Despite the late start, and the impromptu driver's ed session, they were making good time, those long empty roads were perfect for making up lost time, as it turns out. They did manage to eventually find civilization again, which was good considering they needed a chance to stretch their legs, grab food, and of course, give Mike his bathroom break.

They managed to find a very place to do that, well, Mike had found it anyway. He was actually scary good with directions, and knowing where everything was, far better than any GPS he had ever owned, as far as Harvey was concerned.

After they finished their lunch, they headed back out on their journey, but not before Mike had taught Harvey the magic of mixing ketchup with mayonnaise to dip fries in.

Harvey was still driving long after the sun met the concrete, and the road became bathed with moonlight. They weren't too far off from their destination now according to Mike, which was good news because Harvey's eyes were starting to feel heavy, and the white lines on the road were starting to blur.

Two pee breaks, and two cups of coffee later, they were pulling into the motel parking lot, and yeah, Donna definitely had purposely picked these places out. Harvey wasn't sure what her purpose was, though he assumes it was a means to torture him by giving him the full road trip experience. He made another mental note to himself; have long, long talk with Donna when he gets back. He probably would have called her then and there for that conversation, but his phone hadn't had reception in hours, which, Donna probably knew that would happen, the woman was always 10 steps in front of everybody.

"I'll check us in, you get our things," Mike said before getting out of the car.

Harvey probably would have argued with Mike and reminded him that he can't just tell him what to do, and expect him to do it, but he was too tired and his back and shoulders were stiff from sitting so long, so he was content with getting their things and trying to stretch and work out the kinks in the parking lot while Mike checked them in.

"We're in room lucky number 13," Mike yelled to Harvey as he dangled the key in front of him upon coming out of the front office.

"You do realize that 13 is usually an unlucky number, right?"

"Usually doesn't mean always."

"How observant of you."

Mike jammed the key into the door, and pushed the door in. The room looked relatively similar to the one they had stayed in yesterday, another quaint room. Except, there was only one bed.

"I knew I should have come with you to check-in."


"Because there's only one bed, and there's two of us."

"Oh yeah, about that..The guy said the room that we were supposed to have had some kind of leaky pipe, so he offered this one instead."

"And did he fail to mention that this room only had one bed?"

"No. I just figured it's not a big deal. It's only one night. Right?"

"This is ridiculous."

"Don't worry, Harvey, I won't sleep in the nude tonight if that's what you're worried about," Mike joked.

"I'm glad at least one of us is amused by this. And do you really sleep in the nude? Actually, wait, on second thought, don't answer that."

"Whatever, Harvey. I'm going to grab something out of the vending machine they have, do you want anything?"

"I'm good."

"Suit yourself."

They had different types of sandwiches in the vending machine, so Mike got him and Harvey one, because despite what Harvey said, he had to of been hungry by now, which is why Mike assumes he acted so grumpy over there only being one bed.

It really wasn't that big of a deal. Was it? It was just sleep, after all. Mike stopped off at the car on the way back to the room and grabbed an assortment of junk food they still had from their stop the other day ago.

"I got us food," Mike said as he pushed the door opening, trying his best to balance everything before spilling it across the top of the dresser.

"I told you I didn't want anything."

"Well, you're a liar, you need food, Harvey. It's been a long day, and you haven't eaten for hours. So here," Mike said as he picked up his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and tossed it at him.

"Gee, thanks, Mom," Harvey said sarcastically, "Do you want to cut the crust off of it for me first?"

"My mom used to do that for me all the time actually," Mike recalled.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I didn't mean anything by that," Harvey immediately said, when he noticed the flash of hurt that came across Mike's face when he talked about his mom.

"It's okay, Harvey. I wasn't offended, just remembering, is all. But I forgot napkins, and I could use something to drink, do you want something?"

"I'll just take water, if they have it, otherwise just get me whatever you're having."

"Sure. Be right back."


Mike was back in less than five minutes, with two bottles of water in hand. "Here you go," Mike said as he handed Harvey a bottle of water and a few napkins.

"Hey where did my sandwich go?" Mike asked, glancing over to the empty spot on the dresser where his sandwich had been sitting.

"Oh. I just moved you over here to the table with me," Harvey explained.

When Mike moved over to the empty chair at the table, sure enough there was his sandwich, only it was now his sandwich sans crust. Harvey had cut the crust off of it for him while he was gone.

"" Mike started, and stopped, because he wasn't even sure he could get the rest of the words out even if he wanted to. It was one of the simplest, yet sweetest things anybody had ever done for him.

"Sit, Mike. Eat. I don't want to have to devour all this junk food myself," Harvey grinned.

Once they had finished eating, Mike went to get changed, while Harvey cleaned up the table. Harvey changed after Mike was done, and then they both stood in the all too small motel bathroom, brushing their teeth, occasionally catching the other glancing at them in the mirror and then looking away immediately hoping they didn't notice.

They both crawled into the bed from their respective sides, getting situated before Mike reached over and flipped the switch of the lamp off. There was a soft beige glow that lit the room, a combination of moon light, and the light from the motel sign.

"Harvey?" Mike said, breaking the silence that had been filling the room for the past 15 minutes.

"Yeah, Mike?"

"You never told me what you're scared of."

"It doesn't matter. Just close your eyes and go to sleep."

"Harvey, please?"

Harvey didn't respond for awhile, just stared ahead sleepily, thinking about the question.

"I'm scared of letting down the people I care most about," Harvey finally said.

When he didn't get a response from Mike, he rolled over to his other side, and saw that Mike had already fallen asleep. 'Good. That means he didn't hear that', Harvey thought, as he closed his eyes and waited for sleep to take him.

Harvey woke up to find Mike's arm draped across his chest, and his leg intertwined with his own.

"Mike," he whispered, trying to wake him.

Mike just groaned and snuggled his head into Harvey's shoulder. Harvey supposes he could just let him sleep a little while longer, it was still early. Only because he wanted Mike to be fully rested, and figured he could use the extra sleep himself. It definitely wasn't because he maybe liked how Mike was snuggling up against him, and practically using him as his own personal body pillow. That'd be ridiculous.

Harvey had been able to fall back asleep with ease, which he attributed to still being tired, it wasn't because he had felt completely comfortable and relaxed with Mike's arm draped over him like that. Not at all. When he woke up again, he looked up at the clock on the wall, and this time, he would actually have to be successful in waking Mike up. They had another long day of driving ahead of them, and then tomorrow they'd have a short drive in the morning to their destination.

Harvey pulled his legs away from Mike, and lifted his arm off of his chest, slowly sliding away from him. The movement was enough to start waking Mike up. He blinked his eyes open sleepily.

"Harvey.." he said, before rolling over to his other side and pulling the covers over his head in an attempt to fall back asleep.

"Mike, you have to get up. We have to leave soon."

"Harvey, please, just a little bit longer," Mike whined.

"How about this? I'm going to go get my shower, but when I'm done, you have to get up. No excuses. Got it?"

"Thank you," Mike said, his words muffled by the fact that his face was buried in the pillow.

Harvey went and got his shower, he may have taken a little longer than he normally did, but only because nothing beat a hot shower in the morning, and this shower had really good water pressure, that's all though, certainly not because he wanted to give Mike a few extra minutes of sleep.

"All right, Mike. You're up next," he said as he sat down on the bed, and pulled the covers off of Mike.

Mike yawned and rubbed at his eyes, as he tried to adjust his vision to the bright sun light that was now shining forcibly through the curtains and into the room.

"You smell good," Mike said to Harvey.

"I'm going to chalk that comment up to you still not being fully awake yet."

"Well, what? You do."

"Go get your shower, Mike."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," Mike sighed, as he finally managed to crawl out of bed, gather his things and hit the shower.

Harvey was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee he had made while Mike was gone. Bonus of this room was that unlike the other, it had a coffee machine. Granted, the coffee tasted almost as good as drinking dirt, but it was caffeinated, and that's really all Harvey asked of it.

He heard the bathroom door opening, and glanced up from his newspaper, only to see Mike walking out of the bathroom in nothing but boxers.

"I know I didn't specify, but when I told you to get a shower, I assumed you'd know that getting dressed went along with it."

"Ha ha," Mike laughed sarcastically, "I just grabbed the wrong pants."

"Right," Harvey replied, as he went back to trying to read his newspaper, though it was kind of hard to focus on reading when Mike was standing less than 10 feet away from him wearing practically nothing. Harvey found his eyes kept drifting back over to Mike no matter how many times he repeated the mantra of 'focus' in his head.

"Like what you see?" Mike asked, as he started to pull on his pants.

"Um, excuse me?" Harvey said, swallowing hard.

"Well, you're reading the stocks, right? See anything worth investing in?"

"Oh..right..that. No, I don't see anything," Harvey replied, breathing a mental sigh of relief.

"What did you think I was talking about?"

"Nothing. I didn't really hear what you said," Harvey said, hoping that Mike would buy his excuse.

"This my coffee?" Mike asked, after getting dressed.

"Yeah, it is. We should get going. If you want to grab something out of the vending machine and check us out, while I load everything up, go ahead and do it. I don't want to have to stop. Also Mike-"

"I know, Harvey. Use the bathroom."

"Well, look at that, you do have a learning curve."

Harvey had loaded up the car, and was now just sitting in it waiting for Mike. The air had a bit of a chill to it today, but the sun was still shining brightly, and Harvey was thankful for that. Rain and road trips aren't exactly a good combination.

"Checked us out, and grabbed us a couple things," Mike said, as he tossed a bag into the backseat.

"Did you use the bathroom?"

"Damn it!"


Mike was jogging back to the car, no more than 5 minutes later.

"Now, you actually remembered this time, and didn't just get lost on the way, right?"

"I don't get lost, remember?"

"Just put your seat belt on," Harvey said, as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

They drove for a few hours, in mostly silence. Mike was content with listening to his iPod, and Harvey was content with just trying to make good time, and catch glimpses of Mike out of his peripheral every now and again.

"Hey Harvey," Mike said, pulling turning off his iPod and pulling out the ear bud.


"Can I drive again?"


"Why not?"

"Because you don't have a license."

"I didn't have one yesterday and you let me."

"That was different."



"But what if-"

"Not happening."

"Will you help me get my license when we get back to New York?"

Harvey seemed to think on that one for a moment, "Maybe."

"Seriously?" Mike said, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.

"I'm not promising you anything, but it's a possibility."

Mike seemed content enough in the fact that Harvey hadn't said no, so he stuck back in his ear buds and settled back down into his seat. Until Harvey had decided to start prepping him on the client, anyway, which, Mike figures Harvey was just getting bored and wanted to talk to him, which he was okay with.

Mike had done his research and knew most of what Harvey was saying, but he just let Harvey tell him the things he'd already known anyway, even asking Harvey questions that he already knew the answers to, as a means of encouraging Harvey to continue the conversation.

Somehow that conversation ended up devolving into embarrassing stories about Louis, which, Mike was amazed about the endless amount of them Harvey seemed to have, but Mike was now really glad he had encouraged the conversation.

"But Mike, here's the thing. You can't let Louis know I told you any of these stories. What happens on this road trip, stays on the road trip."

"Pretty sure the saying is Vegas."

"It's one of the cardinal rules of road trips. Sorry."

"Can I please just use the story of him getting his shoelace caught in the escalator?"

"You know I'd love to say yes to that, but I can't. Like I said, cardinal rule."

"Damn it. I wanted something to hold over his head."

"Are you kidding, Mike? You've got that brilliant mind of yours to hold over him."

"I don't think Louis thinks my mind is brilliant. Or any of the other associates, really."

"Of course they do. There's a reason they act like dicks to you, Mike, and it's jealousy. They don't even have half the natural talent and skill that you have. You just need to stop doubting yourself so much, and not worry about what other people think."

"You make it sound like it's so easy."

"I'm not saying it's easy, but it's something that you're capable of."


"For what?"

"For believing in me."

"Well, you're worth believing in. Now, before this starts turns into a 'moment', why don't you use that big brain of yours and tell me where you want to stop to eat at? Make it somewhere within the vicinity of a gas station, since we're going to need to refuel afterwards."

"You're getting awfully specific with the directions you want."

"Are you saying you can't do it?"

"Of course I can do it, just thought I'd point it out."

Mike had given Harvey directions to a place that was infinitely nicer than the places they had stopped prior to this, of course, it still wasn't even close to being on par with the places Harvey dined at back home, but the place had a nice outdoor dining area, where Harvey and Mike decided to eat, so they could enjoy the weather while enjoying each others company as well.

After they had finished eating, they stopped off at the gas station, and refueled and set ahead for countless hours of driving. Harvey had been putting about 12-13 hours a day driving in, and it was getting tiresome.

He was thankful to have Mike with him, because he did a good job at talking to him and keeping him interested and alert the entire drive, and it seemed to make the miles go a lot faster, but regardless of that, Harvey was still entirely happy when they pulled into the parking lot of the next crappy, sorry, quaint motel. He didn't care if it had two beds, one bed, or no beds, he just wanted to be some place other than cramped inside that car.

"Want me to check us in?" Mike asked.

"Last time I let you check us in, you got us one bed, I'm not so sure I should."

"I'm checking us in," Mike replied, ignoring Harvey's comment, as he ran off to the office.

"Done," Mike said, as he greeted Harvey who was standing outside the door with their bags.

"Get two beds this time?"

"Whatever, you know you loved sharing a bed with me."

"It was like sleeping with an octopus."

"What's that mean?"

"All arms and legs, Mike. That's all I'm saying."

"Yeah right, I never even touched you!"

"You were practically violating me in my sleep. It's no big deal, I mean, I get it. You were probably dreaming about me, and couldn't help yourself. It happens."

"Get over yourself, Harvey. I do not dream about you. Besides, it's not violation if the person likes it. Which, I'm sure you did."

"It was almost on par with getting a root canal."

"You're an ass."

Mike pushed open the door of the motel room, and they walked in.

"Look at that, you got us two beds."

"You sound disappointed. Don't worry, Harvey, you can still cuddle with me if you want."

"That's not disappointment you heard, it's called relief. Big difference."

"Uh huh. Hey, did you know they have a pool out back?"

"And you're telling me this, why?"

"We could go swimming."

"It's too cold for swimming."

"But it's a heated pool."

"Mike, the air is still cold. I don't want you getting sick."

"That sounds a lot like something someone who cares about me would say."

"No. I care about me not getting sick, and if you get sick, you will undoubtedly pass your germs on to me, and I can't afford to have that happening."

"Why is it so hard for you to just admit you care? Why do you have to be so stubborn about it?" Mike half-shouted, frustration seeping into his voice.

"What the hell is your fixation with always trying to get me to admit I care? Why is it so god damn important to you?"

"It's not. Just forget it," Mike sighed.

Of course, hearing Harvey saying he cared was important to Mike, because no matter how many times Harvey had showed he cared, him never admitting to it still left room for doubt in his mind. It made him question whether Harvey did nice things for him because he felt sorry for him, rather than because he liked him. But it was a stupid thing to bring up, Mike guesses. You can't make somebody admit something that they don't want to. Or aren't ready for. Or maybe truly didn't feel. Mike went back and forth a lot on which of those reasons it was that prevented Harvey.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere..just going to get some air."

"You should take a jacket."

Mike just walked out, and pulled the door shut behind him.

Harvey just sat down on the bed, a little frustrated with Mike, but more frustrated with himself. Harvey was always under the impression that actions spoke louder than words, so it was uncharted territory when he met Mike, who needed not only actions, but also needed the words to go along with it as well.

Harvey was good with words, when dealing with other lawyers, clients and business things. Words were simple when it came to that sort of thing. With Mike though, it was hard, and it's like he could feel the words there in his chest, sitting right in his heart, but that's where they stayed.

A few times Mike had smiled at him, the kind of smile that lit up his entire face, as well as the entire room he was in, and Harvey had felt those words he wanted to say to Mike jump from his heart up into to his throat, but they never managed to make it to his mouth, let alone past his lips.

He'd told Mike he was scared of losing the people he loved. Of course, Mike had been sleeping when he told him, but he couldn't help but wonder if Mike would have actually heard it, if he would have realized he was one of those people Harvey was talking about. Probably not. But he was.

Harvey wasn't crazy about throwing that L word around. When you throw that word out there in the open, you can only hope it's like a boomerang and it comes back to you, but sometimes when you throw it out, it turns out to just be a stick you're throwing; you throw it and get nothing in return, and you're out a stick now too. Harvey thinks this thing could be a boomerang, but he doubted himself, which in itself was something new and unfamiliar.

'When exactly did the road trip turn into this', he thought to himself. He didn't recall Tell Mike You Care or Have a revelation about your feelings for Mike being on his list of things to do during it. Especially considering that if the conversation doesn't go in the right direction, that makes for one awkward trip back home, and well, just a genuinely awkward time from there on out. Maybe he'd just wait and see how Mike was acting once he got back, and play it from there. That sounded like an okay plan to him.

Harvey started to get a little worried when Mike was gone almost an entire hour. The room was cold, so Harvey could imagine outside was even more so. He got out of bed, and tried to adjust the thermostat so that the room would be warm when Mike finally did get back.

He got his jacket out of his duffel bag and threw it on, and also grabbed a Harvard hoodie out from his bag that he figures he could have Mike throw on when he found him.

It didn't take long to find him either, he just went around back to where the pool was. Mike was sitting on the ledge of it with his shoes next to him, and his pants rolled up, feet and legs dangling in the water.

"I brought you something," Harvey said, as he held out the Harvard hoodie to Mike.

Mike looked reluctant to take it at first, but the fact that he actually was cold must have won out, because he grabbed it, and slipped it over his head. It kind of looked perfect on him. Harvey sat down next to Mike, and took off his own shoes, rolled up his own pants, and dipped his legs into the water next to Mike's. They just sat there like that for awhile, Harvey swishing the warm water around with his legs.

"Look, Mike," Harvey started.

"Harvey, it's okay. You don't need to say anything. I know I need to stop trying to get you to say you care. It was a stupid thing for me to get frustrated over, and I'm not even sure I know why I did, but I feel like such an idiot. So if we could just pretend this never happened, that would be great."

"Mike," Harvey said, making Mike jerk his attention towards Harvey.

And this was when Harvey was planning to say Mike, I care about you. Just like that. Get it done and over with. Except the words were lost the second Mike caught Harvey's glance with his bright blue eyes, that were even more blue from the way the mixture of pool water and lights were reflecting in them.

So instead, Harvey just kissed him. Closed his eyes, and let his mouth negotiate for him, maybe Mike would be able to taste and feel the words that had been heavy on Harvey's tongue. Mike moved his hand up through Harvey's hair, and pushed back into the kiss, and Harvey thought maybe he'd gotten the message.

Harvey moved away from Mike's mouth and started to work his mouth up along Mike's neck, his breath hot against Mike's cool skin.

"We should," Mike said, trying to get his mind to focus on words, instead of what Harvey was doing with his mouth, "We should go to the room," he finally managed to get out.

Harvey moved his mouth back to Mike's, kissing him once more, hard, desperately, like he needed to capture all of Mike's mouth, so the taste of Mike in his mouth would last until they managed to get back to the room.

They were immediately drawn back together like magnets the second they were back in the room, hardly wanting to take the second it took to kick the door shut. Harvey quickly tossed off his jacket, before he placed a hand on each side of Mike's face and drove him backwards into the wall, steadying his head, and kissing Mike with everything he had.

Mike's brain felt like it should be jumping to a million different places, different what if's and precautions that he'd normally be thinking of if he wasn't so distracted by Harvey, yet all he could think about was how Harvey's mouth on his felt like the last piece of some puzzle he'd been waiting forever for somebody to put in place.

He pawed at Harvey's shirt, trying to get it off between being kissed breathlessly, and Harvey pressing up against him, the friction sending a surge through his entire body that made him feel a little weak in the knees. He managed to get off Harvey's shirt, and Harvey placed his arm across the small of Mike's back, spinning him around and firmly pushing him down onto the bed, only to straddle his body with his own. Harvey leaned down and kissed Mike once more on the mouth, holding it, taking all of it in, before breaking away to reach down and help pull Mike's hoodie off, and then his shirt quickly followed, both tossed haphazardly onto the floor next to the bed.

"I want you, Harvey," Mike said, his voice low and throaty, as he started to work the button and zipper of Harvey's pants.

Harvey thought the timing of his revelation earlier was bad, now it was infinitely worse.

"No..Mike..we can't do this," he said as he pushed Mike's hands away from his waist.

"Harvey, it's all right, I have a condom in my bag, just let me," Mike said, as he reached back for Harvey's pants again.

"No. No, I'm not talking about a condom. I'm talking about this. We just can't have sex."

"I promise not to tell anybody at work, if that's what you're worried about."

"That's not it."

"Then what the hell is it, Harvey?"

"It's just..I care about you."

"You can't have sex with me because you care about me? What does that even mean?"

"It feels wrong, Mike. I mean, it feels right too, and I want it, believe me, I want you, but it also feels wrong. I just don't want to have sex with you in some stupid motel room before I've even gotten a chance to really take you out on an official date."

"You want to take me on a date?"

"Yeah..well, I think you deserve that. If you want to go on one, that is. I don't mean to be presumptuous."

"Of course. I guess I just didn't think you were the romantic type."

"I'm not. But you've kind of made me want to make exceptions on things."

"Like make an exception on the salary an associate gets paid?"

"I don't think so."

"It was worth a shot. So..where do we go from here?"

"We get this client to sign that contract on the dotted line tomorrow, get back to New York, and we'll take it from there."

"Sounds fair enough. But if we're uh...done here. I'm going to go grab a I can..warm up."

"Just go, already."

Mike scrambled off of the bed, and gathered his shirt and hoodie from the floor, before grabbing his shower things. The very cold shower he was going to need after Harvey had completely stonewalled him. Not that he didn't think it was going to be worth it. Harvey finally admitting he cared was a victory in itself.

Harvey was already changed into his sleepwear and was sitting with his back propped up against the headboard of the bed, by the time Mike got back from his long shower. Mike was wearing his pajama pants and the Harvard hoodie that Harvey had given him earlier.

"Looks good on you."

"Maybe someday I'll actually get to go there."

"Come here," Harvey said, pulling the blanket back and shifting himself over to make room for Mike.

Mike climbed into the bed, and moved his body up next to Harvey's. He rested his head against Harvey's chest, and felt content just laying there and listening to the way Harvey's heart was beating beneath his shirt. Harvey waited for Mike to fall asleep first, and then carefully reached over to turn off the light

Harvey was surprised to wake up to an empty bed. This was the first morning that Mike had gotten up before him. He didn't hear the shower running, but heard the door opening, as he groggily looked at the clock, trying to see exactly what time it was.

"Oh, hey Harvey, didn't mean to wake you. I just grabbed us some coffee and donuts."

Mike was already dressed in his suit, and Harvey could tell by his hair that he had already showered.

"How did you manage to get up before me?" Harvey said, yawning as soon as he had gotten the sentence out.

"Turns out your snoring actually makes a perfect alarm."

"I don't snore."

"My mistake, somebody must have just left their buzz-saw running in the other room then."

"What is that?" Harvey said, suddenly noticing the tie Mike was wearing.

"Oh..this? It's a tie."

"No shit. I know it's a tie, Mike. But where's your stupid skinny tie?"

"I decided to bring one of these with me, since you kept stressing that this was a business trip and not a road trip, so I just figured.."

"It looks good. Who picked it out for you?"

"What makes you think somebody picked it out for me?"


"Okay, fine. It was Jenny. I can pick out my own ties though."

"That remains to be seen," Harvey replied, before rolling out of the warmth of the bed to go get his suit from the car so he could shower and get ready for the day.

When Harvey stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in his suit, Mike was slightly taken aback, because these past few days he had just been Harvey, and with the suit back on he was suddenly, Harvey Specter, best damn closer New York has ever seen.

"So we have to hit the road in about 15 minutes. You always want to be early to meetings, never just on time, and certainly never late," Harvey lectured, as he picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip.

Mike stood up and kissed Harvey, just a quick, fast, over before Harvey even realized what was happening kiss.

"You realize you can't be doing that at the client's."

"I know. Just needed to make sure it felt the same when you had the suit on."

"Did it?"

"It did. So you ready to get this show on the road?"


The meeting with Mr. Wilson had went incredibly well, Harvey had smooth talked him, going over everything with a fine tooth comb, and despite Harvey telling Mike before going in to 'Just sit still, and look pretty,' Mr. Wilson had taken a liking to Mike and found his ability to absorb knowledge highly impressive, and had decided to test Mike in various ways, which of course, Mike passed all his little tests.

He thanked them for being considerate enough to drive the way there, instead of fly, and that he hadn't planned on doing business with any law firms who wouldn't be willing to follow such a "simple request" as he had referred to it.

All in all, they were in and out of there in less than 45 minutes, papers in hand, and Jessica was going to be extremely happy. Which officially made the road trip a total success.

They had stopped for a celebratory lunch and drinks afterwards, where they decided that they'd get a jump start on heading home after they were finish. Harvey planned on driving as far as he was physically capable of going, before they'd stop off for the night and rest. Only to wake up and repeat, and then again, until they were finally back home. As much as they both were enjoying the trip, and each other, they were also both missing the comfort of their own beds. Diner food and being stuck in a car for hours upon hours were both getting pretty old by now too.

It was Friday evening when they had finally arrived back in New York. Mike had been sleeping the last two hours, and that was the first time Mike had slept in the entire trip, and it seemed to be after Harvey had told him that he knew the rest of the way back home from where they were.

Which Harvey knew probably meant that Mike had stayed awake because he was scared of falling asleep and having them get lost, or that he was paranoid that Harvey was serious about making him pay for that GPS if he actually did manage to get lost. Which, he had never intended to make Mike pay for to begin with.

"Mike. Wake up. We're home."

Miked yawned and rubbed at his eyes, looking down at his watch. "Sorry that I fell asleep."

"It's all right, you wouldn't have been sleeping if you obviously didn't need it."

"This is your place, Harvey."

"You're so observant. I have to get this car back to the rental place, so figured you could just stay at my place for the night, if you want. I could pick us up dinner on the way back. Any of this sound okay to you?" Harvey asked, as he noticed Mike still spacing out.

"No, uh, yeah that sounds perfect."

"Am I allowed to actually touch stuff in here, now?" Mike asked once they were both back in Harvey's condo.


"Last time I was in here you yelled at me and told me not to touch anything."

"Oh. That. You can touch whatever you want. Make yourself at home." Harvey always forgot that Mike always remembered things like that. "I've got to get this back before the place closes, but call me if you need anything, otherwise I'll call or text you to let you know when I'll be home. Okay?"

"All right."

When Harvey got to the rental place, it was mostly empty, so he was able to walk right up to the front desk.

"What can I help you with today, Sir?"

"I rented a car from here, under the name Harvey Specter."

"And you're returning this car now, is that right, Mr. Specter?"

"Actually I'd like to buy it."

"Excuse me?"

"I said I'd like to buy it."

"Sir, I'm afraid you're mistaken. We don't sell our rentals."

"Really? Because I feel like you're about to make an exception," Harvey said as he pulled out his check book, scribbled down some numbers, ripped the check out, and pushed it in front of the man.

"Sir..that's more than twice what the car is worth."

"So what are you waiting for then? You should be jumping at this offer."

"If you'll excuse me for a minute," the man said before disappearing into the backroom for a few minutes.

When he emerged, he told Harvey that the car was his, and that they'd send him the information. Just like Harvey knew they would.

"Good move." Harvey said before leaving, twirling the keys around his finger on the way back to the car.

Mike opened the door and grabbed one of the bags out of Harvey's hand when he got back to the condo. Mike had text him while he was out saying that he was craving Chinese, so Harvey had stopped on the way back and picked up an assortment of different things for them to eat while they finally got to enjoy a night spent in some place other than a motel. Mike had walked the bags over and sat them down on the kitchen counter, Harvey followed behind.

"Here. These are yours," Harvey said, as he tossed the keys at Mike.

Mike caught them against his body. "What are these?"

"They're called keys."

"Harvey, you know what I mean."

"They're the keys to your first car. It's a really crappy one, but it handled pretty well on a road trip, and has some good memories attached to it, so it evens out."

"Harvey...I can't take these. I can't afford a car."

"Last I checked the word afford isn't associated with gifts."

"You can't just give me a car either."

"Sure I can. I actually forgot to mention the rule about picking up a souvenir while on road trips, so consider this yours."

"I honestly don't know what to say right now."

Harvey took two steps forward, and pulled Mike into a deep, passion-filled kiss. "That's all you need to say," Harvey said as he pulled away from Mike's lips.

"Does this mean you're going to teach me to drive?"

"I haven't decided on that, yet. But actually, that reminds me, there is one thing you have to promise me before that car is officially yours."

"What's that?"

"You drive next road trip. Deal?"
