Living in the past is a luxury none of us can afford. We must learn from it, but we cannot live there. It is impossible to plan for the [now]-the present is ever fleeting. [The future] is where we must live-[the future] is what we must plan for.

Quoted from Halo3, via forerunner terminal found in campaign game play.

Summer of 102 years After Sozin's Comet

Azula felt uneasy. She always felt like this when her mother came to visit. It was like clockwork, twice each month her mother would visit. The princess didn't understand why her mother chose to keep visiting. Didn't the woman understand that she wasn't wanted around? Azula fought back tears, she wasn't weak. Her time in the asylum was her own personal form of hell. Being alone with her thoughts was terrifying, Personal demons came back to haunt her every night. The room was almost empty, Save for herself and sparse furniture. A small uncomfortable bed was placed inches from the whitewashed wall facing opposite of the door.

Across from her bed was a small wooden table with two chairs. The quality of the table was obviously substandard. It was as if someone decided to take the door of a rickety old shack attach legs to it and call it a table. The vanity to the left of the door was simple and unadorned. Various books covered the table. Some of the works literature pertained to bending, both the practice and theory of said subject. To Azula's chagrin there was precious little on air bending, just vague theories and guess work. Which made that information useless and of no value. This meant that the only information she could rely on were from her encounters with the avatar. Her research on the other forms of bending was far more productive. To be honest she enjoyed it. Reading was a distraction, it warded off nostalgia. During the last two years she thought about the past. She didn't think about how things could have been now. It was of no use, the events of the comet already happened... Azula would have liked nothing more than to stand victorious over the corpse of her brother and that water tribe whore. Revenge was a word she once savored. However, she knew it unlikely for any assassination attempt to succeed in her fractured state of mind.

Every time the entertained such thoughts, A part her psyche would just sadly shake its head and logic would simply shoot down every plan she came up with. Perhaps in a way being in imprisoned in the "Looney Bin" made her older and wiser, but she was still angry and bitter.


During that fateful Agni Kai, Zuko shrugged of everything she threw at him. Agni seemed to be content with dropping favors in to her brother's lap. In fact now he had everything.


Her brother took everything from her.

Her title.

Her throne.

And by sending her here…he finally destroyed her reputation and stole her dignity. In retrospect, sending her here was a masterstroke. It was a pity he didn't realize how well he had played the game. If it were at a different time and if it had been a different person, she almost would have….Congratulated him. What better way defeat someone then by destroying their reputation? And by playing the peace maker she mused, Fire Lord Zuzu had made himself popular with the common populace. Azula was forced to admit that her brother's exile taught him lessons that made him more formidable than she calculated.

While she had stood on the plateau of her own excellence, her brother struggled and seemed to fail miserably at every endeavor. Her father being the fool she now realized him to be simply assumed Zuko to be weak and ignored him. Azula shook her head sadly she should paid closer attention to her brother, instead of sitting back and laughing at his failures. Exile forced specific lessons on Zuko. The first was how to work with limited resources. The second was self-reliance. He had been forced to adapt and evolve because of his situation. Experience wasn't kindest teacher to her brother, but it was likely the wisest. The ordeal of exile transformed Zuko from a frustrated and angry child into the stoic and patient individual that vexed her every time he came to visit.

She would never respect or forgive him but, she was forced to acknowledge that he wasn't weak like she and her father assumed he was. This was a compliment Zuko would never hear.

Azula snorted...thinking was useless. She had been sitting at the foot of her bed in the fetal position since mourning. Hopefully her breakfast would stay down. Her stomach churned in protest, the food tasted so bland it might well be poisoned. Sometimes Azula wished the food was poisoned...At least it would taste like something instead of paste.

The princess grunted in annoyance and sighed. Today she would have the honor and privilege of meeting Dr. Song again. A so called "Expert" who thought he could fix her.

She didn't want to be fixed! She just wanted to get out of this place. She wanted freedom. Azula clenched her eyes shut as they watered. She blinked several times and rubbed her eyelids with her right hand. There was a knock at the iron door. The voice that came afterward was feminine.

"Excuse me, Miss Azula? Doctor Song is ready to see you."

"Right" Azula muttered "I'm looking forward this"

The princess placed her hands on her knees, leaned against the wall, and bought herself into a standing position. Two orderlies came through the door shortly afterward.

The princess brought her hands forward and the orderlies placed pair of hand cuffs around her wrists. She caught a glance herself in the vanity's mirror. Nothing really changed. The bangs of her hair were still messy and it was still in the loose ponytail that she wore for eighteen months.

It was always the same, she would be marched into Dr. Song's office and be expected answer question and talk about her feelings. In her mind it was a futile endeavor. The princess had already stated her opinions, and in regards to her emotional state she only spoke to select few. The doctor was not a part of that privileged company. Why? Because it never concerned him; it was none of Doctor Song's business. Azula's brow slanted downward in irritation. The sooner she got to that Imbecile's office, the sooner she would be rid of him for the day. Thankfully it was quiet today, No screams, no moaning, or other noises that would be certain to cause a headache. The group soon came to a door conveniently labeled with the good doctor's name and job title. An orderly knocked at the door and announced Azula's presence.

Doctor Song was a man who disliked complications. And with the princess there were always complications. The doctor was a middle aged man who looked slightly older than he really was. Today would be another day where he made no progress with the girl whatsoever. He would ask his questions and Azula would play coy and deflect them with an inquiry of own. With certain subjects such as her mother and brother she would flat out refuse.

"Doctor Song?" An orderly spoke. "Your appointment is here"

The doctor sighed and prepared himself for the ordeal to come.

"Send her in" He rasped.

Azula walked in to his office and seated herself on the chair in front of his desk. The princess fixed him with the same glare that she always did.

"So Princess, how are you today?" the doctor addressed, hopefully she would be civil, that was in severe doubt.

Azula's reply was laconic.


Well this was going to be interesting. Dr. Song concluded.

"And why do feel this way"

"It's simple really, I…Just…Don't…Like…You"

Doctor Song expected this, Azula as was being petulant…again.

"What about your family Azula, Your brother? Or your mother?"

The princess's tone became venomous.

"That's private."

The Doctor knew he would regret asking the question. He would also was going to regret the downward spiral that this conversation was heading towards. Despite all the instinctual warnings that rang in his mind, he asked the question and regretted it soon afterwards.

"Why?" he asked "why is it private."

Azula was losing her patience with this man.

"You just don't get it, do you? So let me elaborate. The subject of my mother is none of your business. The subject of my brother is also none of your business."

Doctor Song sighed.

"Wouldn't you feel better if you talked about it?"

Azula was tempted to throttle him at that moment. He wasn't listening!

"No." She growled dangerously "Not…With…You"

The Doctor sighed and pinched his nose, this meeting went nowhere.

"You are aware that your mother is scheduled to visit you today."

"Yes" Azula chimed with sarcasm. "I know that"

The glanced left towards the orderly at the door.

"Take Azula back to her room" Dr. Song voiced tersely "We're down here."

The Orderly nodded and beckoned the princess to stand up. After standing from the door, she pivoted to the door walked out. The return trip was the same as the previous one. She was flanked by two orderlies and escorted back to her room.

The journey to see her daughter was longer than Ursa would have liked. Her visitation wasn't the only reason she was here. She was also here to discuss her daughter's current state of mind, and hopefully arrange Azula's release from this place. Her return home was bittersweet. After six years she was overjoyed at the prospect of seeing her children again. Unfortunately along her homecoming was tempered by bad news. First it was the sight of her son's scars. Then she heard the subject of her daughter; the casual cruelty and Azula's eventual breakdown on the day of the comet. Ursa desperately asked Zuko what happened to her daughter. It was a sore subject for him but, her son elaborated in the most impartial and earnest manner he could. To be honest she blamed herself. She also blamed her husband.

How could he neglect and abuse his own son?

How could he poison the mind of little girl?

The thought of her husband made Ursa livid. She went to Ozai's prison cell after she returned and spoke her mind. She expressed her disappointment and anger with him.

She RAGED about how much she trusted him.

She RAGED that he couldn't be trusted…lest of all with children.

But most of all Ursa RAGED.

The former exile said things and spoke in a manner that she never thought she would. Before leaving, she gave her former husband a warning.

"If you ever… Come near my children again…I...WILL…END...YOU!"

The distressed mother sighed and walked through double doors in front of the mental health facility. She tried distracting herself with happier thoughts. Her son's wedding was coming next month. The prospect of such a happy occasion did little to lift her spirits. Ursa sat in the lobby and waited. She was the one who visited Azula most often, which meant that some of the staff knew her by name.

The female clerk at the front desk summoned Ursa over.

"Lady Ursa, are you here to see Doctor Song?"

The mother shook head slowly.

"No, I'm here to see my daughter. Could you please take me to her room?"

The Clerk nodded, snapped her head and shouted behind her.

"Hey Saito! Get over here!"

Saito was young man in his late teens. His appearance was plain and unremarkable. Saito like his looks suggested, was an average guy. He came through a set of double doors and beckoned the female visitor to follow him. The visitor was apparently Azula's mother, which meant he would be taking the woman to room 364. The trip was to the princess's room was uneventful. He opened the door and allowed the visitor to walk through.

Ursa took deep breath and walked into the doorway. Her daughter was sitting at a small table with a collection of books strewn across it. She wasn't sure what to say to her daughter, so she kept it simple.

"Hi Azula, how are you?"

The girl tensed at the sound of her mother's voice. Right now all she wanted was, to be left alone. Azula summoned all the venom her tongue could muster and spoke her wishes.


"Azula please" the mother pleaded "just talk to me."

"Why do even come here? Shouldn't you be back at the palace coddling Zuko?"

Ursa closed her eyes and shook her head slowly

"I came here because, you're my daughter and I want to help you."

Azula set the book down and set her hands at her temples.

"Oh, so you heard the horror stories-"

Mother cut her off.

"It doesn't matter."

The princess was unimpressed.

"Don't give me that nonsense, you're scared like everyone else!"

"No Azula", the mother replied "I'm not afraid of you, I never was."

Ursa continued speaking.

"But I am scared for you. What's happened? Please, let me help you."

Her daughter shoved herself from the table and stood up with clenched fists.

"I don't want your help!" Azula raged. "Now leave! Besides, you never cared and you never loved me!"

"Azula" Ursa replied "I do care, and I do love you"

Azula's mask of anger transferred from confusion and into anguish. She tried to hold back the tears; she tried to say how much she hated the woman. Emotion defeated reason and composure, forcing her to collapse into a sobbing heap.

Ursa stepped forward slowly and tried help her daughter back to her feat. Azula would have none of it and slapped her hand away. Ursa's second attempt was more decisive. The mother grabbed Azula by the wrists and brought her into a fierce hug.

"It's alright. Let it go, let it all out."

There was little more to say at that moment despite all the failings in their relationship, Despite failing her daughter, Ursa wanted to try again. It would be difficult, But having her daughter back would be worth all trials that lay ahead her.

"I'll be back next week."

It was a promise Ursa intended to keep. Azula being the suspicious and cynical person that she was questioned her mother's motives.

"What are you planning?"

Ursa sighed in frustration but remained composed.

Right… trust issues

"It's a surprise dear"

Azula snorted.

"I hate Surprises"

Zuko sat at his desk face down and groaned from his newest headache. Being fire lord was more of a chore than most people realized. First was "colonial" problem; representatives from the earth kingdom were adamant in their position, they wanted the territory taken from them during the war back.

And in most cases it wouldn't have been a big problem but like everything else in his life it got complicated. The fire lord looked up at ceiling. His irritable expression asking the powers that be what else could go wrong. On top of the political issues he also had a wedding to plan for. He paused for a moment and smiled, that was an event that he was looking forward to. That thought was interrupted by the fact that his sister was being released from the mental health facility that she had been detained in. he wasn't able to visit of often as he would have liked due his responsibilities. Thoughts of his sibling always brought a bitter cocktail of mixed emotions to his gut. In many ways Zuko was still angry about his history with Azula. Always perfect, always the center of attention, always eager join in fathers' abuse of him. This was tempered by his pity for her situation. He noticed she was slipping at the time of the comet. It made him wonder if her hold on reality was always so precarious. When he had the previous staff returned from their stations, he made it a point to find out what led Azula to that state of mind.

Was it really that simple? Paranoia?

That thought beckoned another question.

Why? What caused it?

If things went according to what mother planed then Azula would be released next week. Zuko took a deep breath if and when Azula got out she would be sent here to the palace. His eyes rolled upward, arguments would be inevitable. This made quite it likely that Azula and Mai would have to kept at opposite ends of the palace grounds. The future battles were something the fire lord would much like to avoid, or at the very least keep from getting out of hand.

Author's notes

This isn't a fic about redemption or revenge. It's about closure, putting the past to rest.

In regards to Azula I decided to give a slight case of general misanthropy .that means a general dislike for the world and everyone in it. Also I would point out that as this story continues, her mind may change; her opinions may change but, her strength and personality won't.

When writing about her meeting with her mother Ursa, it was difficult and awkward. Then again that's also my interpretation their relationship.

Since this is my first fanfic, I hope to be given some allowances on this work of fiction.