A/N: Well hello my patient readers! I have made many ideas for this chapter I just got inspired being on tumblr and youtube looking at all the Sasunaru, ShinoKiba, NejiShika, and GaaLee. I think I improved my writing too since I read a lot of Stories who are so detailed. So im gonna try my best kay? I give this chapter to show you im not dead.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto





Normal POV

Being in a mansion surrounded by your loved ones and they confessing to YOU is probably the best thing. As for a girl they would simply die, for a boy they would of gained victory, for a uke well… That's a whole different reaction. I would say they turn into a puddle of goo or see the many things they could do for their lovers or maybe even ignoring them since everytime they see them they would die, but lets we move on to the story of the most cutest love.

The doors open to reveal four beautiful and handsome man with a cute someone linked around their arm. Their faces are with pride and love but also some anger whenever someone comes close to the cute one linked around them. They enter the school as obvious lovers who go by Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, and Shino. The cute ones linked around there arm is Naruto, Shika, Lee, and Kiba all blushing and grinning at each other. After the confession and kiss they have been going on dates and well you know what lovers do(wink wink). Everyone looked at them with envy as the four hold there cutes one as if they were treasure but alas, the bell has rung and they must separate they give quick kisses and mumbles of love as the Kings went to their private lessons while the ukes went to class.

As they separated Naruto was the first to speak. After they had finally become lovers they couldn't be happier they were speechless as they went to class and Naruto took a bold step to break that happiness.

"uhh have you guys told your parents?"

They all stopped midstep glaring at Naruto for breaking the calm atmosphere but also know that they think about it Kiba forgot to tell his mom that he finally dating the crush that lasted 4 years now becoming reality. Shika well he's smart and of course he didn't tell his parents or else that would lead to troublesome problems but although if he didn't tell them sooner then I don't know what they will do, Lee well his step dad wouldn't mind but if he ever met Gaara its just going to be embarrassing. Naruto has very protective and STRONG parents and if he told them Sasuke going to need an interview first and it's a fifty percent chance they will be alright since he is an Uchiha and if he dates the great Uchiha that's mean double the Uzumaki's company fame but of course Naruto didn't want to use Sasuke, he loved him so he is a bit worried.

"so who's doing it first?" Shika said as he yawned and leaned to the wall

Everyone one fiddled with their thumbs and glanced at one another to see who will. Shika sighed and rummaged through his backpack to find a pair of sticks. They looked at him confused.

"The one who gets the biggest stick goes first"

He held up the stick so it would look even and went first he grabbed the stick and nudged Naruto to do the same Naruto gulped and grabbed one. Lee did the same but in super-fast speed. Kiba got the stick with trembling hand. They all compared the sticks and Lee fell to the ground with tears pouring down his eyes like a waterfall. The rest of them sighed and relaxed but also patted lee on the back mumbling sorry and good lucks. Lee rubbed his eyes and looked determined.

"I will say to him right when he gets off of work and I well make a meal and clean the house to double the chance he will say yes!

They all sweatdropped at his sparkling aura but cursed when the bell ranged to say they were all late to class.

Lee's POV

After a very youthful fight in martial arts I went to the grocery store to the ingredients to make the meal for Gai-sensei. I went to the veggies section and when I walked past the chips and snacks isle I spotted a familiar red hair grabbing about 10 bags of chips. I turned my body to make a run for it but then jumped when I felt a squeeze to my ass. Crap I got caught.

"sup' babe what are you doin here?" Gaara said eyeing me up and down and pulling me closer.

'I was just uh…" I possibly couldn't tell him the truth! If I did then he'll want to come too and I don't want him to see my step-dad. Okay lee all you have to do is lie its not bad right? I'll tell him the truth later. Yeah right! Lie in my first relationship ever and to the guy I had a crush on for years! Urghh I'm sorry Gaara.

"Just shopping for my apartment you know ran out of food.." I trailed off and grabbed his hands and tried to pull them off me and only to get them tighter on me.

"oh, really well do you need help?" He said still pulling me dangerously close.

"um no I could do it, I'm not that weak" I said offended, but I wasn't just something to make me get away.

"no I wasn't saying you were weak just that you might buy all lot of food" his toned changed to hesitation.

"Are you calling me fat!" I said outraged, but in the inside I was crying out of guilt.

"What? No! I just wanted to help!" Gaara yelled causing a scene in the store.

"OH I GET IT YOU THINK I'M FAT AND WEAK!" I pulled his arms away from me and slapped him but not too hard and stomped away from him.

"Wait! Lee! I didn't mean it no I uh I didn't say that!" he grabbed my wrist and I snatched my wrist away from him with tears in my eyes man, I should be an actor!

"Don't follow me! And go away I don't want to see you" and went to the veggies section running but stopped to make sure he was really gone I sweatdropped at him when he kept bumping in things and falling down and walking like a drunk man.

'I cant believe I just lied to him! Just look at what I've done! He looks like he's about to die.' When he finally left the store I fell to the ground.

"I'M SORRY GAARA!" I cried swishing my head dramatically. The women in the stores were sniffling in there handkerchiefs while the guys just sweatdropped at the scene.

Normal POV

Lee arrived at his apartment when he finally finished his dramatic break down and quickly made Gai-sensei's favorite dish "Curry super Spicy." It was his favorite too but he liked "Curry super spicy death" better. Once everything was done he rehearsed what he was going to say.

"Look, remember when I said I have a youthful crush? Well…we're a couple now!"

Lee frowned as he didn't think it was youthful enough so, he tried again.

"Gai-sensei I have completed my life time dream! I have married Gaara my crush!" he smiled and sighed he wished.

Lee heard the door knob move and the clattering of keys he gasped and rushed out with a huge smile that showed all his teeth. Gai walked in with his gym teacher outfit and saw the very delicious dinner.

"oh Lee! You made my favorite food what a certainly youthful day it is!" he hugged Lee squeezed him very tight.

Lee who was used to it squeezed back and letting go ushering Gai to the table.

Gai wiped the drool on his face as he began eating and drinking at times. Lee ate his without drinking water since he thought he wasn't that spicy. After, finishing their meals Lee glanced up trying to find the perfect time to tell him the news.

"So, what do you want ?" Lee jumped up like a cat looked at him weird obviously trying to hide his shock.

"w-what are you talking about?" Lee said looking away.

"ah come on Lee you never barely make me dinner unless I ask you." He said pouting, "so you need something or you want to tell me something?" he leaned in his face looking serious which is very rare. "or something bad," Lee started sweating and nodded furiously a no. Gai went back to normal and grinned, "then want do you need?"

"I wanted to tell you something but it's not bad well I think it isn't…" Lee trailed off

"well then tell me it shouldn't be that bad."

Lee looked determined and took a deep breath. "remember when I told you about my crush? Well now we are dating. It's great right?" Lee looked hopeful at the blank stare his step-dad gave him.

It was quiet for a moment when tension built between them. Lee trembled at his blank stare. Until-

"That's so great! I knew my Lee had looks that were unbearable after all it runs in the family" Gai said sparkling.

Lee sighed in relief and hugged his dad with tears in his eyes as the sunset was shown with a crash of waves(you know the usual -_-')

Now, let's go to another story here…

Gaara sulked in the corner of the Kings Lounge and replayed the horrible memory over and over. The kings sweatdropped at him.

"did he get in a fight already!" Neji sighed

"looks like it was rough" Sasuke smirked trying hard not to laugh

"he acts as if he got dumped" Shino Inquired.

Gaara cried more at the thought.

"man, you know I expected Sasuke to have a fight first" Neji said

"HEY!" Sasuke yelled.

"I'm happy for you Lee, I'll try my best, ya I know bye thanks"

Kiba sighed as he hanged up and flipped his cell phone close and rummaged through his backpack to find the stick which meant that he was the next person to tell his mother. Not that his mother was scary or anything, but it's just embarrassing if he told her she'll probably ask to invite him over for dinner and make sure he's the "right" guy. Kiba rolled on his stomach screaming in his pillow just thinking about it made him frustrated. He got up from his bed and walked through the hallway to go to the kitchen. He needed water to quench the dry throat; he heard footsteps from upstairs and jumped when he heard them coming downstairs. He quickly tried to runaway but groaned when the glass fell on the ground with a huge crash to have his mother coming in.

"are you okay? You should be more careful ya clutz," Tsume said grabbing a broom.

Kiba caught the broom and began to sweep, "sorry I just had uh- things in my mind."

"really? Well would you like to talk about it?" She said getting some shoes to not cut her feet.

"um well-," Kiba hesitated and looked at the ground and swiped faster, "well it's good news I think."

"you think?" His mother gave him a confused expression.

"um to me it is" KIba swiped faster coughing a little

His mother grabbed hold of the broom stopping him before he filled the house with dust, "okay you better tell me whats going on" Her mother grew serious.

Kiba flinched at her expression and took a deep breathe, "shino and me are going out!" Kiba yelled and glanced up to see her mother shaking, he took several steps back.

"Kiba give me your phone" She said in a demand tone that all mothers do.

KIba quickly gave her his phone thinking it was his punishment, but to his surprise she was looking in the contacts. Kiba looked at her questionably, his eyes widened when he finally put the pieces together and that was: she was calling Shino! He lunged at her, but she dodged effortlessly. Kiba tried to get his phone back clawing at her which was only stopped by a hand on his face.

"Hello Shino sorry to bother you, but may I talk to you concerning my son." She said in her mother voice which was fake.

"MOM! Please he isn't a bad guy I swear please don't embarrass meeeee!," Kiba cried

His mother only ignored him and continued to talk. Kiba on the other hand tried to desperately get his phone back like a kid getting his lollipop back. He heard a beep and he shot his head up to see her mother done talking to Shino.

"what did you tell him!" Kiba screamed.

"eh the usual parent questions" She grinned at him ruffling his hair' "oh and he said he will pick you up in 5 minutes."

"WHAT!" Kiba ran upstairs to change.

5 minutes later…^^

Kiba heard the ring on the door and ran downstairs before his mother. He said his goodbyes and headed out. He found Shino outside and found himself on his chest.

Kiba blushed, "oh hi Shino its pretty late so I don't think my mother will let me go out, but we could hang out in your car or something" he trailed off he didn't want to be the only one talking. He felt two strong arms wrapped around his waist pulling him closer to the well-toned chest.

"um- Shino what are you doing? My mother could see us" Kiba tried to get away but that well-toned chest wasn't just for display.

"I know but it seems I haven't seen you in a while" He whispered in Kiba's ear seductively

Kiba whimpered as he felt his ear getting teased with something warm. Shino lifted Kiba's chin and kissed him. It wasn't hungry but a gentle passionate kiss that made Kiba melt in his arms. Shino placed his leg in between Kiba's leg he moaned in the kiss which Shino smirked and let his tongue explore the warm cavern. They didn't hear the door open since both were in other world together. Until they heard a cough Kiba gasped and pulled away from Shino.

"well Kiba its getting cold outside I think you should come in" Tsume said and looked at Shino, "you stay where you are"

Kiba flinched and gave an apologetic look to Shino and kissed him good-bye and went running in the house.

Shino looked at Kiba disappearing in the house and turned to look at his mother, "please trust that I will not betray your son" Shino said in full determination.

Tsume closed the door and looked at him with worry, "Shino I know you care for my son but, you are an important man and one of these days your father might want you to marry someone," she looked down, "someone not Kiba."

Shino clenched his fists because what everything she said was true. His father owned the fourth biggest company and Shino was the only heir to own it after his father. Shino turned to look at Tsume with eyes of honesty and assurance, "I know very well what you mean Miss. Inuzuka, but I care for your son dearly and I will find a way to have my father accept that I won't marry anyone else so please trust that I won't hurt your son."

Tsume looked at his eyes for a while then turned around to open the door she stopped and said, "then please take care of my son Shino," she closed the door to leave a surprised Shino behind.

Kiba heard the door and ran downstairs to find out what her mother said, "mom what did you say to Shino?"

"Just a list on how to deal with an annoying kid like you" She laughed when she saw his horrified expression, "kidding gosh I just told him if he needed a sweater or something to warm him up"

"really? Oh man mom you really know how to give someone a heartattack"

Tsume laughed and started walking to the kitchen to make hot chocolate and mumbled, "Be prepared for the worst."

Kiba followed her to the kitchen and titled his head "sorry mom did you say something?"

"Yep I said did you want hot chocolate?" She smiled

"hell ya I would!" KIba grinned and grabbed cups.

Tsume looked at Kiba sadly but brushed it off. After all she was counting on Shino to take care of him.

A/N: Urghh! I'm so sorry you guys you waited so long but here it is and I hoped I improved a bit and hey I did put a little 'action' in there if you know what I mean *wink* and thank you for voting in the poll! I'll make sure to put that in and thank you for the comment it makes me happy that you enjoy my story! Have a an amazing day or night! Love ya!
