Catnip chap 5

A/N1: I'm so sorry person... your request isn't done yet. I had this done and I couldn't help myself! So anyways, my friend drew a picture for me, and it was Neko!Lovi in a maid dress… Antonio was behind him with a nosebleed because Lovi was bent over cleaning something. We're such perverts I swear! ….Can I request some fan art?... No? Okay! I have this website with cat facts and… Oh my… so many ideas…

http: / . com/~emailbox/ whycat. htm (remove spaces!~)

Prompt 1:Why does a cat spend so much time grooming?
Besides the obvious purpose of hygiene and the social aspects, grooming helps cats cope with confrontation or 'embarrassment' (you may have noticed that if a cat accidentally falls off a chair, the first thing he does is nonchalantly wash himself, as though he intended to get down in the first place.)

Prompt 2: Why does a cat lick photographs or plastic bags?
It has been speculated that they taste the slight "odor" that emanates from these products. They may also enjoy the texture of the items on their tongue. (But Lovi just enjoys Antonio. /shot/)

Antonio and Lovino sat in front of the television with Antonio petting Lovino occasionally commercial breaks. They watched documentaries on jungle cats (Lovino's choice) and most deadly animals. Lovino now had more respect for spiders that's for sure. The show was obviously over, but the two were content with just sitting there talking.

"Hey Lovi, how'd you like the show?" He got some mumbles in return. "Lovi?" He shifted his body only to feel extra pounds on his legs. Antonio looked to see a very content Lovino sprawled out in his lap, his shirt raised to show his smooth stomach. "Hey, Lovi?" More mumbles and grumbles from Lovino; Antonio knew he was out for the count. 'It's not a problem. I'll just stay here until he wakes up he wakes up!' Yes, that was a wonderful plan!

No it wasn't. His legs were getting numb from Lovino laying on them. Not that he was calling his Lovi fat or anything, but he did gain a few pounds.

"Oye, Lovi… It's time to get up and move to the bed. Dios, estás pesada…" [God, you're heavy.]"

"'Re you callin' me fat, bastardo!" [Bastard!]

"No Lovi," Antonio picked Lovino up bridal style and walked towards the bedroom. "It's bedtime, dear." He laid Lovino down gently and climbed in next to him. "Buenas noches, amor." Antonio kissed Lovino forehead and climbed under the covers while tucking Lovino in. [Good night, love.]

"Notte, il mio bastardo…" [Night, my bastard…]

In the morning!

Antonio woke with cold sheets beside him. 'Where's Lovi?' He sat up and looking around the room. He could slight purring from outside the bedroom door. He notice it was cracked open, as if someone was sneaking in or out. He stood up from the bed and made his way to the door. The purring sound got louder as he walked closer to the door. "Lovi…?" Antonio opened the door wider, coming face to face with Lovino licking a photograph. The smooth film seemed to excite him further as he licked faster. Antonio stumbled after witnessing this and fell on the floor laughing.

Lovino jumped at the sound of falling. He blushed a crimson red and stood up, only to sit on the couch leaving the photo on the ground. "Bastardo!" He licked he hand and brought it up to her ear, rubbing it gently. "Eh, s-so Lovi," Lovino glared at Antonio. "What's with you licking the photograph?" He picked it up and stared at it for a while before looking up at Lovino. "Wh-what bastard? What's with that look of yours?" Antonio moved to sit next to Lovino on the couch. "You were licking a photo of me and mis amigos! Although I am jealous you showed your love to them, but I'm happy you accept them!"

Lovino felt his cat ears twitch in annoyance, "no, bastard you have it all wrong!" Antonio made a face of confusion. "I o-only licked your s-side of the d-damn photo…" Now that he actually looked at it, he could see little thin lines over Francis' and Gilbert's faces. He tackled Lovino to couch in happiness and excitement. "I'm so happy, mi Lovinito! Te amo tanto! Así que tanto! Gaaah!~"[I love you so much! So, so much!]

"Allontanati da me, bastard!" Lovino struggled before giving up in Antonio's tight hold. He felt his face blushed a bright red when Antonio groped him. "Alright bastard, I'm hungry." It was true, his stomach was growling and everything. [Get off me, bastard!]

"Alright Lovi, what would you like?"

But who doesn't enjoy Antonio? Those eyes, hair, face.. DAT ASS! /Shot multiple times by Lovino/

Pointless fluff FTW! So what'd you think? Was it good? Awesome? Any request? Hehe… Oh, I listening to Tokyo Teddy Bear and writing this angst-y RusPru… But I keep giving up! D: I can't angst… I need… help… WELL. Did you have a nice Easter? I did. Chocolate everywhere. Love it.

Avis pourmoi,s'il vous plaît? [Review for me, please] Merci!

Ha, it's not even 1,000 words. Dammit I worked hard to get there! I added words and now I there! HA!~