I own nothing. I wish I did, but I don't. so I just play around with it. Enjoy, and PLEASE REVIEW!

Man that sounds desperate….

I knew from the moment that I heard his name, saw his face, that he was the one. I mean, the one. The boy that you can't speak around, and who gives you butterflies in your stomach when he smiles at you.

Or even looks at you.

When I saw Harry for the first time in person at King's Cross Station, he was lost and confused, not to mention a bit freaked out over being told to run into the wall. He didn't even notice I was there.

When he came to my house the summer before my first year, he smiled at me, said hi. Did what any polite person would do. Yeah, I handled that one real well. Yeah. I ran out of the room when he spoke to me. To him, I was only his best friend's little sister who was just there. He paid me no attention until his fifth year and my fourth, when I started to date Michael Corner. I had never really given up on Harry, but had followed some well-meant advice and relaxed around him a bit, went out with some other guys. But even then he didn't really pay me too much mind. He had his sights set on Cho Chang that year, although for the life of me I don't know what he saw in her.

Finally, when he was in his sixth year and I was in my fifth, he noticed me as more that Ron's little sister. That was when I was dating Dean Thomas. Dean was nice enough, but I was always in love with Harry. Always. The few weeks we spent together were so amazing, just as I had imagined. He was just the way I knew he would be.

But Harry was Harry, and he wasn't really happy unless he was saving the world. So for my whole sixth year, I sat and waited. Waited for him to come back to me. Because I knew he would.

And he did. In the wreckage of the Battle of Hogwarts, when I had torn myself away from my family after the loss of my brother, he was waiting for me with open arms. Finally.

All of this flashes before my eyes as I walk down the aisle on my father's arm towards the man at the end. His black dress robes bring out his stunning green eyes. He is glowing with excitement and pride, but you can tell he is nervous.

And when I reach him, he takes my hand.

I knew it.