
Most Influential Author


We decided to add a special category to the awards, called the Most Influential Author. You guys were asked to nominate any of the authors who have helped you out in some way or another, be it to improve your writing or pick up the pen yourself. And here's what you told us…

oystercloud18: i'll say ilovesprouse, cuz when i finally get the guts to write a twincest fic of my own (wich may happen soon)i,ll surely think of all his stories, plus im not a native english speaker neither, more of a reason to vote for ilovesprouse as my inspirational author :D

btraddict16: If i had to choose one it would be JDHarris1990. His Twin Twisted and Sea Of Desire stories have inspired me to start a story of my own (Which will hopefully be up soon) His stories attention to detail and realistic plots are amazing! :D

BlendedMinds: Everlasting76 – After reading "Forbidden" I was inspired to write my own twincest story.
disenchantedlife - Whenever I need inspiration for a new idea, I re-read his stories.
Both amazing authors in their own right and all stories are well worth the read! :)

Bloody Queen Mary: Definitely BlendedMinds & ilovesprouse. If it weren't for you guys I probably would've never gotten into writing Twincest. So thanks a bunch for inspiring me with your writing! And ilovesprouse… Thanks for being such an awesome friend!

Long story: Rebecca Keys - Her writing is just amazing! Wonderful narration and perfect atmosphere build-up! Her stories really make you feel like it's really Zack and Cody that you're reading and just characters that being tagged with name "Zack" and "Cody"! If you want a twincest story that is feels very professionally written, I'll highly recommend hers! Long live Rebecca Keys! (Is that a suitable exclamation here?)
Cocoalata - Her story is the first one I read which I can totally feel a quality difference. It tell me that THIS is the quality you shud have in a story. She was also my beta! Thank her so much for spending hours on her computer correcting my crappy English!
ilovesprouse - I was stunned when I first read her "Is This For Real?" I was completely hooked and I've never feel the very feeling I had reading that story from any other story since then. She is the reason I created my account.
Stonerose55 - Outgoing and teen-like narrative voice. Her informal and lively narration has been my constant reference!

ilovesprouse: disenchantedlife - influenced me in writing my Zack/Cody fics when I read hers
Bloody Queen Mary - made me write even more. Haha i think you already knowthis. Your reviews kept me going!
spazmoid - Inspired me to write my Dylan/Cole fics. Reading his fics made me
feel normal. Haha
BlendedMinds - inspired me to write dramatic scenes! Lol
AndradeFreaks - her(?) stories gave me ideas to write my own

Congratulations to all the authors mentioned here! And thank you once again to everyone who helped out with making the first ever Twincest Awards a success. Here's hoping the next one will be even better!

Goodnight, and good luck!