came across the battered, beaten Lion again. After having caught and thrown him out of her house, the mage spend the rest of her week inside with her doors locked and her room finally clean. "That stupid cat" she grumbled for the fiftieth time that week, still angry at him for having used her care for who knows how long. Suddenly hearing a quiet knock on the door, she turned and glared at it.

Of course Natsu and Ereza had came to her door before, others tried too but she told them to leave her alone until next week. And seeing as her voice was laced with anger, they didn't dare to argue and backed away. So when this person knocked, she was surprised they dares to.

Sighing, Lucy dropped the pile of clothing she was holding and shuffled to the door, slowly opening it to peer out to the streets.

Nothing, there was no one. Raising her eyes brows she looked around "Is this someone's idea of a joke?!" furious, she was just about to slam the door shut before a foot caught it and stopped her from doing so.

"Huh?" glancing down, a small push made the blonde stumble back, revealing none other than Loke at the door, grinning and formal as ever.

"What do you want here?!" seeing his injuries healed, Lucy crossed her arms giving him the darkest death stare she could muster.

"I came to apologise, I didn't know I offended you so much Lucy I-"cutting him off with a raise of her hand, she shook her hand.

"Save it" the celestial wizard turned away and headed to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water and cool her raging thoughts. How dare he.

With a sigh, Loke followed her "Lucy, I didn't mean to hurt you, it was a joke nothing more" he tried to explain, waving his hands around in frantic motions.

"Well, I sacrificed two missions for you, and a lot of bother. All I got in return is you using me even after you were okay, why would you do that?!" She spat and took a big gulp of the cooling liquid in her glass.

"Lucy…" Frowning, Loke shook his head and took a step closer, making her look up due to his height. "That's not because I wasn't thankful because I was"

His voice, was it always this low, calming? Shaking her head, Lucy kept her composure and glare sharp.

"It's because you took such good care of me, it was the most care I've ever received. So I didn't want it to end, I'm sorry if I seriously offended you" he smiled, pushing up his glasses before gently touching her red cheeks. "Forgive me?"

Rolling her eyes, she could see his point. It wasn't like he seriously hurt her in anyway "fine…" pouting, she blushed at his sudden close less and looked away. A small shiver ran through her, if it was because of the open freezer or his breath, she couldn't tell.

"Then hope you can forgive me for this…" slowly closing his eyes, the spirit leaned closer his lips barely brushing her stunned pair before his eyes snapped open and he pulled way in shock.


"Lucy…is that…?" Confused, she turned her head around to what he was looking at, and there it lay, the cat nip she had stored out of his reach. Melted and bare, since her freezer had apparently risen in temperature.

"Not again"

Oh damn, cliff hanger xD The rest is up to your imagination guys ;) I hope you enjoyed it, LokexLucy shippers unite!