Fullmetal Alchemist: Solitude
Chapter 11: You
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD!" The giant of a man wrapped his nephew into a tight hug.
"Thank you Uncle Alex!" Edward managed in a squeaky whisper.
"Put him down Alex or you'll kill him," said Olivier.
"Nonsense, sister! I would never kill my only nephew!"
"You said that as though you're expecting another one," Miles smirked. Olivier smiled at the comment.
"Let's not get into that," she said calmly.
The four were basking in the golden sun that bathed the grounds of the Armstrong Estate. It was a glorious day, perfect for Edward's birthday party. Olivier and Miles were relaxing in expensive chairs while Alex was playing with four year-old Edward. She smiled again, thinking of the past four years.
As a baby, Edward had definitely been far more trouble than he was worth, with neither her nor Miles getting any sleep. She wouldn't even begin to get into the nightmare that was potty training.
He was finally becoming bearable.
"Mommy!" Edward ran up to her. "When's everyone gonna get here?" His former puff had turned into a thick, white mop of hair that fell to his chin.
"They'll be here soon," Olivier assured her son.
"It looks like the first guest has arrived," said Alex, glancing over his massive shoulder to see five forms coming toward him.
"Ah, Grumman," said Olivier, standing up as he approached.
"Good to see you General, Majors," he greeted. "Good to see you too, Edward! Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you," said Edward, shaking the Führer's hand. Olivier smiled. The kid wasn't intimidated by anybody – a good trait, to be sure.
"Ah, good to see you too, Mrs. Bradley," said Miles.
"Thank you," Mrs. Bradley smiled. She looked down at Edward. "Here you go Edward!"
"Thank you!" Said Edward, taking a neatly wrapped present. He stared at it for a second, grinned evilly, and ripped off the top layer of red paper.
"Edward! It's not time for presents yet!" Scolded Olivier. Edward looked at her and gave a cheesy smile.
"Sorry Mommy," he said, handing her the box.
"Edward! Edward! Do you want to play?" A small boy with black hair appeared from behind Mrs. Bradley.
"Can I go?" Asked Edward. Olivier nodded, and the two boys were off.
"How old is Selim now?" Asked Miles, watching the boy warily.
"He's about six," answered Mrs. Bradley. "I'm not quite sure if he'll grow much longer."
"There's been no signs of anything…?" Asked Olivier, treading carefully upon the subject.
"No, nothing. He's been the sweetest little boy. Actually, he's even complained about Edward being mean a couple of times."
"That's our son," said Miles, proudly. Mrs. Bradley laughed.
"So who else is coming?" Asked Grumman.
"Just a few others," answered Olivier. "The Elrics and…"
"Sorry we're late!" A deep voice boomed.
"Mustang! Who invited you!" Demanded Olivier.
"Nevermind her," Miles interjected. "Welcome you two. Glad you could make it."
"Anytime! It's great to see Edward growing up," said Riza Hawkeye.
"I see you've brought little May," said Mrs. Bradley. "Look how cute she is!"
"Edward's cuter," mumbled Olivier to Miles.
"Of course," he agreed.
"We have! She's three-so it's best to make sure that the boys aren't too mean," Riza said, glancing specifically at Olivier and Miles, giving them a gentle warning.
"Honestly, honey, look who his parents are," said Mustang. "And you expect Edward to be nice?"
"One can always hope," she shrugged.
"Come on," said Olivier. "There's drinks and food in the courtyard. Welcome to our party."
Dusk was falling. Olivier and Miles sat comfortably on an outdoor couch next to the smoldering fire pit. The guests had just left and they were all exhausted. It wasn't in either of their natures to host parties, and they greatly welcomed the silence of chirping crickets.
"I'm wiped," said Miles.
"Yeah, me too," agreed Olivier. She glanced down. Edward had fallen asleep across their laps.
"He's probably exhausted himself being a bully," commented Miles.
"Look who his parents are."
"Okay Mustang," said Miles.
"So you'd have a child with Mustang would you Miles?" Asked Olivier, gently touching his cheek.
"Bullshit," he replied, taking her into a long kiss. "So about giving Alex another nephew…"
"Now that is bullshit," said Olivier. "No more kids. One bully is enough."
"He's just like us you know," said Miles.
"Definitely. I'm sure he'll make a great commander of Fort Briggs when he's older." They both gazed adoringly at their son. Sure, he was mean, but he had the prospects of being a great leader. He was also a future ladies' man, as he was always very gentlemanly towards May Mustang.
"I've been meaning to ask you something," spoke Miles.
"Go on."
"What would you say if I asked you to marry me?" Olivier thought for a moment.
"I'd say yes, of course. We've been together for nearly five years now-we might as well be married already."
"Well that's good," said Miles, reaching into his pocket. Olivier narrowed her eyes.
"Miles, what are you doing…?" She began.
"I'm asking you to marry me," he answered, opening a small, velvet box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.
"And here I thought you weren't being serious," Olivier said.
"You should know me better than that." Olivier smiled.
"Sure Miles. I'll marry you." Miles broke out in smile, slipping the ring onto her finger.
"I just wanted to check beforehand. You never know."
"Don't be ridiculous," said Olivier. She picked up Edward and moved him to the other side of the couch. She returned to Miles and sat on his lap. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"But there is to be no dress nor any sort of flowers, especially not hyacinths." Miles laughed.
"Whatever you want," he said. "I'll give it to you."
"Well that's good," said Olivier. "Because at the moment, I just want you."
AN: Thank you to everyone who has read and supported "Solitude!" I really appreciate all of you!
I plan on writing another Fullmetal fic, though I'm not sure yet what I want it to be about. If any of you want to see anything specific, send me your ideas! I'll write them if they sound good!
Until next time