I haven't talked to Beck in a week. I haven't really talked to anyone. You know how weird it is to go to school, be around your friends and not talk to them? They're not mad at me or anything but some people still refuse to believe Julie was lying despite the gang's tries.

Anyway back to Beck. I really miss him and I can't believe how awkward things are between us. Every girl in school is dying to get with him now but everyone can see he's not into it. The gang says I ruined him. They say I'm stupid because it's clear he never said those words to Julie. But, one part of me is like "How do you know?" and then the other part is calling me stupid too.

Beck loves me…Correction…he's in love with me! That's why I'm ignoring that one part of me nd going to find him. I'm actually in the car with Andre. I asked him to take me to school, you know since I don't have a driver's license. Anyway, that's where Beck is rehearsing for the upcoming play.

"So what you gonna say?" Andre asked snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh, uhm… I wrote something down." I said struggling to get the paper out my pocket.

"Wait, you wrote something? Why can't you just-?" Andre started but I cut him short knowing what he was going to say.

"Look, I'm nervous, okay. Scared… actually!"

It was the truth. Beck doesn't have to take me back you know. I mean I left him mainly due to trust. If he doesn't think I trust him, he can end things for sure. Then stuff will really, really be awkward

"Tori, there's nothing to be scared about!" Andre assured me.

"How do you know?" I asked curiously. Did he really know or was he just saying that to calm me and be a good best friend?

"Lets just say, I happen to know Beck would take you back in an instant." I was so caught up in my thoughts, I hardly heard Andre.

"Wait, what'd you say?"

"I said Beck would take you back in an I.N.S.T.A.N.T" He spoke slowly as if I was slow.

"What? How do you know this?" I clutched his shirt completely forgetting he was driving.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm driving women! And Beck's my best friend too, you know… we share some things." he said like it was nothing.

Even though it gave me a boost of confidence and no longer felt sick, I was still nosey.

"When was this?"

"Well, everyone was talking how out of it Beck was at rehearsals this week. He couldn't memorize his lines; he was just messed up in every class actually. We all know that's not like Beck so I went to see him.. uhm.. Wednesday and we talked. Turns out you messed him up bad."

Did I really ruin Beck that bad? I was too busy thinking about me but not once did I reflect on how Beck felt about this. Here I am thinking he felt guilty because of what he did, or turns out didn't do. But he felt guilty because of how Julie and now some of school is treating me.

"He really never said that to her Tori. He swore he's only said it to you. He loves you Tor, he really does."

Here comes that sick feeling. I feel absolutely horrible to the point where I want Jade to smack me in the face repeatedly; I'm sure she'd love to.

"Oh My Gosh! I'm so stupid!" I said burying my head in my hands.

"Yeah!" Andre said nodding. It wasn't until I glared that he started chuckling.

"Well, it's true Tor… in this case. Look, you and Beck belong with each other. I actually haven't seen a more perfect couple. You two complete each other! Beck would never hurt you Tor, I mean it."

Andre was absolutely right and the thing that hurts is I knew it yet I still did this to him.

I nodded understandingly. "Thanks for everything Andre." I said as we pulled into the alley in the back of the school.

"No problem Tor. You sure you don't want to wait in here until he comes out, looks like it's going to rain."

"No thanks, I'll wait on the bench."

"Alright, call me if you need me." He said backing back. "Oh and Tor?"


"Go get him!" he smiled and I returned it genuinely.

"I will… thanks again." I was so anxious; I needed to see Beck now so I could get everything out.

Sure enough it started to rain and soon as I stood underneath the hood of the building, it poured. While I waited for Beck, I started going over what I was going to say. I had time; he was the last one out anyway. It goes a little something like this…

"You have every right to not wanna get back together with me or even talk to me. All you ever wanted me to do was trust you and again I let her get the best of me but-"

Well, hold that thought… Beck is coming out. I could hardly tell if it was him because he had his jean jacket covering his head and he was walking extra fast towards his car. There was no way he'd hear me if I yelled his name; the rain was just that heavy. Thanks L.A! So… I ran! One because I was getting Beck back tonight no matter what but two because my phone died so I couldn't call Andre or anyone and I'd need a ride.

I guess he heard the sound of my footsteps behind him because he turned around. Soon as I saw his face, I got instantly nervous; my mouth wouldn't even open. We stared at one another for a good minute (like the rain never fazed us) before I looked down at my paper. I did a double-take though looking at the paper then back at Beck. Despite the rain, I noticed the paleness in his face and the bags that had formed under his eyes.

At that moment, I pulled back the jacket from on top of his head so I could wrap both my arms around his neck and… kiss him instantly. Surprisingly, he never hesitated to kiss back as he smashed his lips against mine pulling me tightly against him. Man, did I miss this feeling! It was like the most heated kiss like our lips desperately missed one another.

I pulled back to look at him and used my thumb to wipe away the drops even though it didn't make a difference. I smiled sadly; rather desperately and he responded with one right back. I forced his lips against mine again and ran my hands through his soaked hair. Even though it was one of the sloppiest kisses we've shared with the rain mixing in and us occasionally missing each other's lips because it's been forever since they've moved against each other. I tightly yanked at his shirt to pull him closer as he moved us, stumbling, so that I was against his car. I smiled flirtatiously at him out of breath only for him seconds later to push against me, firmly and running his hands across my bare skin that showed from my drenched shirt. I felt his tongue brush across my lip and as soon as I let out a gasp for breath it entered dominating almost instantly.

I had to stand on my tippy toes just so I could keep up. He pulled back for a minute leaving me gazed and he smiled gasping for breath. I smiled nodding at him. I don't know why I nodded really but I hoped it clarified for him that I've made up my decisions if he already didn't know. Just then he kissed me again holding on to both sides of my face and opened the back door to his car. For some reason, that did something to me as I kissed him more passionately while he lowered me down on the seat. Even though it's wouldn't do any good, I started to unbutton his shirt. I needed him against me so close I didn't care about breathing right now. I just had to make sure I slowed us down before we took it TOO FAR. He stopped to do it himself but like I said I needed him against me so I pulled him back down and let our tongues dance once again.

After he got his shirt off, he pulled my sweater over my head. He's never seen me with just a bra but I guess he liked what he saw because he deepened the kiss more and more. I'd make sure we go no further but right now, it just feels so good to have him against me with absolutely no gap separating us. I'm not sure what came over me but when he cupped them, I arched forward just because I loved this feeling. I loved everything about him at that moment; I would just give myself to him.

We didn't go any further. He hadn't even made an attempt which made me kind of happy because I didn't even have to tell him; he understood. That's one things that makes Beck special; he'll never make you feel uncomfortable or rush you… he respects you and that's all you could ever ask for in a guy.

Beck's P O V

We layed there; her practically on top of me accounting on the amount of space we had. I don't mind one bit, I actually wish we could stay like this forever but unfortunately we can't. I must have kissed the top of Tori's head a million times as I ran my hand through her wet hair. Words couldn't explain how I felt through this whole moment. I honestly thought I lost her... I really did. I thought that she wouldn't forgive me even though I didn't do anything.

It's been a rough week for me. I just couldn't get over the fact of not having Tori anymore as my girlfriend but more importantly my friend. In Andre's words, she completes me.

Don't think I wasn't mad over this whole thing either. I didn't know how to control it. First, I was mad with Julie for starting this whole thing and slam her fingers in a car door but I'm not Jade. Then I was mad at Tori for actually believing Julie after everything I told her. I didn't want to smash her fingers though; I just wanted to kiss her and hug her and just hold her in my arms. But then I was mad at myself for creating this mess. I mean I am the one that went out with Julie in the first place.

I didn't know who to talk to during this whole scenario either; I couldn't talk to the gang just because… , I couldn't talk to my mom because I don't know… that just seemed kind of weird. Before Andre, you know who I did talk to? Alyssa! My little cousin! She really didn't understand the situation but all she kept on saying was not to lose Tori. She actually came out and said she didn't care what happened but I had to make sure I didn't lose her. Well, I guess that settles that problem.

"Promise me something?" Tori finally spoke up as I stroked her hair.

"Anything." I really meant that.

"Promise me nothing like this will ever break us up?"

"Well… actually… I kind of promised nothing would break us up. It was you that-" I started but she cut me off by nabbing me on the side.

"Beck! Please!" she pouted which was so adorable in its own way.

I gave her a chaste kiss before I agreed.

"Good. Because honestly… I can't go a day without you!" she admitted which made me chuckle.

"A day!? Tori, I can't go a half hour without you!" I confessed which made her smile broaden widely.

"I love you, you know that right?" I asked honestly and she nodded with the same smile.

"I love you too, Beck… I want to be your girlfriend again." she said which made me chuckle because I kind of established that unless she was doing that all for nothing.

"You never lost that status Tor, you never will."

I heard Alyssa say the other day that fairytales do exist and she's 100% right. Well, for me… I found my princess.

And to think… It Started On The Road!

The End ! Ahhhh I finally updated ... wasn't it long? , did you like all the fluff ? Did you like it at all ? I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I just hope it was worth the long wait. I'm so sorry about that too. But, I want to just thank all of you so much! You all have no idea what your reviews mean to me when I read them. It makes me feel so good because honestly I didn't expect this story to go far. You're the best! Thanks for making my story a success. Ha, that rhymed! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it :P Lol. Anyway, let me know what you think of this chapter or my whole story in general, love you all! Any questions, PM me.

Btw, have you read Final Project (Bori fanfic)? It's amazing! Lol, I love it.