Title: Sex and Love: Think With Your Head Not Your Dick

Time-line: Both are 21, this begins on October 31 and carries to December 26 of the same year.

Type: Romance/Humor/Drama/Suspense

Rated: M; Mature for sexual themes and intercourse, violent themes, and foul language.

Main Characters (alphabetical order): Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Marcus Flint

Supporting Characters/Secondary Characters (alphabetical order): Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, The Minister of Magic, Ron Weasley, Theo Nott

Minor Characters (alphabetical order): Bellatrix Lestrange, Daphne Greengrass, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson

The sequel is posted now! Check it out!

Thanks to my beta Tessa Cresswell, now on with the story!

"I had a good time last night," she said winking as she pulled on her top. Her heels lay beside the bed, her jeans already on. She looked down happily at his muscular chest; his pale blond hair now ruffed up slightly.

He didn't smile back. "So did I."

She paused in the process of pulling on one shoe. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "No. It's almost ten thirty; you'll miss your bus if you stay any longer."

She jumped up, slipping on her other heel with ease, obviously wasting time. "Thanks! My husband will kill me if I miss my ride-he'll think I'm off cheating again!" She laughed at this, and Draco sat up folding his arms lightly across his chest. Still laughing, she leaned down and gave him a sloppy kiss. "Thanks for the great night Draco. Call me sometime and we'll do it again."


She pouted, wasting more time as she sat on the edge of the bed, holding his arm. "But babe, we fit well together!"

"It's ten thirty-two and time for you to leave Veronica."

"I'm Madison!"

He shrugged, standing up without clothing himself, his cock hanging limply in front of him as Madison licked her lips. "Don't get any ideas," he growled, grabbing her arm (but not as to hurt her) and walking her towards the apartment door.

"Call me, Draco," she said, snaking in one more kiss as she opened the door, the cold air making his cock rise a bit. She smiled again. "Or maybe you need me to stay."

"No," he said coldly, pushing her out the last few inches and shutting the door firmly, locking it. He sighed, rubbing his temples as he leaned against the door. Why did they always want to come back for seconds? The one night stand meant one night stand. He shook his head, walking back to the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, his mind kept working in a jumpy manner. The girls he brought home from bars were sleazy but good fucks, exactly what he wanted out of his night. Something to provide a little pleasure before falling back into sleep. He sighed, leaning over to the bedside table's drawer, pulling out his cigarettes. He lit one, exhaling slowly. The one thing he was proud of was that he'd smoked one thing and one thing only. He hadn't become a drug addict.

He got up and walked into the separate bathroom the larger bedroom in this apartment had attached to it. He turned the water on, letting it run over his sweaty sticky body, washing the girl and her importance right off of him. His thoughts trailed to the coming night, and who he would bring home to the apartment again. A quick shower now; work at eleven.

Temporarily he worked at a grocery store. His career in the wizarding world had not been dealt with for a year, since last November. At age twenty he had tried to use an unforgivable curse on a wizard, and stopped himself just in time. But that was too much for his boss, the legendary and important Harry Potter. As an Aurora, he was expected to only work for the greater good, and never ever try those curses out. He was suspended for fifteen months, and would have to do test training again before he was ever allowed to resume his job.

It had only been eleven months since then. He'd turned 21 a couple months prior, and his cabinets were loaded with booze. He'd been picking up girls day and night to bring home (typically using a condom, depending what he was doing. It had been his early decision to never have children) and fuck, before sending them on their way. Some were really good and he considered breaking his rule and going back for them, but never did. Others he never even bothered finishing with, and kicked them out in the early morning (as early as two once) and then passed out on his couch without a care in the world.

Jumping out of the shower he put on a button up shirt- that was only halfway buttoned up- and loose fitting jeans. He slipped on his shoes, grabbing up his cigarette pack and lighting one, just as he heard a knock on the door.

"Great the slut came back to waste more of my time. She wasn't that great anyways."

He peered out through the eye-hole, noticing it was a different girl. "Maybe I'll just get a quickie in before work." Opening the door he smirked at the girl.

She had elbow length waves, deep brown eyes and a sexy as hell frame. He immediately found himself growing inside his jeans. "Can I help you?"

"Your ad," the girl said, holding up a muggle newspaper. "You're looking for a roommate it says." He'd damn near forgotten the ad he had put out about the spare room, having only really been considering a wizard for a roommate. But when the ad in that newspaper failed, he had added one into the muggle newspaper, not actually thinking about someone coming to look at it.

Now he was very intrigued, but cautious. He needed to know if she had any ties to the wizarding world, because he knew if she didn't, this would unfortunately never work, but he brushed off his concerns and doubts before he spoke. "Yes I am." He took another hit of his cigarette, noticing her nose wrinkle up as he breathed out. "You don't smoke?"

"Never," she said, tilting her head slightly and narrowing her eyes.

"Well I do, if you're gonna live here you'll have to except it."

She pursed her lips. "I suppose so. Can I see the bedroom."

"Of course you can see the bedroom." He smirked, finding himself liking this girl more and more. Despite the fact she had not probably realized it yet, she had a lovely personality that he connected with. She was a little bossy and a little stuck up, but if she was going to live here he could change all of that. Stepping aside he continued, "Just let me call my work, so they don't fire me."

"Of course," she said, looking around the living room as he stepped into the kitchen to make his phone call. To her surprise (and annoyance) she found the place smelled of sex and smoke. Despite the smell, the house was kept neat with all the books and items in the living room put cleanly in their respective places. It wasn't her type of place really, and she had a funny feeling she knew him, but she needed to find a place to stay now.

"Alright babe ready for the tour?" She turned back to his smirking face once again.

"Don't call me babe please."

He laughed. "I'm going to need some sort of nickname for you if you live here."

She blushed slightly. "We'll see. Can I see my room? And that nickname will certainly never work."

"You can see any room you please, and besides, 'babe' is far cleaner than the other things I could try," he replied, but walking down the small hall to the second bedroom nonetheless. He pushed open the door to the empty space. "This would be your room, there's some space in the living room and bathroom for your things if you need, the closet space is good, and you can visit me anytime you want."

She looked at him. "I don't see that happening."

"Whatever babe...do you like the place?"

"Except the smell? Quite." She paused then, staring at him. "What is your name by the way? I'm Hermione Granger."

He felt his erection pause then, as his mind tried to process what she had just said. "Hermione what?"

"Granger. And you are?"

He smirked at her for a moment, before he laughed at her. "Draco Malfoy bitch."

Her eyes widened. "I knew it! I knew it was you!"

He smirked. "Never forgot me hmm?"

"After all your shit at school it's hard to forget you Ferret."

"Ah, the sweet princess learned a few new words I see."

"I always knew them, but didn't quite want to use them."

"I'm sure," he said, feeling a lot of doubt. "Who would've ever thought your sweet ass would come to me looking for help."

"I'm looking for someplace to stay."

"Did your parents finally kick you out then?"

"I'd rather not talk about it Malfoy," she said, turning away and walking towards the window to look out. "And don't talk about my butt."

"Ass Granger," he said, still laughing as he walked up behind her. He placed his arms on either side of her body trapping her to the window. "So what happened then?"

"Get off Malfoy, I don't want to discuss it."

"Something must have happened. I mean really Granger, you with your over arrogant attitude and smart mouth in a place like this? I would never think your beloved Weasley would let you do such a thing! And with another man at that!"

"Depends on your definition of man," she growled, pushing on him with her back to maybe make him lean away. "How much is rent a month?"

He did lean away slightly. "Are you actually considering this Granger?"

"Well Malfoy, it's the only choice I've got."

"You truly are fucked aren't you," he stated with a slight chuckle. "Rent for you is 350 pounds a month."

"For me?"

"Unless you wish to pay the entire rent which is over 600 pounds."

"How do you afford all of that?" Hermione asked, trying to turn her head but finding his body too close for her to really want to. "Still using your parent's money?"

"What was left to me, yes."

"Then why are you living in a shitty place like this if you're rich?"

"Reasons Granger," he said, leaning off of her and taking a step back. "Would you like the place or not?"

She looked at him oddly. "Don't you want to talk to the other people who want this place? I've heard they are all female."

"And where did you hear that," he asked.

"Some girl stopped me on my way up here, threatened that she was going to be living in this place right soon. Another two girls in front of me were talking about buying the room together to afford it...and other ideas."

He chuckled. "Such as?"

"I'm not explaining it. You have lots of other people who would like to live here Draco, you don't need to settle for me."

"I'm certainly not settling if you look like that." She pulled her sweater a bit tighter to her as his eyes ran up and down her body. "Not settling at all."

"Are you going to do that every night? Because I won't be comfortable here if you do." He continued staring just to spite her. "Quit!"

He laughed, looking at her still. She spun around and quickly drew back her fist to hit him, but mid swing she found herself unable to push further as he had grabbed firmly around her arm. "It's not third year anymore Granger, I learned." He let go and she stepped back; he still had that annoying smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm not going to stay in your shitty house if you treat me like I'm some little hooker of yours Malfoy," she said coldly, holding his eyes. "I'd rather live on the streets then be used again." She stormed towards the room door, and found her annoying host blocking her way.


She drew her wand, setting it on his nose. "What? Not going to draw yours too?"

"My magic is suspended for a few months."

She looked at him closely. "What did you do?"

"I'm not going to talk about it, and so long as I withdraw my curiosity to talk about your dilemma you can withdraw from asking me." He paused, smiling then. "You can hex me or something if I step out of line again OK? Would you still like the room?"

She hesitated. "How do I know you're not lying?"

He shrugged, not sure how to answer. "I don't have my wand Granger. You're just gonna have to trust me. Besides, you seem so desperate on your end that you apparently need the room bad."

She bit her lip. "So?"

"So? Take it or leave it. Either way I've lost my pay for the day, so just keep using my time." She lowered her wand slowly, staring up at him.

"Don't even think about touching me while I'm here or I'll slam every memory out of your head in a blink." She paused. "I'll take it."

His typical smirk returned. "Good. Get your shit and I'll be in my room."

She laughed. "I have it," she said, motioning to the bag around her arm. Opening the zipper, she began pulling out minute pieces of furniture, setting them down around the room. He smiled, enjoying watching her round little ass point up in the air each time she did so, and again found himself rather aroused. He realized too why he hadn't recognized her. "Besides, it's good that I do. You certainly wouldn't help me move anything up here!"

Although he just looked like an older version of himself, Hermione had changed drastically. Her hair was much darker, not black but close, and had a straight thick blunt bang. She still wore no eye shadow (which was a plus because he loved the more natural look on chicks, and natural was so perfect for her) but her clothes had upgraded. Her small chest had filled out lovingly to a nice round size he could easily assume was a C-cup, maybe a D but he highly doubted it. She wore more form fitted clothes (not skanky but enough to make you hard) and extenuated her ass, which had also grown nicely; not too round so as to offset her and make her look bottom heavy, but enough for your hands to squeeze. She even wore a pair of short heeled boots. Hermione Granger had grown up drastically and it was having a drastic affect on him.

She set the last small piece of furniture on the floor, waved her wand, and the furniture grew to human size. None of it was super girly, but simple and practical. A few packed suitcases sat on her bed, and he began wondering just what was inside. She smirked at him. "Easy work."

He groaned. "You're going to be a smart ass again aren't you?"

She laughed. "You'll have to see, but I doubt you will be any better."

"Right...we'll I'm going into the living room Granger. Rents due at the end of the month, that's in exactly a week-"

"But I will have only lived here a week-"

"And to clear our agreement I'll expect it in my room early that morning on the thirty-first."

"You don't order me around Malfoy."

"No, but the lease is in my name, so I'll be needing your money up front."

She sighed. "Whatever Malfoy."

He smirked, turning and shutting her door as he headed into the living room, unable to stare at her body without acting on his emotions any longer.