So as I may or may not have said, I've been doing requests on Gaia for people and babe asked for something withe Draco, any pairing. So after days of going over and tossing out idea after idea, I got the -brilliant- idea of just writing a bunch of drabbles of a bunch of pairings.

...Though that does not explain how this popped out of my twisted mind;;

Warnings: Malfoy-cest.

"Sit up straight, Draco."

The boy in question did as he was told because father knew best.

"Don't bother with that Potter child, Draco- he is far below our standards."

Draco hadn't really listened but soon learnt why he should have; introducing himself to Potter had only lead to embarrassment and failure. Father knew best.

"Accept your Mark, Draco."

Trembling before the Dark Lord like a leaf on the breeze Draco did as he was told; father knew best.

"Suck harder, Draco, and use less teeth."

On his knees before the man with a face much like his own Draco complied, not cringing as long fingers tightened in his hair. He had years of practice listening and had long ago learnt that father knew best.

"Ah, yes, yes- be sure to swallow it all, Draco-"

Gray eyes closed as the familiar hot, salty fluid spurted over his tongue and Draco swallowed as he was told. When the pulses subsided and a low sigh rang in his ears the teen opened his eyes, the fingers relaxing in his hair and allowing him to release the softening member from his lips. A flushed cheek pressed to a pale thigh and the fingers were back again, stroking with affection.

"You're a good boy, Draco. Father loves you."

"I love you, too," Draco murmured and let the warmth of the man's affection run over him. Though the older Malfoy never showed his affection in public outside of a slight smile or light touch to his shoulder Draco knew that he cared- and that father knew best.