chapter 1
rating: R
pairings: yuki X shuichi, ??
warnings: random lime will pop up where you least expect it. very slight angst, for me, at least. child abuse. baby sitting ryuichi. the normal stuff.
archiving: if you want to, contact me first...
extra info: as i write this, i have four other fan fictions i need to finish, but i don't care. the idea of writing with children appeals to me, and i like this story line as much or more than most of my other ones. i will finish them, soon, even, i just need to get my priorities straight...
desc: a commercial for adoption leads
shuichi to his biggest decision ever. can he raise a child, with what little
help the skeptical yuki has to offer? can he handle what's buried deep
within his chickabiddy? a story of family and how hard it is to the rank.
"Ah – YUKI!" Shuichi forgot any attempts to bite back his cries as he reached climax, spilling his essence into Yuki's hand as the writer groaned above him, also in release.
As they had every night, the lover's tense bodies relaxed, Yuki wrapping Shuichi into his arms. Both of them took in deep breaths, winded by their lovemaking and exhausted. It was three in the morning, and they'd been going on since midnight.
Not constantly, of course, but as it was a Saturday and nobody had to work the following day, they had time for something extra on these nights. Shuichi laid his head on Yuki's chest, listening to the man breathe and reveling in how he moved up and down slowly with the action. Lifting a slender arm, he trailed his finger in a circle right below Yuki's collarbone.
Yuki gave a little grunt. "Hey – stop that. Go to sleep."
Here, Shuichi could have chosen to either shut up and move away from Yuki, close to tears, or to stick his tongue out and talk nonstop for a few minutes.
Shuichi stuck his tongue out.
"You know, Yuki, that's the way you always are, 'bla bla bla I'm going to fuck you a few times then ignore you completely because you're just my little baka toy and you are fun to play with until /I/ am tired and then you aren't even allowed to enjoy my presence because I am such a mean mean person and I hate you Shuichi!' that's what you say, and you know what, I say the same thing because maybe someday I'll be a mean mean person and you'll be the one whimpering and hoping for some affection. Oh Yuki what am I saying? I love you, I won't be mean to you Yuki, Yuki are you listening Yuki?"
With a groan, Yuki put his hand to his temples and rubbed furiously. "Yes, yes, I am, sadly."
"Well what?"
"Well I'm right, aren't I? You hate me."
"That's right, now go to sleep."
"Ah, Yuki," Shuichi giggled nasally. He wrapped his arms around the slim neck and nuzzled. "I love you."
"Yeah," Yuki replied lazily.
When a few moments had passed and the singer was mewling like a kitten in his sleep, Yuki shifted his weight a little and put his arms around Shuichi in return. He knew that by the time Shuichi woke up he would have moved and thrashed around enough so that the little baka would never know Yuki had bothered.
This was good, though. And Yuki smiled through the darkness, content as he was.
Shuichi awoke to the thick smell of bacon and the sizzling of a frying pan. He grinned, sitting up like a flash and throwing the blankets off the bed. Stark naked, he jumped down, making it halfway out the door before he realized he needed clothes. Not only were there possibly tabloids lurking outside the windows, but normal, healthy minded people wore clothes around the house, and Shuichi was slowly starting to learn this.
Instead of getting dressed, though, he shrugged, strutting into the bathroom and turning on the water. After a few minutes of lathering up his hair, he heard someone enter the room. Smugly, he turned the water down a bit.
"Shuichi, there's food for you on the table."
Shuichi's heart sank as he poked his head out of the curtain to see Yuki leaving. "Yuki?"
"What?" the blond didn't even turn around. Shuichi pouted.
"Want to come in here?" he asked lightly, trying to sound seductive.
"I already showered," came the reply, and the door closed heavily. Shuichi blinked, the water dripping down his face inclining him to cry. He didn't, though, and turned the water back up. While rinsing his hair, he sighed; he was disappointed in being alone and had to force himself to understand why. Yuki just didn't want to get in the shower again. It made sense.
/Then why do I feel so lonely?/
He finished up his shower quickly, barely even cleaning himself, then hopped out, slipping on the floor and bruising his side as he rushed to get dry and dressed. Yuki had made breakfast and he wasn't going to miss it.
"YU-KIIIII!" he cried merrily, hopping into the kitchen draped in an oversized shirt. Sniffing around, he spotted bacon and took a piece, opening his mouth to eat it. He looked around, blinking. Quite suddenly he put down the greasy food and whimpered.
He was gone. It took a moment of silence, the kind of silence that echoes through a house and one's mind, before Shuichi realized. Yuki'd gone out somewherewithout saying goodbye.
Now Shuichi cried.
He flopped down onto the couch, crying and flailing his arms and legs and screaming like a three year old having a temper tantrum. He beat his fists down on the cushions, wailing and sobbing, wetness flowing like a river from his eyes and nose. After five minutes of such behavior he calmed down, sniffling pathetically into his arms and lying flat on his stomach, stretched out on the couch, his rear hanging out from under the shirt he wore. In his haste, it was all he had put on – the shirt. Wiping his nose, he yanked the tails down and sat up, sinking cross legged into the soft folds of the pillows, grabbing the remote control and flipping on the T.V. in hopes that maybe Yuki was on some talk show.
/Then I can see him,/ he thought stubbornly.
"Ohayoo, Tokyo!" The happy, bouncy haired host cried. "Please stay tuned – a word with the hit writer Yuki Eiri after some announcements from our sponsors!"
"YUKIIIII you're on T.V. and you didn't TELL MEEEEEE!" Shuichi threw another fit, the surprise that he had been right filtering out with his childish temper tantrum number two. After a full thirty seconds of screaming and flailing, Shuichi forced himself to calm down and watch the show. It was commercials. Good, he thought, now I have to WAIT for Yuki to show up.
"-need your help," a sad lady was saying. Shuichi blinked as pictures of little children appeared on the screen.
"They are waiting eagerly for a home, and a family. Help make their dreams come true," the lady continued. Shuichi was surprised to find that her words were moving him to tears. The children were smiling and happy. It showed a child being lifted into a man's strong arms, beaming happily and hugging him around the neck.
"These children have never known a mother or father. They were abandoned or given up for adoption at birth. Please, if you can find the room in your heart for another, stop by your adoption agency today and find out how you can make a difference."
"I want to help," Shuichi told the T.V miserably. He chewed on the edge of a pillow, tears streaming down his cheeks. He wished he had Yuki to hug and cry into. Instead, he clung to his pillow, after a while giving up on chewing it and simply sucking his thumb instead. The show was back on.
"Please welcome – Yuki Eiri!"
The fangirls screamed as loud as they would at a concert as Yuki slumped out on stage.
"He's not THAT great," Shuichi said angrily, face turning red from jealousy. He wanted to be one of those screaming fangirls in the audience. Ah, Yuki.
"Yorosiku," Yuki commented lightly, sitting down in the chair they gave him and looking very uncomfortable. The bouncy haired girl sat down next to him.
"We're very glad to have you with us today, Yuki-san! Now," she said to the audience, "we have a special treat that Yuki-san has agreed to! Later in the show, if your number is called, you can come down for a kiss with the most romantic man in all of Japan!"
Shuichi's jaw dropped. "WHAAAAT?!"
The audience was rocketing and jumping and screaming and falling all over the place. Shuichi thought his speakers would burst. He could see the look on Yuki's face. It was smug, but annoyed. Yuki hated loud things.
"Hmph," Shuichi grunted, annoyed to hell, but somewhat subdued. The commercial had put him off his edge. Kids with no families – what the hell was wrong with the world? As mad as he was at Yuki, the feeling in the pit of his stomach wouldn't go away.
"What's the title of your next novel going to be, Yuki-san?"
"I don't know. The publisher normally names them, not me. The editor said they were considering the title 'NICE', but it's not final."
"'NICE'? What significance does this have to the plot?"
"Nothing. The titles never do. They are just supposed to be eye catchers."
"I see." Bouncy haired girl was somewhat taken aback. Shuichi stuck his tongue out at the T.V.
The audience was whimpering for attention and finally, the host decided to take questions. A girl stood up.
"Um Yuki-san?! Why did you kill off Judy?! I cried for HOURS! It was so sad – she should have stayed with Rich in the first place, but it was so sad! Why was it so sad." She sat down, twittering like a baby bird to her friends about the romantic way Yuki looked at her.
Yuki looked like he was going to kill something. "Because she was annoying. He was better off without her, and she cheated on him anyway. Besides, it's just fiction."
The audience murmured at this, and Shuichi was completely clueless. He'd never read any of Yuki's novels, because they were sappy and gross and mushy. Shuichi was grossed out by girls who acted sappy and gross and mushy.
"Next!" Bouncy cried. The girl who had been talking burst into tears and sat down. A quiet girl wearing glasses stood, nerdishly pushing the frames up her nose and coughing.
"Are you and Shindo-san of BAD LUCK still together?" she mumbled quietly. The audience's whispers rose to a dull roar before quieting into silence as Yuki opened his mouth to answer. Shuichi was beside himself. /What if he says no? What if he says no or says he hates me on T.V.? What will I do?!/ Biting the pillow again, Shuichi turned up the volume to listen.
"We are," Yuki said with a slight smile. The girls were on the edges of their seats waiting to hear more, but Yuki left it at that and closed his eyes, content with his short answer.
Another stood up. "Why don't you break up with him?!" she shrieked hysterically.
"Excuse me?" Yuki blinked, a little surprised at this.
"You should break up with him – it's been like, a year or two! Maybe someone else wants a chance!"
Some other girls were now whispering their agreement to what she was saying. Yuki's face was unreadable. Shuichi's eyes were dinner plates.
"Um…" said the host. It was obvious she hadn't meant for the interview to delve so deeply into Yuki's personal life. It looked like she wanted to cut the cameras, but Yuki stood up. Now it was obvious what his expression was.
"You want me?" he said angrily, but still calmly, at the girl. "Why? Do you know me?"
"I…" she was speechless. "I…someone…who…writes such novels…must be…"
"You don't know me," Yuki growled. "You honestly expect me to break up with someone I love because some pathetic TEENAGE FANGIRL wants a CHANCE at me?! For nothing – for nothing other than my novels and looks?
"I'm a little bit better than that," he finished solidly, sitting down again. "And if you people are my real fans, you wouldn't insult me by saying things like what that girl just said."
It had passed in an instant, but Shuichi had caught it, kept it, and was holding it hostage. He clung tighter to the pillow, tears streaming down his face.
Someone he loves…?
to be continued.
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