"What?" Snapped an icy voice.

Not flinching from the tone, Alfred opened the door and walked inside, closing it behind him.

"It's been awhile Matthew." He said with a warm smile.

Matthew sat on the edge his bed with his back turned. He was crouched over moving something, but from the angle Alfred couldn't see.

"I was planning for it to be longer. Why don't you just leave me alone? I can't stand your face." Matthew glanced over his shoulder, giving a halfhearted glare.

"And I've missed yours Matt. Please, could you just—"

"You know I can't live here! I can't!" Matthew cried hotly. He turned his head away from the other blonde.

"But, Mattie I—"

"Don't you dare call me that! Just leave me alone!"

"I will not! Not until you listen to me! For just once! Will you shut up and let me talk!" Alfred exploded, clenching his fists in bottled rage.

"Why the hell should I! You sided with him over me! Your brother!" Matthew exploded back, his body going ridged.

"I never sided with anyone Matt! I never did! "

At those words, Matthew turned around fully, facing the other head on. "Then why? Why did you choose here of all the places we could have gone! Why here!"

Alfred lowered his heated gaze toward the floor. He couldn't stare back into those icy eyes that mirrored his own. Not when their like that. When he found his voice to respond, it came in a low, soft tone.

"I didn't want us to get split up, Mattie."

"You don't know-"

"You know people rarely take twins in! You know that! We're already too old anyway for even that possibility!" He interrupted, his heated glare turned into a sorrowful glance from the floor to his brother, his twin. They stayed silent, just watching the other. They stayed like that for so long, it felt like an eternity, but only a few minutes pass in actuality. Alfred finally returned his eyes to gaze at his twin, but stopped halfway.

"M-Matthew. . . You're bleeding." His voice came out a bit shakily.

His response was a "Tch," and an irritated sigh.

Alfred took a step forward, "How did it—"

"None of your business, Al." He said curtly, turning back around with, what Alfred could now see a roll of bandages.

"I don't care whose business it is Matt. You're hurt." He said firmly as he closed the small distance from his brother. He grabbed the other's arm and pulled him up. "Now let me see."

"Let me go!" He snapped angrily as he tried to yank his arm away, unknowingly causing a quick pain shoot up his am. "Ah!"

Alfred loosened his grip but kept it firm as he drag Matthew to the bathroom. He flicked on the light and turned to his brother. "Let me see."

Matthew glared one finally time before releasing an annoyed sigh and rolling up his sleeve. The injury in itself wasn't deep, but there were several cuts that looked more like scraps. Alfred stayed silent as he motioned his brother to sit on the toilet. "How did it happen?" He asked as he went to wetting a rag.

"Nothing that concerns you." Matthew said quietly as he cautiously watched his twin wring out the rag and carefully began wiping off the smeared blood.

Alfred didn't say anything until he started to disinfect the wound. "Where were you when it happened if you don't mind me asking?"

Matthew didn't say anything right away. He just watched as his brother tried not to make it too unpleasant. He felt the corners of his lips raise ever so slightly in a lingering smile. "You never changed."

Alfred paused for a second before continuing. "I wish you never did."

"Watashi wa ieda." Kiku called out as he opened and entered his home. He quietly closed the door behind him, took off his shoes and began walking up the stairs to his room. Before his foot even touched the last stair he heard the rapid padding of feet making their way toward the stair case.

"Kiku? Where have you been! You're so late!" Meimei yelled as she slid in front of the startled raven. She grabbed his arm and sped down the hallway to her room, closing the door behind them.

"What happened?" She asked as soon as the door closed. She walked over to her bed and plopped down, giving Kiku an expected gaze. He followed her to her bed and sat on the edge. "Well-? Tell me what happened! You're all smiley!"

Realizing that he indeed had a light smile gracing his face he quickly turned around. "Alfred made this for me." The teen said as he handed over the painting carefully. Taking the cloth off the canvas, Meimei let her eyes roam all the different colors.

"Wow. . . This is amazing! He made this?" She questioned as she caught the happy nod from her brother. "You have to tell him! Like tomorrow!"

"T-Tomorrow?" He sputtered as he looked at his slightly crazy sister. She couldn't possibly be serious! It's way too soon though, if he were to say that to his overly eager sister, she would no doubt annoy him until he did so. "I can't do that!"

"But Kiku! Look at this!" Meimei exclaimed as she pushed the painting into his face, "This is so beautiful! He poured his heart into it!"

Kiku's expression softened when he stared at the art. Sure enough, he felt all the emotions that Alfred couldn't say to him and it made his heart swell with affection.

"And plus, you don't want to string him along do you?" She continued as she pulled the painting closer, going over it again. "I know I would just die if a boy made me something like this."

Kiku stayed silently as his sister went on about what she loves in a guy, and started thinking more about the topic at hand.

When should he tell him? He didn't want it to be like how the blonde 'told' him. That ended up extremely awkward for both parties. Maybe he could send him flowers- or a comic book would work better-, or he could just out right say it to him. 'He is a little thickheaded.' Wait, didn't he, or rather Alfred, say they had a date? He would take him out and tell him there! He also said that he wanted to taste his cooking so that quickly narrowed down his choices of what to do.

And that's when another thought crossed his mind.

'Would that make Alfred the girl in the relationship if he took him out for the date . . .?'

Kiku had to cover his mouth before any giggles could escape. Just the mere thought of the American in a dress made a blush crawl up his neck and sent him rolling on the floor with laughter. He would have continued with that thought too if it wasn't for his sister's now annoyed voice dragging him out of his day dream.

"Kiku! Are you listening to me!" She questioned sharply as she tugged on his sleeve.

"Ah, y-yes?" He answered, trying to get rid of the still present chuckles that threaten to come out. "What was the question?"

Meimei moved back to her previous position, which was leaning against her headboard, and gave a huff as she replied. "I asked you why you're so late getting home. You're never late! For anything!"

"Well, Gilbert asked me to—"

"Did you guys fight! Are you okay! You're not bleeding are you!" Meimei cut in as she crawled over to her brother, checking him for cuts and bruises.

"No, we didn't fight! But I have to admit it did surprise me too." He confessed openly as he pulled his arm away from the girl. "We talked, well, he mostly did."

"What did he say?"

Kiku paused as he thought of the conversation that took place a few hours ago. "He. . . He practical said that he would stop trying to go after Alfred."

"Oh my god! What a fabulous twist! You just earned his blessing! You should be ecstatic!" She exploded excitedly, "Now there's nothing stopping you!" Kiku nodded in agreement.

There's really nothing that could happen right now that could dash his plans. Unless, Alfred has other plans for that day but he could simply reschedule if that was the case. With this thought in mind, Kiku grabbed his phone and quickly pressed a number for speed dial and held the device to his ear as he listened to the ringing.

Alfred was currently wrapping the bandages around the raw wound carefully but effectively, but not before applying one last cover of disinfecting cream to it first. Matthew only regarded him with a half impressive and half grimace from the intense sting of the medicine. As soon as he finished dressing the injury Alfred's cell phone rung to life. It played a cute a resent vocaloid song that he thought fitted the Asian to a 'T'. He quickly grabbed the phone and pushed 'talk'.

"Hey Kiku!" Alfred said happily, not missing a beat.

"Moshi moshi Alfred., "Kiku greeted with a smile even though the other couldn't see it. He turned his back to his sister, who was staring at him that 'look', which was the look she has on when her imagination goes insane. "I called to ask you if you were free tomorrow." He praised himself quietly in his head for managing not to stutter.

"S-Saturday? Sure, I'm free." Alfred said in slight surprise.

"Oh, good because I want to take you up on that date," Kiku stated firmly as he ignored the slight blush that rose to his cheeks. Who knew asking you crush out on a date would be so nerve-wracking.

"R-Really? You would!" Alfred said excitedly as he ran out the bathroom, into his room and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. He jotted down the few details the raven had told him and hung up with a cheery "See you tomorrow!". He folded the paper and tucked it in his pocket with a smile still present on his lips,

"Was that a girlfriend?" Matthew questioned with a hint of curiosity. He leaned on the doorframe locking eyes with his brother.

"Hopefully boyfriend." Alfred stated as he stared right back at the other blonde's impassive eyes. "I have a date Saturday."

Matthew didn't say anything; He narrowed his eyes slightly but quickly closed his eyes and turned around. He simply walked back into his room and shut the door with a quiet 'click'.

"M-Matthew, wait!" Alfred said as he pushed opened the door quickly.

"What?" He asked.

He was lying on the bed, facing the ceiling, but glanced at the other from the corner of his eye.

"Y-You're not leaving?" He asked quietly, stepping more in the room.

"Not right now. I don't feel like moving." Matthew said with huff as he lazily flopped on his side, back toward the door.

Alfred stayed there in the room, his eyes downcast as he contemplated whether or not to continue. He knew what he wanted to say but, he didn't want his brother to get up and leave like he always did. Not when he had this much time with him, which is by far the longest time since he first ran away.

"If you have something to say, say it. I don't have all night." Matthew said blandly with a bit of a yawn in his voice.

"W-Will you stay?" Alfred questioned lightly. Although he already knew the answer, he knew it wouldn't hurt as much just to ask instead of discovering he left the next day. So he waited, with a heavy heart, for his answer.

"Alfred," Matthew called out sleepily, "Get out."

"But I—"

"Just get out." He demanded forcefully. He grabbed the blanket that was hanging off the bed and flung it over him protectively. Alfred stood there a bit longer, staring at the bundle now on the bed. He didn't bother saying anything else as he left the dark room, shutting the door behind him with a silent 'click'.

Matthew laid there, on a bed he knew too well. He listened deftly to the almost silent sounds of his brother getting ready for bed. He inwardly smiled at the thought of how careful and concerned his brother is. What was he thinking? His brother would never change. But, that didn't stop the frown from forming. He could still hear that slightly sour tone that Alfred used to ask him. He could still see the loneliness that was silently begging him to stay. He didn't like it. He didn't like the raw emotion that can be so easily seen from his eyes. Matthew shifted so he was lying on his back. He stared at the ceiling once again, letting his eyes drift closed. He knew his brother missed him from what that annoying albino's mouth had repeatedly told him and just from his twin's own presence. If truth be told, he missed him too. More so then his brother knew. That was why he came back, just to see his face.

He knows he's hurting him, he knows this, yet he just can't stay in this house. Not when he knows that man is staying just a few steps away. He just can't. Matthew let out a tense sigh as he turned on his side, facing the wall. He listened to the final soft sounds from outside his room, announcing that Alfred was almost asleep.

He ran his hand over the bandage that went from his wrist to his elbow slowly.

He could leave right now. But it would be so much harder. Too hard to leave again. If he did, he wouldn't be able to come back. Not again.

'Maybe I don't have to.' Matthew thought quietly. From what he gathered since he been in this house, everything seems to indicate Alfred the only one living here. One cup, one plate, one utensil, one book out of place, one pair of shoes by the front door, one of everything. It doesn't seem like that man has set foot in here for longer than absolutely necessary, which Is probably a few minute in a week, Matthew mused. Maybe he could stay.

Or he could take Alfred with him.


Sorry for the wait! I had writer's block for awhile. ^w^; But it's gone now!

The next chapter will no doubt have some AmeriPan fluff!