I don't own Bleach.

Ch. 1

Kaien Kurosaki sat in their English class, flicking a gnat that landed on his desk. His twin sister, Masaki, sat next to him blowing a piece of hair out of her face. The teacher asked a question and Evee Schiffer's hand shot into the air.

"Miss Schiffer, can you translate for us?"

"Um..." Evee thought for a second, and then gave an answer worthy of her mother's imagination. "Something about robot cheese warriors taking over the earth and forcing us all to be their slaves? Oh! And we'd have to work in a cheese mine for the rest of our lives! And then-"

"I think that's enough," the teacher cut her off. Kaien rolled his eyes and Masaki was trying hard not to laugh at her friend.

"Kurosaki," the teacher called out.

"Yes?" the twins replied in unison. The teacher sighed as part of the class giggled.


Kaien stood up and opened his mouth to read when his breath caught in his throat. He saw Masaki and Evee stiffen on either side of him and knew they'd sensed too. A very high reiatsu. Right next to the school.

"I have to go to the nurse!" the twins shouted, Masaki standing up. Evee stood up too, her chair almost falling backward.

"I'll take them!"

The teacher waved a hand and they all ran out of the room.

"What the hell has spiritual pressure this high?" Kaien asked as they turned a corner, slipping out of their bodies.

"Whatever it is, it's really close," said Evee. She now wore the uniform of the Espada, while the other two had Shinigami uniforms, and bone fragments framed her face and formed into flowers, that resembled her mother's Shun-shun Rikka, in her dark hair.

"You don't think Dad's, y'know, gone berserk again?" Masaki asked, pulling her long black and orange hair into a ponytail. Kaien was quiet for a second, his violet eyes concentrated on the floor in front of him.

"I don't think so. The reiatsu doesn't feel the same."

There had been a time, three years ago, Ichigo had lost control of his Hollow. If Rukia hadn't stepped in, he probably would've killed their kids.

The three of them reached the door and burst into the courtyard, the twins with their hands on their zanpaku-to.

"Are you sure it's here?" Masaki asked.

"This is where it feels the strongest," Kaien answered.

"Well, you aren't exactly the best at tracking reiatsu."

Kaien rounded on his sister. "Oh yeah? Well if you're so smart, let's see you find it!"

"Um, guys?" said Evee, tapping on Kaien's shoulder.

"What?" they both shouted. Evee held her hands up in surrender, then pointed to a spot in front of them. The reiatsu rose and they all struggled to stay on their feet.

"Found it," Masaki mumbled. A man stood in front of them. He had slicked-back brown hair with a piece hanging in his face and brown eyes that held a slight glint of insanity behind them. He was also wearing the white kimono that Soul Society prisoners wore.

"Don't you three look familiar?" He said mockingly. "Let me think, Kurosaki and the Kuchiki girl-" he looked at the twins, "-and Schiffer and Inoue? She's definitely your mother judging by your-er-'friends'."

Evee glared and crossed her arms over her large chest.

"Who are you?" Kaien barked.

"And how do you know our parents?" Masaki cut in. The man just smiled and flash-stepped so that he was right in front of them. Kaien and Masaki started to pull out their zanpaku-to when someone shouted from behind the man.


Ichigo Kurosaki stood on the other side of the courtyard, already with his zanpaku-to out. Seconds later, Rukia appeared beside him with Ulquiorra and Orihime. The man smiled over his shoulder at them.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything, yet."

And with that, he flash-stepped away, leaving three, very confused teenagers in his wake.

"What just happened?" Evee asked. Ichigo's eyes traveled over the three of them before he answered.

"Nothing. He must have just been an insane, escaped prisoner."

"Then how did he know you?" Masaki asked. Rukia sighed then put a hand on Ichigo's arm.

"I think we should tell them."

Ichigo looked up at Ulquiorra, hoping for some back-up, but the arrancar just shook his head.

"Fine. I guess we have to tell them," said Ichigo.

"Tell us what?" Kaien asked.

"That man was Sosuke Aizen," Ulquiorra said with a slightly bitter tone. "He betrayed all the Shinigami, created the arrancars, and tried to kill the Spirit King."

"Along with a ton of other people," Orihime cut in.

"What do you mean?" Evee asked slowly. Their parents exchanged a look, then told them the whole story from Rukia's execution to Ichigo losing his powers. The three of them were quiet for a second before Kaien finally asked, "So why's he back?"

"I don't know," Rukia started to say.

"If I had to take a guess," Ulquiorra said, "I'd say he's probably looking for revenge. I'm sure the prison drove him insane."

"But if he's looking for revenge on Dad for beating him, why would he come find us?" Kaien asked. Masaki elbowed him in the ribs, making him hunch over.

"What was that for?"

"You idiot. Think about it. What's the one thing Mom and Dad are most afraid of?"

Kaien thought for a few seconds and Evee caught on before he did.


"From now on, if you guys feel something," Ichigo started, "even if it's just a Hollow, I want you to let us handle it."

Kaien and Masaki started to protest when Evee cut them off.

"Okay, Mr. Kurosaki. We promise!"

The twins grumbled behind her as the bell rang. A few seconds later there was a loud scream from one of the windows.

"Oh my god!" someone shouted. "They're not breathing! Do you think they're dead?"

"Oh, for crying out loud..." Rukia muttered, walking toward the door. "How many times do I have to tell you two, don't leave your bodies lying around?"

"Sorry, Mom," said the twins, sheepishly while Rukia grumbled, "Just like your father. Every time!"

She disappeared through the door. A few minutes later, there was a loud pop and a large flash of smoke from the fourth floor. Soon after, Rukia appeared in the doorway, somehow supporting all three of their bodies.

"Someone come help me."

The three kids got back into their bodies.

"Do you think it was a good idea to use the memory thing on so many people at once?" Ichigo asked.

"Why? They should all have the same memory replacing it."

"I wonder what it is..." Orihime thought out loud.

Their question was answered the next day when a student came up to Kaien during lunch.

"How'd you guys get out of that without a scratch?" the boy asked.

"Get out of what?"

"The Yakuza guys raiding the school yesterday! You three were right in the middle of the fight!"

"One of the guys tried to get Kaien with a knife," Masaki started, pulling up her sleeve to show a cut she'd gotten for a fight with a Hollow, "but I jumped in front of him. That's about when the alarms started going off, so they left."

"Oh, yeah, I remember now."

Kaien raised his eyebrows at his sister. "Nice save."

Masaki just shrugged, her brown eyes glinting evilly. "I've just gotten really good at making up cover stories for whenever you let something slip."

"Hey, it's not always-"


The two of them looked up to see Evee running across the classroom toward them.

"Evee, what're you-?"

"It's him-Aizen! He's-He's back."

Ok, the Ulquihime thing was for my friend. I actually couldn't care less who Orihime ends up with...as long as it isn't Ichigo. He belongs with Rukia.