A Holiday Adventure!
This is a science fiction AU crossover of NCIS and Magnificent Seven. This story will be mainly written from the point of view of NCIS, though. I do not own NCIS, Magnificent Seven or Dr. Who or any products associated with any show. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning: May eventually contain disciplinary actions to young adults by parental figures in this story. After all, we all know how rambunctious the "kids" can be when they get together!
A/N: I have often thought that many of the characters on both shows had similar personalities. These are just a few of the personality traits I find in common and is not intended to be a complete list. All characters are loyal to each other. This is how I see them:
Gibbs – Chris (parental type/leadership/gruff)
Jenny – Mary (girlfriend/independence)
Tony – Buck (loyal/a way with the ladies)
Ziva – Vin (curious/tracking skills)
Tim – Ezra (intelligence/communication)
Abby – JD (youth/impulsiveness)
Abby – Josiah (spiritual/understanding)
Palmer – Nathan (physician)
Ducky – Nettie (grandparent type/supportive)
These are NOT pairings, just traits in common.
Chapter 1
Everyone was getting ready for the holiday adventure ahead. The team was excited about a four week Christmas vacation they had planned together. NCIS had enough teams and would take Team Gibbs off the rotation list for four weeks. They would get a temporary replacement for Abby. The team had insisted that they couldn't leave without the "baby." NCIS would also make sure they had replacements for Ducky and Palmer so they could join in on the intended fun.
Jenny knew how hard the team had worked and had insisted they take some of the "comp" time they had all accumulated over the years. Gibbs secretly knew he would enjoy every bit of the time spent with his family. He, of course, had to convince Jenny that he wasn't going without her, telling her something about "not wanting to be alone with the children." Jenny did not let on that she really wanted to go and could not resist ribbing Gibbs about "being unsure he could handle them." He simply said with a smirk, "I know I can handle them because I know I can handle you." He then told her he just did not want to babysit alone. Of course, the independent streak in her wanted to protest, but she wouldn't give Gibbs the pleasure of knowing he had ruffled her. She agreed to go on the trip. Leon Vance would replace her temporarily.
The team was going to ski in Colorado for Christmas. They had also planned a side trip to the Four Corners USA Monument. They thought it would be awesome to stand where four states met in one location. It would be a great historical side trip.
Of course, it took a little convincing to get Gibbs to agree to the side trip. He just wanted to get to the resort and relax. He wasn't even sure how much skiing he was going to do. He just needed to be there to watch over his "family." He knew the mischief they could get into, especially the younger ones. This side trip just did not set well with his famous "gut," but he shrugged it off and had agreed apprehensively.
They were going as a team and as the family they had become over the years. They were going to celebrate Christmas at the ski lodge and had agreed to bring all presents with them. Abby had been looking for the perfect gift for Tim. She had decided to research some online companies for a great sci-fi gift. She saw a website with Dr. Who products. She decided on one in particular and ordered it. "Tim will be pleased," she thought.
Everyone agreed to meet at Gibbs' house Saturday morning. Gibbs had insisted that they get an early start. They had decided in the planning stage of the vacation that it was to be a road trip. Gibbs would drive one vehicle with the four guys accompanying him and Jenny would drive the other vehicle with the two girls accompanying her. The girls would have most of the luggage with them since they had more room in their vehicle. They would rent two large SUVs for the trip. Of course, in the beginning, the "kids" had protested the seating arrangements. They wanted to pair up at their own choosing. As usual, all the arguments were squelched with one infamous Gibbs glare and an admonishment to "suck it up or else." The "kids" knew, from prior experience, not to push the issue once the "or else" decree was spoken. They agreed, but not without pouting.
To everyone's delight, Saturday arrived. Everyone helped pack up the SUVs and with some grumbling from Gibbs about most "not being able to pack with less luggage," the team was on their way to what they all thought was going to be a relaxing vacation.