Author's note : This is it. The end of this fic. I hope it suits your liking. I tried my best. Read and review, got that? If you review, I might post something similar next time.

Once she slammed the phone down, Crystal was breathing hard and her blood was boiling.

Her Pokemon looked terrified – She was usually a cool-headed person, so this outburst was something new and completely foreign to them. Crystal stormed off to her room and sat on her bed silently. It was funny to think she got it all out of her system, but she didn't feel any better. Instead, she felt worse.

"...Is that what you really think?"

She remembered how Gold's voice sounded like – It sounded broken, strangled. Something she was sure didn't suit his personality well. To top it all off, today was Wednesday.And since it was now 10:45 in the morning, she still had about another sixteen hours before she had to meet him up at the Daycare. It might have sounded like a long time; but Crystal knew it wasn't. "Oh, Arceus... I hate this mess," She muttered, covering her face with her hands and lying down on the bed.

She knew she had to apologize.

"...Yo, Mom? Are you listenin'?"

The whole house was silent. All the Pokemon were asleep. Gold was sitting in his Mother's room, looking at a framed picture of them together. He had always avoided this part of the house, except for some occasional dusting. But he was never in there alone. Now however, was different. He looked around the room, and could almost imagine his Mom sitting down on her bed, smiling at him gently.

"I really miss you, you know that? I just... Sometimes, I wonder what would've happen if I'd been there, you know? I could have saved you," Gold shut his eyes, feeling like he was being torn apart by the memories that flooded his mind.

He was out battling other trainers; out to be one of the strongest – and he already was one of the best. It had been just yesterday since he talked to his Mom. Gold called her or at least left her a small message to let her know where every week.

He remembered battling the last gym leader of the Kanto region; Green. They were both on their last Pokemon, both feeling and enjoying the adrenaline. One more hit, and Gold could have won – but that was when one of the trainers in Green's gym ran up to him worriedly, and whispered something in his ear. Gold would never forget the looks on their faces when they looked at him.

Their faces were filled with pity.

They broke the news gently to him; how his Mom died because she was attacked by a wild Ursaring when she was out picking berries with Lickitung in tow. Lickitung wasn't strong enough to fend it off; but it tried its best to carry her all the way back. The townspeople helped the poor Pokemon and victim – but she had lost too much blood, and she wasn't exactly young anymore.

She didn't make it.

Gold remembered how wary he was with his surroundings, how numb and empty he felt. He couldn't believe his Mom was dead – and he couldn't believe a Pokemon could do something like that. When feelings of resentment started to arise towards the creatures, he knew he needed to change. Gold remembered taking the next big step in his life; push away all the resentment and start over new again – with Pokemon. He applied for the Daycare job, and was deemed worthy enough to take over. From that stepping stone, he made his way as a renowned expert in the Breeding world.

But even so, Gold couldn't ever forget how his Mom died. He felt like he was being a traitor, taking care of Pokemon when they were the reason behind his Mom's death.

"If only – if only I was there. But I wasn't. And now – And now someone told me somethin', Mom. And I think maybe she's right. She might not mean what I think she meant, because I really don't understand girls much; but she said I didn't appreciate my family. I guess I could say I appreciated you a lot. Or at least, I hope it was," Gold trailed off. "But I don't think I appreciate my Pokemon as much. They're my family too, right? I just couldn't let go of ya, and take in the fact that you were gone – and remind myself that I still hada family. In fact, my family's growin', Mom. A lot," Gold grinned.

"The Pachirisu pair at the Daycare's gonna have an egg soon, and we're gonna have a new addition to the family. I think – I knowI can start over new with this, Mom. So – so I'd really appreciate it if you'd back me up," For about a millisecond, Gold almost could feel as if his Mom's eyes were on him proudly. "I love you, Mom, I always will. I'm movin' on, and I hope you're okay with that," Gold cast one last look at his Mom's picture, before setting it down.

"I love you, Mom," He walked out of the room and closed the door.

I love you too, Gold.

"Okay, Gold, calm down. You're not meetin' a killer, you're just gonna meet super serious gal; complete the research together, and part ways as friends... hopefully," Gold breathed out loud. It was already two in the morning, and Gold was going to set out for the Daycare. It wouldn't do for the owner of the center to be late. "Bye, guys! Stay safe, got that? Explotaro, Sintaro – you guys are in charge," Gold instructed, before boarding his patiently waiting Mantine.

"If you guys are well-behaved, I'll bring over some Poffins and Pokeblocks I baked, okay?" The Pokemon cheered at this, and proceeded to look like angels. "Ready, Ataro?" The Ambipom nodded, clinging to Gold's front tightly. "Okay, then. Let's go, Mantaro!" Mantaro took off into the air, and soon, they were speeding up towards the Daycare Center. They reached the center at 2:25; Gold noted.

"Thanks, buddy," Mantaro looked tired but happy. He watched as Mantaro stretched out on the floor of the center, making snuffling sounds. It fell asleep in seconds, and Gold wasn't surprised. It was 2.25 in the morning.

"So you're sure we can go back?" One of the workers asked Gold for about the hundredth time. "Yeah, I'll take over, no problemo," Gold assured him with a quick grin. "Thanks!" The worker left with his two other workmates, and they bade goodbye to Gold as they went out. Gold settled himself on the sofa and waited. Ataro jumped next to him and it too, fell asleep.

"Yeah, you go to sleep, buddy. I don't think I can sleep," Gold muttered. He felt like he had Beedrills in his stomach, and doubted he could fall asleep with that.But Gold was proved wrong; because the late nights and energy spent on taking care of baby Pokemon non-stop soon had a toll on him; and he fell asleep.

"Okay, Xatee, thanks. You have a rest now," Crystal called back her Xatu to its respective Poke ball. She took a deep breath and shivered in her clothes; goosebumps breaking over her skin. She wasn't sure what made her nervous; either the cold night air or the prospect of meeting Gold again – after their argument.

"Don't run away, Chris. It's all for the sake of research. Yes," She reminded herself, taking a deep breath. She steeled herself in anticipation, before walking through the door of the Daycare – it was already open. Gold must be here already.

She walked into the lit room cautiously, and stopped short when the sight of a sleeping, bedraggled trainer and two of his sleeping Pokemon around him greeted her eyes. Gold's Ambipom was leaning against him, snoring, while his Mantine had tried its best to plop itself down on the sofa, but failed. The stingray-like Pokemon had its heavy upper half on its trainer's lap, and its lower body on the ground. Crystal would have called the scene cute, except for the trainer.

Crystal knew she was intruding, but couldn't help but creep closer to take a good look at Gold. His hair was in a disarray and unruly like always, bangs spilling over his face. There were tired bags underneath his eyes, and he looked pale. He had a pinched, slightly unhealthy look about him – and Crystal guessed that he had been skipping his meals. The sight caused a twinge of guilt in her heart... just a bit. She cleared her throat, making sure her face looked stern and unapproachable. But Gold didn't even stir.

"Gold, wake up!" She said loudly, and that did the trick.

"Woah!" He jumped in surprise, eyes wide, and Mantaro slid off him onto the floor. It shot a reproachful look at both humans, before crawling off into a corner to sleep. "...S-Sorry, Mantaro! I didn't notice. I'll make it up to ya," Gold said, sounding dazed. The Mantine didn't even deign to look at him. "Didja have to do that? Mantaro's all pissed off now – And he's usually very easygoin'," Gold yawned, covering his mouth. "Maybe I if you didn't fall asleep, then I wouldn't have to wake you up," Crystal snapped in reply, before she could stop herself. She didn't know why, but Gold managed to make her angry so easily.

"Yeah, well... You'd be tired too if you spent half your life lookin' after baby Pokemon. But I'm not complainin'," Gold turned around and walked out to the backdoor. She glared at him from behind.

"C'mon, if you wanna finish your research so bad – It's already 3 am, right? The egg's gonna happen in about an hour. But I'm warnin' you, we're not gonna be able to see the whole process," Gold stated, as they walked towards the backyard.

"I know that. You mentioned yourself no one has ever seen a Pokemon receiving an egg before. I just want to check the egg as soon as it appears. I like to make sure all my theories are proven correct and exactly precise," Crystal replied firmly. "No surprise," Gold muttered. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked angrily. "Nothin'," He said innocently, but Crystal could tell he was avoiding her gaze.

In fact, Gold didn't even look at her since she woke him up.

When the reached the back door, Gold stopped her from opening the door when she attempted to do so. "We'll have to wait here quietly. We don't want them to know we're here. If they do, then it's all over – and they won't be attemptin' to make an egg any earlier than before," Gold said quietly, and he settled himself on the floor. "Look out through the window, but make sure you're not seen," He said sleepily. "...I don't understand. Why wouldn't they want to make an egg next time if they see us?" Crystal asked. Gold leaned his back against the wall and stared at her.

"...That's why you have to get out and experience more instead of bein' stuck in a lab all day," Gold chuckled, but it wasn't humour-filled. She growled lowly. "Easy. I don't think anyone would appreciate it if we caught them tryin' to make an egg. It's a... special moment, ain't it? They'll only end up embarrassed or angry, and before you know it, they'll be breakin' up," Gold replied nonchalantly. But even through the dark, Crystal could see his face turning red. "Oh," She replied softly. "And the egg won't be as brand new as you think. Later, the Pachirisus will take the egg and lay it out in the open. They'll protect it, and some of the Pokemon will be up to protect it too," Gold said.

"Why would they do that?" Crystal wrinkled her nose. "To thank Arceus, is what I kno – I mean, that's what I think," Crystal shot him a suspicious look. Gold seemed to know a lot more than he let on. They both fell silent. Crystal looked through the window and saw the dark backyard. It was a half moon night, and the yard was dimly lit. She could make out Pokemon moving in the background. She glanced at Gold, and saw he was staring dully into the distance. He didn't seem like he wanted to sleep.

She wrapped her arms around her, shivering. Crystal made sure she wore her warmest clothes, but it still didn't do the trick. She rubbed her arms. "Here," Gold handed her the red jacket he wore seconds ago. "I don't need it," She replied sharply, turning her gaze back to the grounds outside.

"You probably don't, sure. But I'm getting' hotter here, and wearin' it ain't helpin' me out much. But I don't think I wanna wear it again later if it's all cold. You'd be doin' me a favour if you wore it," Gold said lazily, waiting for her to take the jacket. For a moment, his eyes met hers. He blinked and looked away awkwardly.

"...Thanks," Crystal murmured, before putting it on.

The fabric was soft and it felt well-used, like Gold had been using it forever. It still had the faint scent of dirt and greenery, along with a musky scent that could be Gold's... Not like she cared. But the strongest scent she discerned on it was Pokemon. The Pokemon here must really love him, to go so close to him that their smells still lingered. To distract herself, she took a look at her Pokegear.

Fifteen minutes had passed. Crystal didn't know how she was going to survive this, but she didn't make a sound. If anything, she would let Gold strike up a conversation first.

Gold swallowed from his slumped position on the floor.

He trained his gaze on anything but the female next to him. The situation was getting more and more awkward. There was a tense silence.




Crystal coughed, and Gold couldn't take it anymore. Bracing himself, he plunged headfirst into what he thought was the depths of despair. Well, the depths of his despair, as he tried to ease the awkward silence. "Yo... Crystal?" He winced when he pronounced her name.

It rolled off his tongue, leaving a slightly bitter taste. She looked at him, and the relief shown on her face motivated him to go on. "About the – about the fight we had earlier. Remember?" Gold mentally slapped himself. Ofcourse she would remember. Shewas the one yelling, after all. "Mm?" She answered nonchalantly. But he could tell she was avoiding looking at him.

"Thanks," He breathed out. "...W-what?" Crystal sounded taken aback. He turned to look her straight on, gathering all his guts and courage to do so.

"You told me that I didn't appreciate my family enough, and – and I thought about it when I got back. It was surprisin', but... But I knowwhat you said was true. I guess I was so hung up on the past – I didn't realize I still hada family. I mean, they might not be blood related, but... But that doesn't matter. All that matters is that they were there for me, and all I did was turn my back on them. I didn't appreciate them as much as I should have. So – so th-thanks," Gold stammered the last bit out, but he didn't break his gaze from her.

Crystal was silent. Of all things, she didn't expect a thank you for all the hurtful things she yelled earlier. Crystal expected him to hate her back, turn bitter, or maybe even do something drastic like ruin her life by refusing to help her in her research. But he did none of those.

"So I understand if you hate me. But I'd really, really like to make up. I hate makin' enemies, especially when you just helped me out. I had it comin'. S-so what d' you say? Do you... wanna start over?" Gold asked, and she saw the cautious and calculating look in his eyes. Crystal didn't know what to say. She could only think of one thing to ask him.

"What did your Mom say?"

The look in Gold's eyes showed that he was taken aback, and also shocked. He was staring at her in disbelief. Crystal narrowed her eyes and looked away. If he couldn't even apologize to his own Mom, she guessed that everything he said before was planned out to trick her into forgiving him. She hated jerks like that. But his next answer made her stiffen as well.

"...She can't answer, Chris. She's dead," His reply was barely audible, and he had looked away from her by now. Crystal felt like she had just been punched. Her mind was reeling. "She died a year back. She was attacked by an Ursaring. I wasn't there to save her," Crystal stared at him, her eyes filling with tears. Gold sounded like he was reciting a few lines, and he was staring at her in a confused manner. But there was also a guarded look in his eyes. "That's what you meant, wasn't it? I didn't appreciate the Pokemon I had? They're my family now," Gold said.

Crystal wanted to lie and tell him yeah, that's what she meant. But she couldn't.

"I have something to say too, Gold," Crystal muttered. Gold looked at her, his forehead creased. Her voice was weirdly thick and she bent her head so he couldn't see her eyes. Her neat fringe fell over her face. She still looked beautiful.

"...I was jealous with you. I thought you still had your Mom. But every time you smiled, it looked forced. When I asked about your family, you sounded fake, too. I – I still have my Mom, but I don't think she cares about me much. She goes on adventures, and sometimes, I have a feeling if she has to pick between her daughter and an adventure; I wouldn't be her first priority. When I said you didn't appreciate your family enough, I meant your Mom. I'm – I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I'm sorry for assuming things. I was just... jealous. Funny what jealousy does to a person, huh?"

Crystal laughed a watery laugh and waited for Gold's reaction. She waited for anger, resentment, and maybe bitterness.

"Hey, it's okay, Crystal. Don't feel bad about yourself. I didn't get what you mean before, but still – at least something good came outta this. I would have been jealous if I were you too. You must have been really lonely, huh?" Crystal rubbed her eyes and stared at him.

"It's really okay. I forgive you. Just – just don't cry anymore, it's makin' me feel guilty," Gold reached up and patted her shoulder. "You just can't be too uptight over it. Open up a little, will ya? You still have your Pokemon, right?" Gold asked awkwardly. That's when it happened.

Before Gold knew what was going on, Crystal had slipped down next to him and kissed him full on the mouth. Gold's mind spaced out and he couldn't even think of anything... Everything was just blank. "...W-Wha?" He started, when she stopped. His lips were tingling, and he was flushed all over and just so embarrassed. Crystal didn't look at him, but he could till feel her breath ghosting over his cheek.

"Thank you, Gold," She murmured. "You're so... frustrating. Hard to understand. I've never met someone like you before. I'd really like to understand you better... Maybe attempt another research? Just that it's on you now," Crystal said softly, making Gold blush in happiness even more. "So you're not interested in the breeding research anymore? The egg's gonna appear any moment now," Gold told her.

"Like you said; the egg's not going to be brand new. But this is," She kissed him again. Gold blushed and thought he would die from a nosebleed, but he didn't. Thank Arceus. He wasn't ready to die yet – not when he'd just met Crystal.

The next day, Elm asked her in the lab.

"So are you satisfied with the research's results? You look very happy," He commented on the young female. She smiled at him, and glanced out the window where Gold was waiting. Gold was taking her out on a date today, accompanied by some of his family members. "...Yeah, very satisfied," She replied, when she caught sight of him. "Goodbye, Professor! The reports are on your table, please check it through!" Crystal grabbed her bag and ran outside. Elm stared after her, filled with suspicion.

"...I have a strange feeling she meant something else,"

And we reach the end of this chapter. Read and review. Reviews mean more stories because the author knows he/she has your support. Bye!