A/N: I've had this done for a while (since chapter two actually), but I didn't want to post for a while so I could work on further chapters.
I had a hard time writing for Alfred because I knew I wanted him to go through a similar experience, but I wasn't sure how. (I even contemplated AmeriCest... But that wasn't the right path for this story so...)
Also, I want to thank 'Someone' for their anon review. I really loved it, though I was disappointed that I could not reply back. And so I want to say (to get rid of any confusion) that Arthur uses feminine pronouns and his given name at home so he doesn't slip-up and refer to himself as a male in front of his mother, which he really does not want to do. Though, that becomes a bit irrelavent at the end of this chapter. (Spoiler?)
And, when I was just a bit younger (sophmore, junior) I would constantly take Advil because I had bad cramps. (Don't be grossed out, fanboys - it's human nature!) That, and I just don't handle pain (even on the miniscule level) well. So, Arthur taking that much Advil only seemed normal to me. (Thank you 'Someone' for that little bit of info on hysterectomies - I honestly didn't know that!)

If there is anything else that you, my readers, would like to point out about the way Arthur progresses through this story, please drop a message!

I don't own anything in this story. Hetalia, Advil, and anything else mentioned belongs to it's respective owner.

And finally~ I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'll hopefully be able to get the next chapter up soon!

"It's been four years, Alfred."

Said blond looked up from the manga he had borrowed from Kiku. "Huh? Four years what?"

"Four years since I started puberty."

Alfred flushed. "O-Oh, yeah. Um, not that I don't care, but why the sudden flashback?"

"You know I knew I was… Arthur before that, right?"

"Yeah. You said that you knew you were a guy when you were like five." Alfred closed the book and looked at his best friend. They were sitting in the library as the rest of their English class browsed the shelves for their own choice of book.

"And it's been four years that I've had to deal with… this." Arthur gestured to his body. "You know, wearing bindings hurts like hell. It's constricting and feels like I'm suffocating from the inside out."

Alfred nodded. This wasn't an unusual conversation for the pair. Arthur – Alfred wouldn't say constantly, though it really did seem like it – normally started on rants about his life during random bouts of mild depression to vent. "Then tell your mom."

"I can't and you know it. It's not that easy."

"How can it not be? Just go up to her one day and say, 'Hey, Mom! You know how I was born a girl? Well, actually, I'm a guy'."

"And then she'll blow up or have an aneurism. I just know it."

"Or she'll be her usual self and worry about you. Really, your mom is not as bad as you make her out to be."

"That's only because you don't live with her! And what about if my brothers come to visit from college or wherever the hell they live?"

Alfred shook his head. "Then they'll deal with it too. Geez, Artie, you make everything way too complicated!" Alfred scrunched his face and thumped his book on Arthur's arm.

Arthur made a grab for the book but missed, leaning over a bit too much and brushing Alfred's chest just the slightest bit. Alfred dropped the book.


"I can't walk home with you today 'cuz Kiku is coming over to play video games. And I'm sure Franny is going to be molesting my brother in the other room so you'll have your house to yourself until your mom comes home."

Arthur felt he should have been worrying for Alfred's brother, but he and Alfred both knew that Francis would never actually molest Matthew (too badly). They were more just good friends who liked to talk in French with each other.

"Fine. Have a nice play-date with Kiku." Arthur waved Alfred off and then began on his way.

The house was empty when he arrived. Arthur set his bag on the floor beside the couch in the den and sat down on it, resting his neck on the back and stared at the ceiling. The squiggles and bumps gradually became lions and dragons and fairies as he daydreamed for a while.

When Alice called to him, Arthur jumped, startled nearly out of his skin. The sun was already setting, what with winter approaching, and he could smell the beginnings of a dinner.

"Are you awake, honey?"

Arthur furrowed his brow for a moment, confused. Then he realized where he was.

"Yeah. I was just taking a quick nap," Emily said. She stood from the couch and found her mother chopping potatoes.

"Alright. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to the bookstore after dinner. I know you like reading and stuff so I thought it would be nice to go out." Alice gave her best half-smile while concentrating on the root.

"That would be nice, Mom, but I've got a lot of homework to do tonight. Maybe some other time? I'm sorry."

The smile vanished and the chopping picked up just a tiny bit. "Oh, well, that sucks. What do you have? Maybe I could help?"

"Just some math and a bit of history and I've got to study for a Latin test." All subjects Alice was worst at.

"Oh…" She moved onto the next potato. "Well, could you work down here? I could really use the company."

Arthur's morning had gone fairly well. The leak had stopped and there were no cramps to speak of. But, as he entered the school, he felt a shock of electricity run inside him. The atmosphere was thick and hovered over not just him but nearly the entire school population. Surely the councilors would get a kick out of this. All down the hall people spoke in whispers, mumbling.

The cafeteria was not excused. Instead of its usual jovial state students had their heads hung, a dark, uneasy aura surrounding everyone. It seemed that the only one enjoying the new atmosphere was Ivan.

His large, childish smile was planted happily on his face. He waved to Arthur once he saw him. "Good morning, Comrade!" he said cheerfully.

Arthur nodded curtly, sliding onto the bench beside Alfred.

The tension radiating from said blond was almost radioactive.

Arthur nudged him. Alfred ignored him or he was sleeping, though the way his head was angled, it could not have been very comfortable.

Er, Alfred?"

"Don't bother, friend. Our dear Alfred is being rather down today, yes?"

"Y-Yeah… Um, Matthew? Could you shed some light on us, please?"

Said twin was currently sitting across from Alfred, hands kneading in his nervous tick.

Alfred mumbled something from under his jacket – a kind of twin-speak that only Matthew could understand.

"Alfred's just not feeling well."

The three sane people at the table looked at Matthew, who reddened in embarrassment, with indifference. Really, a flea could lie better than that poor boy.

Arthur shook his head. "Honestly, Matthew, what's wrong with Alfred? The whole school is being affected by his downer attitude."

The blond squirmed in his seat for a few moments before Alfred sat up, pushing his jacket off his head and brushing his hair out of his face. A large red mark was on his cheek, from where he was lying.

"'ld dad."

"Speak up, friend. It is rude to mumble."

"I told dad."

"You told your father what, Alfred?" Kiku asked.

Alfred shook his head. "I'll tell you guys later."


As the day went on, the clouds seemed to lift and take the tension with it. The students gradually found their voices again and by lunch they were buzzing loudly again (some even getting a bit too rowdy, though the cops were able to break up the scuffle in under a minute).

After sixth period Government let out, Arthur found himself being tugged down the hall by a very jittery Alfred. Matthew was nowhere to be seen (Arthur even did a double take to make sure).

"Where are we going, you idiot."

"We're walking home together – like always." Alfred spared him a smile, though it didn't have the same charismatic charm like usual.

Honestly, if Arthur didn't know any better, he would say Alfred was the girl with all the mood swings he had nearly every day.

"Actually, it is you walking with me dragging behind; which I don't particularly enjoy, mind you."


Now that worried Arthur. Alfred never – never, never – apologized for menial things. "Alfred, what's wrong?"

Alfred turned around, kicking at the dust on the sidewalk. "Dude, you know I keep your secret from your mom and I kept it from my mom until she figured it out and really, honestly, I haven't told Dad, yet."

"Yes. You're a great friend for doing something like that for me."

"W-Well, I was hoping you could keep a secret for me?" Alfred looked down further at the ground. Behind him, the school buses were pulling out of the parking lot across the street.

"You? Mister Big-Shot Alfred has a secret?"

Alfred flushed from embarrassment. "Shut up, dude."

"Well? What is it? Do you still wet the bed or something?"

His face grew redder. "N-No! I haven't done that since like Kindergarten! No! I was going to tell you that I'm gay!" A bit louder than he intended in the first place.

Arthur jerked into a straight position from leaning over to laugh. "W-What?"

"I'm gay. Homosexual. Queer. Get it?"

"Are you sure? This isn't something to take lightly, Alfred. You know that."

"Yes, I know! And I'm sure! God, Artie, I thought of all people, you'd be the one I could tell without having to go through this with."

"Hey. I'm just making sure you're not confused or some shit like that. Don't get snappy with me."

"Sorry." Alfred scuffed at the dirt now. "But… I know I'm not confused, dude. I mean I think I know what gets it up, if you know what I mean."

"Sadly, I do."

"But, that's not the secret." Alfred glanced sideways. He took a breath to calm down and said, "Me and Mattie are gay."

Cue the flaming cheeks.


Alfred nodded.

Arthur sighed. "I guess that just adds another thing to the list of oddities of our group."

Alfred made a small noise and shifted his weight. "M-Mattie told dad last night."

Arthur nodded. "You said something about telling your father something. Is that it?"

The blond shook his head. "I lied earlier. Mattie was the only one who told dad." His blue eyes glazed over as if with regret or some other troubling emotion. "I told him to wait for a better time, but… Mattie said he couldn't keep quiet anymore." Alfred exhaled exhaustedly. "Dude, you know Mattie. He's the sweetest guy you'd ever meet. And dad, he's… really strict when it comes to his job."

"He didn't take it well."

Alfred shook his head. "He yelled, kinda, and then got real quiet-like, then got loud again. Then he told Mattie he would fix him." It was hard for the lone twin to say the word, but then he spat it again. "Fix him!"

"I know, Alfred, I know. There's nothing to fix." Arthur looked around once again, as if assuming the boy in question would suddenly appear out of nowhere like he did far too often. "Where did you say Matthew was, again?"

Alfred's cheeks reddened a bit. "He's waiting for a friend before coming home. He didn't really say."

"Ah. Well, let us just see how this whole situation plays out and how your father reacts. And don't let him try anything on poor Matthew or yourself." Arthur thought for the slightest moment of giving his friend a good-luck hug, but decided against it. "Good luck."

"A-Actually, Artie." Alfred grabbed the sleeve of Arthur's jacket before he could leave. "C-Could you keep another secret?" His cheeks were reddening even more.

"I might as well. If I don't, I fear you'll explode."

Alfred nodded and gave a pathetic attempt at a smile. "I-I kinda like someone too."

Arthur looked at Alfred for a moment then nodded. "Alright. If that's all, make sure your brother gets home safely. I have to go survive another night of my mother's attempts at bonding."

And with that, he waved Alfred good-bye, missing the flustered face on Alfred.

Students were talking fervently the next Monday. Rumors were spread faster and a scuffle even broke out in the boys' third-floor bathroom from all the tension.

Alfred and Matthew arrived twenty minutes later than their usual time.

Arthur and Kiku were fretting as the two sat down while Ivan clapped Alfred on the back, congratulating him on his shiner.

"Don't worry so much, Artie. This is from Gil." Alfred laughed obnoxiously and slung an arm around his exasperated friend.

"Who's Gil?"

Matthew ducked his head, subsequently becoming invisible, and Alfred leaned closer to Arthur. "He's Mattie's you-know-who," he whispered.

Arthur bunched his brows together for a moment then ahah-ed when he understood Alfred's vague speak.

"But, why…" Arthur motioned to the black eye.

"Oh, I got mad at Gil. Someone's gotta play the big brother part for Mattie and make sure he doesn't hang out with bad people. And that guy reeks of trouble."

Arthur leaned in again, "And how did things with your father go?"

Alfred sobered and said in a low voice, "He's doing exactly what I thought he would do. He's being the gigantic religious jerk he is and keeps quoting random versus from the bible. I swear, I could recite it too, now."

"And your mother?"

"She keeps rolling her eyes at dad. She talked with Mattie, but he won't tell me what she said. But she's being supportive."

Their conversation was cut short by the morning bell and Arthur found himself watching as Matthew and Alfred left the cafeteria side-by-side.


Emily was in the dining room while Alice prepared dinner. She was finishing some last minute math homework as her mind swam around the twins and her mother.

Matthew, she thought, was so brave. He came out to his deeply religious father, knowing full-well what could happen and her she was, reverting back to feminine pronouns at home so she wouldn't slip up in front of her mother. God, I'm such a coward.

And that was it! Emily almost dropped her math book on her foot. She was afraid! A simple thing, being afraid, but she was. That's why she couldn't tell her mother! Just think of it. If she could admit to herself out-loud that she was afraid (maybe to Alfred) of telling her mother that she was actually male, then maybe she could take those other baby steps in coming out.

Emily's heart was pounding at the epiphany. Maybe Alfred… Maybe Alfred was right.

Step one: Permanent use of the male pronouns.